SPN Reverse Bang: Worlds Apart, But Still So Close

Nov 18, 2011 21:08

Art prompt and some additional drawings for Worlds Apart, But Still So Close by morganoconner, as part of spn_reversebang
Glad to have a chance to participate a bit this year :D

Fic Masterpost

Also available in e-Books: PDF (with art) | EPUB (text only) | PRC (text only)

Prompt title : Crash Into Me      Artist : artmetica      Fic Title : Worlds Apart, But Still So Close      Author : morganoconner      Fandom/Genre : Supernatural, AR      Pairing(s) : Dean/Castiel pre-slash      Rating : PG-13 (fic) / PG (art)      Word Count : 6,200      Warnings (art) : Wings, a bit of creeper!Cas      Summary : Dean's best friend has gone missing, but that's not actually his biggest problem. No, his biggest problem would be the guy with the fifteen-foot wingspan and too-familiar blue eyes that just crashed through his window.      Thanks to :
  • morganoconner for picking up the prompt and writing a story to go with it, while also being very patient and helpful ;)
  • petite-madame for the divine guidance and quick beta work ^^ ♥
  • spn-reversebang mods, for all their efforts in running this challenge :D

Crash Into Me

This was the original prompt (#1050).
Honestly, I don't even know what this pic was about, it was drawn on a single day with no planning XD But...!
I'm so glad morganoconner was inspired and picked this up! Thank you so much, dear

additional drawings

I thought the above drawing would be the only thing I'd have time to submit, but then I had some free time this week, so I tried drawing some more based on the fic.
No titles yet, so suggestions are much appreciated! :D


Well... at this point maybe Cas shouldn't still be dripping, but drawing water drops is fun, no?


(Unintentional) creeper!Cas :p
The softest brush (0% hardness) is a quick way to cheat put a background/character with only blots of colours :p


Hehehe I'm lazy so I tried making a chain brush for this one to save time.
It's a messy brush (just use it in quick strokes), here's the link if anyone wants to try it (it's the last one in the set)

EDIT: I forgot to put the cover ^^;


Um... That's all ^^;

Thanks for viewing! :D

art: fan art, pairing: dean/castiel, genre: slash, art: speedy, fandom: supernatural

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