Fan Art: The Persistence of Memory

Dec 11, 2011 20:55

A cover for The Persistence of Memory by st-aurafina, as part of xmenbigbang

Ahh I hope I'm not late in posting this *_*
Femslash is a genre I'm not very familiar with, this is actually the first fem fic I've ever read ^^; /n00b
And dang... I don't know how to draw women, I had to redraw even more than usual >_<

Title:The Persistence of Memory [ link to fic ]
:Natasha/Moira (additional pic)
:the fic
     Warnings:Probably a bit NSFW (for kissing)

Thank you st-aurafina, for guiding me through the process and for being very patient waiting for my extremely slow progress! +_+
Also, this has taught me some stuff about drawing women, so thank you for that too! ;D

A cover for the fic. st-aurafina sent me pics and she envisioned Emma in a different hairstyle, so I tried drawing it XD Drawing long hair is a fun change from what I usually do :D

Some additional pic :p

Um... that's all ^^;
Be sure to check the fic post for a fanmix :)
Thanks for viewing!

fandom: x-men, art: fan art, genre: femslash

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