Logpost part 4

Jul 22, 2008 13:35


Jul 22 04:13:44 * Nightcrawler blinks and looks at Ara. "What a strange person."
Jul 22 04:13:53 Tell me about it.
Jul 22 04:13:54 ...Alien bug-thing.
Jul 22 04:14:05 Alien bug thing or not, she's still a person
Jul 22 04:14:11 * Arabelle shrugs, wings flicking and resettling.
Jul 22 04:14:13 This is true.
Jul 22 04:15:01 <`Tak> ((Mun crashes. Goodnight!))
Jul 22 04:15:05 ((NIGHT))
Jul 22 04:15:25 ((Night))
Jul 22 04:15:55 * `Tak is now known as SleepyIckyChips
Jul 22 04:16:52 * SleepyIckyChips has quit (Exit: You havn't seen the last of ME!!)
Jul 22 04:17:56 And without the goofy surroundings, there is silence.
Jul 22 04:18:00 Yeeep
Jul 22 04:18:10 * Arabelle scratches her head through the skullcap. Ngh.
Jul 22 04:18:57 What /are/ three attractive people to do in a room with each other, all alone?
Jul 22 04:18:58 I suggest tiddlywinks.
Jul 22 04:19:39 * Arabelle ...blink.
Jul 22 04:19:57 It's that or we actually find something to talk about. Silence is boring.
Jul 22 04:20:10 * Nightcrawler chuckles. "They would probably be loled somehow and then we would have some explaining to do in the morning."
Jul 22 04:20:20 ((sorry I was distracted by kitten))
Jul 22 04:20:27 ((aw. kitty.))
Jul 22 04:20:36 ...*/blush/* /Thanks/, Blue.
Jul 22 04:20:55 "Look, she'd kill me first. You would have plenty of time to escape."
Jul 22 04:21:00 It probably wouldn't be /that/ bad.
Jul 22 04:21:24 Maybe we'd lose our clothes, but I can't imagine lustywinks.
Jul 22 04:21:36 * Arabelle that, and Shard can't fly, can she?
Jul 22 04:22:44 Yeah, yeah. Losin' clothes. Feh. What issit with the Nexus and nakedness?
Jul 22 04:22:55 * Arabelle is still blushy, but it's starting to fade already
Jul 22 04:23:02 With people like you, me, and Kurt, do you blame it?
Jul 22 04:23:24 "Well apparently it would not make much difference on my part, losing clothes!" :|
Jul 22 04:23:51 * Sailor_Jupiter considers. Should she be /evil/? Hm.
Jul 22 04:24:04 ...Might satisfy the ultimate question.
Jul 22 04:24:18 * Arabelle , for a fun fact, doesn't really see herself as attractive. She has Issues. "Yeah, /you/." half-hearted shove for Kurt, "Have nothin' to worry about. I've got really ugly scars on m'legs." Not to mention she -refuses- to take off the skullcap.
Jul 22 04:24:20 * Sati[zzz] has quit (Ping timeout)
Jul 22 04:24:38 Scars on your /legs/?
Jul 22 04:25:08 * Sailor_Jupiter sounds slightly amused. "If I took my uniform off, leg scars wouldn't be the hot topic."
Jul 22 04:25:09 I was in a car accident. The entire front end of th' car and the steering thing came down on top of me.
Jul 22 04:25:22 S'why I have these. *fingerwiggling!*
Jul 22 04:25:23 Oh shit. That must have sucked.
Jul 22 04:25:48 I've been lucky enough not to lose any limbs, and whole internal organs. Goodly chunks...
Jul 22 04:26:41 * Nightcrawler is very happy to not have to ask for clarification on the ultimate question thing! "I am sure both of you are lovely and also my goodness this weather."
Jul 22 04:27:05 What, is it rainin' ducks or somethin'? *glances at the window.*
Jul 22 04:27:19 If he says it's getting hot in here, I'm gonna laugh.
Jul 22 04:28:32 "Fraulein, I would not want to encourage...well, that's not strictly true." >__>
Jul 22 04:28:57 "But she's very lovely, the girl back home who would kill me, you see."
Jul 22 04:29:21 Hell, she'd prolly kill me too, at this rate.
Jul 22 04:30:05 * Sailor_Jupiter laughs. "I don't think Ami would /kill/ me, but she wouldn't talk to me for a bit if I did anything more than admire."
Jul 22 04:30:58 * Nightcrawler raises his eyebrows in an 'orly' sort of way.
Jul 22 04:31:59 ...You should have heard the stories about my father, in the silver millennium. While I don't think he actually ever turned into a /swan/...
Jul 22 04:32:00 * fiasco has quit (Ping timeout)
Jul 22 04:32:33 ..Man, and my old man's just a dude who works for the military.
Jul 22 04:33:48 He's the one who designed all of our uniforms. Mine's a lot more modest than version one.
Jul 22 04:34:07 "I am just not going to say anything." Drink your beer like a good boy.
Jul 22 04:34:56 * Arabelle glances at Kurt with a raised eyebrow, but doesn't press. She's got parental issues of her own (Arabelle, for example, has not spoken to her mother in -years-)
Jul 22 04:35:22 ...Is there something wrong with it?
Jul 22 04:35:53 ..I just wonder how it offers protection, but I'm guessin it has somethin' to do with magic or forcefields
Jul 22 04:36:02 "You carry it very well, Fraulein." ^__^
Jul 22 04:36:11 It's magic, but it's not perfect.
