SPN Reverse Bang: Worlds Apart, But Still So Close

Nov 18, 2011 21:08

Art prompt and some additional drawings for Worlds Apart, But Still So Close by morganoconner, as part of spn_reversebang
Glad to have a chance to participate a bit this year :D

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art: fan art, pairing: dean/castiel, genre: slash, art: speedy, fandom: supernatural

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Comments 91

eternal_moonie November 18 2011, 14:18:23 UTC

This is AMAZING!!!

Love it all!!

Great job my friend!


artmetica November 19 2011, 00:47:40 UTC
Oh thank you! I'm so happy that you loved these! ^^ ♥


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artmetica November 19 2011, 00:48:46 UTC
Haha simpler is better, maybe XD
Thank you for the lovely comment!


morganoconner November 18 2011, 14:26:42 UTC
I don't even have words. Oh my god, sweetie. *flails and loves all over you some more*

The original prompt was so much fun to work with. Thank you so much for letting me run wild with it!

As for the other pictures that I hadn't seen before today...

*ALL THE HEARTS IN EYES FOREVER* I love love love the one with Castiel touching Dean's arm, that first spark of connection. You captured it flawlessly, exactly how I pictured it in my head, and it's just stunning to see!

The one with creeper!Cas made me giggle, but I also squealed, because it turned out awesome, and I love that there was a pic with Sammy in it as well. ♥

And Castiel remembering Hell... OMG. His face. *wibble ( ... )


artmetica November 19 2011, 12:39:20 UTC
Yaaaaay! Thank you for everything, sweetie! ^^ ♥

I'm so happy you liked these pieces that accompany your fic, although I drew them kinda late ;p
And it's been a pleasure to work with you too~! *hugs*


salty_catfish November 18 2011, 14:33:05 UTC
omg so much art :D I LOVE the banner for some reason, really effective.


artmetica November 19 2011, 12:40:38 UTC
Thank you, dear! ^^
Now I'm off to adore your beautiful works! XD


quickreaver November 18 2011, 15:17:21 UTC
You always do such amazing work, and this is no exception! It's all gorgeous. The banner is a lovely concept. And Sammy! You hardly ever paint Sammy!

Wonderful, start to finish. *highfives*


artmetica November 19 2011, 12:46:33 UTC
LOL damn, I don't draw Sam often, do I? People seem surprised haha XD

Thank you so much for the lovely comment! :D


quickreaver November 19 2011, 16:24:10 UTC
No surprise! ;) Just wistful dreaming... Your guys are just so lovely I want ALL OF THEM!


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