The lost plateau - The lost brother - Masterpost

Jul 01, 2016 02:05

Title : The lost plateau - The lost brother
Author : siriala
Artist : dun
Rating : NC-17
Word count : 31 K
Fandom : Supernatural (partial fusion with The Lost World)
Genre : wincest AU
Characters : Dean Winchester, Sam Wesson, OC Jenn Shore Mills, Meg Masters, Bobby Singer, Samuel Campbell, Castiel, Guy, Uriel, Rachel ; mentions of Edgar, Ellie Wisyak, Mary Winchester, John Winchester
Pairings : Dean/Sam, hints of Jenn/Meg, implied and past Dean/Jenn and Sam/Jess
Beta : honscot
Disclaimer : Neither the shows nor the characters that inspired me are mine, the fic is a mere testimony of my love for them and I'm making no money off of my writing. Supernatural belongs to Eric Kripke and the CW ; The Lost World, based on the book written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, belongs to Coote Hayes Productions and other companies, see IMDb page for more details.
Warnings/enticements : virgin sacrifice, public nudity and sex, dub-con (only in the sense that the intercourse doesn't happen in the place and time both protagonists wanted it to for their first time, but they definitely want each other), bottom!Sam, top!Dean, hurt Dean and hurt Sam, human Castiel, big and savage beasts (mostly invented but based on real dinosaurs, what we think we know about them anyway)

Summary : Marooned on the high plateau of the lost world they came to explore, the members of the Campbell-Singer expedition have to fight for their lives.

| Masterpost | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Author's notes | AO3 | Art Post |

Notes : my entry for the 2016 spn_j2_bigbang challenge, this fic is loosely based on the premise of the 1999 Canadian-Australian TV show The Lost World to give an alternate playing ground to the Supernatural characters. I only used the way they find themselves trapped on a remote place they can't escape and a few details like the group's structure, the rest is pure invention out of my imagination as well as recycling and alteration of the Supernatural canon. The original character Jenn Shore Mills is a thinly veiled disguise to have Danneel Harris Ackles play in this universe. Also, I'm using the original, blonde Meg Masters in this because I liked her a lot.

My oh-so-talented artist dun created such beautiful artwork that I just couldn't wait to share it all with everyone. Even if you don't plan to read this fic, I can't encourage you enough to go visit her masterpost to admire her wonderful art. Thanks again, dun, it was a pleasure working with you :)

Many thanks this year again to Wendy for offering us writers and artists a safe place to play as well as hours of fannish reading, I hope you take pleasure in the challenge as much as we do thanks to you.

My deepest thanks go to my incredible beta, honscot, who is tireless, dedicated, always respectful and full of pertinent advice. Every time I see the thorough and time-consuming work she does on my fics, I want to cite her as a second writer. She's too modest to accept the idea, so let it be known that this story wouldn't be half what it is now if it wasn't for her involvement and talent. I couldn't do it without you, honscot.

character: dean winchester, tvshow: supernatural, challenge: spnj2bigbang, pairing: dean/sam, character: sam winchester, series: the lost plateau, masterpost, fic

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