It will come as no surprise to exactly no one who knows me that I don't want to have kids. I've fantasized for years about permanent sterilization, but, of course, I know how much our desires and inclinations can change over time, so I always had age 40 in mind as the point at which I would pursue a permanent solution to the problem of my potential
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Comments 34
I've gotten mixed reports on Mirena from friends who have them, some love it, some feel like they had side effects they couldn't live with (I wish I could be more specific, but I'm naturally baby free so I tend to tune out the details of birth control conversations).
Naturally baby free! I'm envious!
My issues with Mirena are that insertion can be painful, and that there's no guarantee about how the hormones work out. My Mirena is doing wonderfully for me, but given the annoyance of insertion, next time I need a new one, I'm strongly considering Essure. Other people have had different experiences. It's certainly worth considering, but if you decide against it, will having done the Mirena thing make it hard to switch to Essure? Is your insurance company going to be cranky about it or anything?
Technically/medically, I could do Mirena and then Essure (or vice versa, if I decided I wanted the permanent solution and also hormones), but good question re: insurance!
I was gonna be all "that means some doctors respect women's choices!" but. . . I wonder if the fact that I am heterosexually married matters in this equation. I wonder if some of that concern "you might change your mind" is on behalf of your future husband.
My regular PCP, who I have been seeing for more than 5 years, didn't bat an eyelash when I brought this up in January, but she referred me to an OB/gyn who I've never seen before (my rock awesome gynecologist left her practice 2.5 years ago, to my everlasting sadness), and that's who I saw today. I found it reasonable for a doctor meeting a new patient who wants to make an irreversible decision about their body to ask some probing questions and give clear warnings about the potential risks, including the potential for regret. Happily, she didn't take it to a degree that made me feel like she wasn't respecting my choice (though I did have that concern, since it was also my first time meeting HER.)
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