About You
Name: Call me either emerald_horizon or ForeverinMoonlight. :)
Strengths: Um... I like to think I have a good sense of humor and people have said that I'm brave (I like to think so too). I believe my judgement and memory is pretty good. Loyal (I have little respect for people who backstab or go through a billion friends a week like they're handbags or something), sensitive, intelligent, excellent listener, I try to be kind and understanding to others and view things with an open mind. Determined and stubborn (I view this as a strong point xD).
Weaknesses: I can almost be too sensitive - I take criticism and insults too much to heart. Emotional. Shy when I first meet people (and even then I find it hard to talk to people in general). Nervous (I could worry for England). Major procrastinator. Can be sarcastic and have been known to ramble (have you already been able to tell by the length of these answers? xD). Perfectionist and tend to hold myself to very high/near impossible standards (linked to my fear/hatred of failure, though sometimes I just want to do a good job of something..), so I can work at something way too hard and long. Bad at decision making (my family can attest to this - I take an age to decide anything xD), I can deliberate over things too much. I find it hard to fully relax and just have fun.
Likes: Family and friends, animals (cats in particular, but all animals are so sweet! ^_^) writing, reading, photography, thinking (which I do waay too much), peace and quiet (though just peace or just quiet is fine too), being outside when it's good weather, helping people, languages (particularly Japanese), anime, manga, video games (mainly on the DS and PS2), music (though not any kind of metal or rock), piano. Beauty (I could stare at an awe-inspiring landscape for ages, or even a simple tall tree can make me smile). Strawberries, apples, banana. Sweets like chocolate (milk and white only) and skittles. Sour skittles too... in fact almost any kind of sour tasting sweet. Sour is good. ^_^ Ooh... I also like individuality, logic, respect, understanding (a lot of problems in the world are caused by a lack of understanding), positivity, spelling, grammar and words. Geography, history, law and politics interest me also.
Dislikes: Negativity... I think we're all guilty of it some time or another but constant, determined negativity really grates on me and gets me down. Stupidity. People talking about a subject like they're the world's best authority on said subject when they really don't know a thing about it, being rushed, cruelty and bullying (both, in my opinion, signs of someone who is weak). Patronising and being talked down to (there really is no need for it...) Injustice, which can (usually?) tie in with cruelty and bullying - if there is some issue (like something on the news) which I disagree with and think is wrong you'll usually find me spluttering incoherently with rage (or swearing at the TV xD). I hate being bossed around (unless there is a good reason) and don't like being pushed too much to conform with a crowd (unless, of course, there is a good reason). I know I said I liked all animals, but spiders, bees and wasps really scare me. :( People who badmouth other people behind their backs, discrimination, dishonesty (I can't trust anyone who consistently lies and breaks promises), prejudice, insensitivity, selfishness, work which I see as pointless, failure and embarrassment. I loathe loud noise.
Friendly or Abrasive? Friendly, normally. I try to be nice to other people, but if someone doesn't have my respect then I can be on the cold side. I'm not one to chuck insults around or anything, but I can glare and be somewhat... off. xD Did that make any sense at all..?
Rash or Calculating? Calculating... I think things through too much, rarely acting on impulse. Sometimes nerves or something can cause me to act rashly, though (when my brain abandons me and my mind goes blank).
Weak or Strong? Physically I don't think I could say that I was strong... I'm not built for athletics and stuff (which is fine with me as I'm more of the studious type xD). However, you could say I was mentally (/spiritually?) tough. In some situations I can let people walk all over me but other times I'm anything but a doormat. I can often deal quite well with huge events... it tends to be the little things that chip at me and get me down.
Intelligent or no? Not to be blowing my own horn, here, but I'd say that I had above average intelligence. I like to think that I'm smart (and other people have commented to that effect), anyway.
