I know it's been a while and I am not exactly on the kind of crack I was on for the other picspams I posted earlier *lol* hence this one is slightly different, hope you'll enjoy it nonetheless! ♥ My free interpretation of the "I sleep, I wash, I roar, I climb, I hunt" tiger icon staring John Thornton as - The Tiger! :D Warning for major North and South spoilers!
Now I'll shut up and leave the stage to:
Good Day! John Thornton - making cravats, top hats sombreros, crinkles and pocket watches look sexy since 1850 - at your service
Get out your tickets and follow me
I glower
OMG!! >.< you can glower at me any day you want! *fans self*
Hellz, thy superiour sexy hath slain me!
I glare
Don't you just want to make him angry so he keeps on looking this hot and bothered all the time?? >_<
I pose
Ready to be spanked ;)
OMG, pose AND glower
I contemplate
"If I called a rose by any other name would it still smell as sweet?"
*sniffs* "WTF? Vanilla??"
I defend
I mock
I wonder
I worry
I'm hurting
I have a temper
I love
I rejoice
And another six reasons why John Thornton is made of Win:
How can you possibly resist those eyes and just OMG!!!
~ The End ~
Well... almost! *lol*
I are stoned ;)
Hope you enjoyed this and comments are love! :D
x-posted from my journal.
You'll find my other Richard Picspams here:
Sir Guy of Gisborne Picspam Sir Guy of Gisborne Picspam #2 Sir Guy of Gisborne Picspam #3 Richard Picspam #4 - Sparkhouse I uploaded the hi-res original screencaps for this on request. Please credit me, when using them. You can pick them up
here. The password is marlboroughmills