DCBB: The Law of Conservation of Energy (art masterpost)

Sep 30, 2011 17:22

An entry for deancasbigbang 2011
Art companion to The Law of Conservation of Energy by peroxidepest17; these scene pics contain spoilers.

The story is an AR to the SPN canon storyline (spoilers up to 6x20). Here's the summary:
The law of conservation of energy states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed from one state into another. And what is grace, if not energy? In order to win the war in Heaven, Castiel and the Winchesters embark on a cross-country quest to find the scattered shards of Gabriel’s grace in the hopes that its remaining power will be enough to defeat Raphael.

Table of Contents

  1. Cover
  2. Content
  3. Art dump
  4. e-Books
  5. Fanmix

  Title : The Law of Conservation of Energy  [ link to fic ]   Author : peroxidepest17   Artist : artmetica   Fandom/Genre : Supernatural, AR   Pairing(s) : light Dean/Castiel   Word Count : 90,030   Warnings (art) : A bit of Cas!whump, shirtless men, and gore   Rating : PG-13 Thanks to :
  • peroxidepest17 for writing an amazing story while giving me an opportunity to draw various things I don't usually do :D This is her first time doing a BB, she's also very patient waiting for me as I've been mostly away these months ^^; Thanks dear!
  • hils and oddlyfamiliar for running and maintaining deancasbigbang ^^ ♥
  • mclachlan for the support and helping us with the fanmix ;D
  • petite_madame for being an awesome art beta and the shoulder I cried on (that was a lot of virtual snot) XD


A quickie with lots of Gradient tool :p

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Balthazar was really hard to draw, had to redraw this guy several times on separate sheets of paper...

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The Long Way Back

I made another sketch of a scene that takes place just before this. But after reading the fic again, it was clear that it didn't really fit the description ^^;
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The Shard

I wanted to try drawing an unusual expression on Cas. I hurt him a bit much in this post

Drawing his mouth was the hardest part...
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Another facial expression experiment. Never thought I'd ever draw Dean and Cas fighting

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One of the shards was in some kind of an onsen resort

LOL I should've used a pose reference or something ^^;
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Remembering Faith

One of the quickest pieces. Cas remembers his faith in Dean.

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Demon's Best Friend

This pic is the reason why there's a gore warning up there :p

Yeah I wanted to try drawing Crowley too, but this was even more frustrating than drawing Balthazar...

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Come Home, Brother

I liked this Raphael scene in the fic, so I needed to draw it ^^
Besides, it's a good opportunity to draw a woman, which I very rarely do :p
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I'll be Waiting

There is an upside to getting stuck in congested traffic: time to fingerpaint! :p
Although... it does take much longer and the result is kind of weird ^^; The rain, vial, highlights were added later in Photoshop.
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art dump

Doodles, discarded/side drawings etc

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Download PDF (with art): Megaupload | Rapidshare | Mediafire

Download EPUB (text only): Megaupload | Rapidshare | Mediafire

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Songs chosen by mclachlan and peroxidepest17 ;D

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  • Digital tools:
    Wacom Graphire4, Adobe Photoshop CS2, Autodesk SketchBook Express (Android ver.)
  • Fonts:
    Charlotte (title font) | Cocktail Shaker (Elysian Fields sign)
  • Inspiration episodes:
    5x10, 6x15, 6x20
  • Brushes
    My brushes | Star brushes
  • Um... no pose reference ^^; /lazy

~ FIN ~

Thanks for viewing! :D

art: fan art, pairing: dean/castiel, genre: slash, fandom: supernatural

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