Talkative or Silent? Initially I'm shy around other people, but when I know somebody more then I'm more likely to be a bit more outgoing. I do find it hard to talk to people... I try, but I find it difficult. However, I'm naturally more a reserved kind of person and like to observe (but if I have something to say I'll go ahead and say it.
Loyal or Independent? Well, that depends. I can be very loyal, but if I don't have a good reason to be (or if I have a better reason to go it alone) then I'd be independent.
Favorite character and why? In a way I like (or tolerate and understand at least) all the characters, because they all fit into Bleach and individually bring something to the story. However, a few of my favourites (not necessarily in order of preference) are Ichigo (a balanced and likeable hero), Byakuya (conflicted, dark-haired and mysterious ^^), Gin (why do I like him? Because he messes with people's minds...? I really don't know, LOL), Hanatarou (the poor guy just tries his best, is kind and courageous and often gets slammed for it :( ), Tatsuki (loyal, kicks ass... what's not to like?), Urahara (the dude that's always plotting, is somewhat mysterious and gives the impression of being one step ahead everyone else), Ukitake (cheery, friendly and all-round dude! xD)... however there are a lot more people I could add to this list!
Favorite Arrancar and why? Hmm... Ulquiorra (distant, mysterious but somehow cool), Szayel (I'm not entirely sure why... partly because he's a brainy, delightfully mad scientist?), Nel Tu (cute and amusing xD) and Wonderweiss (because I find him wonderfully weird and amusing xD). Did Gin count as an Arrancar...? I'm not sure...
Least favorite character and why? I honestly can't think of anyone at the minute. There are certainly characters which I don't agree with (Aizen anyone?), but even then there are elements to them which I don't mind. Too much. xD
Least favorite Arrancar and why? Nnoitra does creep me out. He's perverted, insane, sadistic (though you could apply the latter two qualities to basically the rest of the Arrancar too..) ... I don't know, is it the smile? He just... ugh.
BLEACH (if you were in Bleach, etc. etc.)
What Hollow class do you think you’d be? (Gillian, Adjuchas, etc.) Adjuchas...? I don't know. I'd be aiming for Arrancar class, obviously.
Good, evil, or neutral? Neutral at first, but I'd probably go good pretty fast. Quietly good. xD
So you’re in Aizen’s Arrancar Army…where do you rank (Espada, Número, Privaron Espada, Exequias)? I'd be a Número, probably... aiming to be an Espada.
Who would you get along with? I'd try to be at least be on civil terms with everyone that I didn't not like (if you get what I mean). I'd probably be somewhat distant (/stay largely away) from everyone (especially people I didn't like). Unless I found someone whom I could really trust (and face it, what's the likelihood of that?) then I'd play it cautious and not get too close. It's a... Hollow eat Hollow world out there. xD
Who would you have issues with? Nnoitra, for certain. Aizen. Probably Grimmjow, too. Yammy (too slow). All of the Espada (except perhaps Halibel and Neliel/Nel) I'd likely have some issue with. I'd also be highly wary around Gin (which is probably common sense).
Aizen-sama says jump. WHAT DO YOU DO? Blink, wonder why the hell he would want me to do such a thing (for his own amusement, no doubt). Then I'd figure that I'd better do what he says (he's probably more powerful than me, after all), so I jump (while mentally thinking that he was a freak/weirdo). All of this would have to be done in quick succession (Aizen-sama would probably fry me or something if I hesitated for too long).
You’re given strict orders by Aizen to leave the intruders alone. Do you do so or go provoke a fight? Sure, I'd leave them alone... though it wouldn't hurt to look, right? ;)
Any problems with any of the questions? No, nothing that I can think of. :)
Anything you think should be added? Perhaps something more on personality? I dunno.. it half feels like something is missing there.
Anything else (No fanwanking please)? I'm reusing a couple of answers that I used in another bleach rating site - hope that's okay?
For the stamp: anime/manga/both (if available)? Both, if available. If not, that's fine too (either's good). Thanks!