Jul 22 04:36:48 * Sailor_Jupiter peels off a glove, and displays the scars crisscrossing her forearms. "I used to be really nervous about these uniforms."
Jul 22 04:36:54 * Arabelle nods.
Jul 22 04:37:12 Most anythin' I havta stop with m'arms or avoid it.
Jul 22 04:37:25 Since they can take a tougher beatin' that the rest'a me.
Jul 22 04:37:38 * fiasco (feasco@dm-10602.dsl.telstraclear.net) has joined #thesanctuary
Jul 22 04:37:45 I used to have a redesigned uniform, thanks to Ami. A lot more armor.
Jul 22 04:37:50 It was a pain in the ass.
Jul 22 04:38:26 "Me, I just get out of the way when something comes at me. And fur covers scars."
Jul 22 04:39:03 Yeah, you can teleport. My PINpoints take a second to trigger, so I can't really do that unless I have a case like Kaiser throwing another damn bus or something at me again.
Jul 22 04:39:21 I used to be able to teleport and fly.
Jul 22 04:39:38 It... wasn't my power, though. It was thanks to the Dark Kingdom.
Jul 22 04:40:51 Since th' wings grew in, I've pretty much been able to fly.
Jul 22 04:40:57 Tho' I had to learn /how/
Jul 22 04:41:00 "Dark Kingdom?"
Jul 22 04:41:13 I'd love to be able to fly again. When, y'know. I'm not evil and brainwashed.
Jul 22 04:41:28 The Dark Kingdom is... a very long story.
Jul 22 04:41:44 It's dead now. We killed them all.
Jul 22 04:41:48 ..Ah.
Jul 22 04:43:04 "I...think I get your meaning."
Jul 22 04:43:21 Yeah. Sorry. Angst coming up. Um.
Jul 22 04:43:33 So. Fluffy things.
Jul 22 04:44:37 * Nightcrawler leaps up suddenly, twists in midair, and catches a rafter with his tail. "Tadaa!" Fluffy things are upside down?
Jul 22 04:44:44 Show off.
Jul 22 04:44:48 Oh, /neat/!
Jul 22 04:44:51 * Arabelle is good natured, though.
Jul 22 04:48:24 * Arabelle stretches a bit, a process including the wings
Jul 22 04:48:37 * Nightcrawler grins. "I will happily be blue and furry forever, so long as they let me keep my tail."
Jul 22 04:48:43 * Sailor_Jupiter ...makes flower petals? :D?
Jul 22 04:49:04 >_>
Jul 22 04:49:45 * Arabelle is pondering saying something, she decides to go for it. "I. Uh. Apparently learned a new trick, by the way."
Jul 22 04:49:53 Oh?
Jul 22 04:50:34 * Nightcrawler blows at the flower petals that fall near his face. And then turns to Ara. Yes, oh?
Jul 22 04:50:52 Yeah, gimme a sec. *Deep breath, and she gestures away from them both, a sharp, and fast motion, and there's a short plume of flame where her hand stops.* ..I used to -not- be able to do that at will. I.. somehow figured out how, or somethin'.
Jul 22 04:51:07 ...How'd you do it?
Jul 22 04:51:19 It's somethin' to do with my aerokinetic power.
Jul 22 04:51:38 Cain theorized it was a defense mechanism, or somethin' that didn't finish manifestin' because of my cybernetics.
Jul 22 04:51:54 ...I'd ask what aerokinetics had to do with pyrokinetics, if it weren't for my other powers.
Jul 22 04:52:14 I dunno either, but it somehow clicked in my head the, um. Other night.
Jul 22 04:52:23 * Arabelle means last night, but anyway.
Jul 22 04:52:58 Huh.
Jul 22 04:53:16 "Wow, that is very cool. And they are not so...very different, I suppose. Air is one third of what you need for fire."
Jul 22 04:53:31 "Fuel and a spark, and there you go."
Jul 22 04:53:53 ...
Jul 22 04:54:16 And apparently I can generate enough of a spark or something. I think somebody worded it one way, you get somethin' goin' fast enough, it'll start to burn. ..Somethin' like that, anyway.
Jul 22 04:54:29 So you might be a speedster?
Jul 22 04:54:31 I can only generate and direct, I don't actually have -control- over it, tho.
Jul 22 04:54:45 If I am, that would've been -really- useful last night.
Jul 22 04:54:46 So if we started a fire, you couldn't do anything?
Jul 22 04:55:02 I could blow on it with wind, what good -that- would do
Jul 22 04:56:21 * Arabelle shrugs, wings resettling again.
Jul 22 04:56:36 ...Make it hotter, yeah.
Jul 22 04:57:39 Hm.
Jul 22 04:57:42 "Or blow it out. Or blow it onto something else."
Jul 22 04:57:49 Yeah.
Jul 22 04:58:12 "Are you...well. I can think of one person who might be able to help you learn more about your powers."
Jul 22 04:58:34 I'm already considerin' going to talk to Cain about this, so I'm all ears, Blue.
Jul 22 04:59:37 * custardpringle (custardpri@dm-14410.hsd1.il.comcast.net) has joined #thesanctuary
Jul 22 05:00:47 "Heh. Good. I know that you are probably still angry with him, but if he truly is like my Herr Professor, nothing he did was out of any desire to hurt you."
Jul 22 05:01:41 It's not so much anger anymore as th' fact that he just.. kept shit from me, the whole trust angle an' all. *Shrugs* Anyway, who were you gonna suggest?
Jul 22 05:02:47 ...
Jul 22 05:02:56 * Sailor_Jupiter still isn't exactly on speaking terms with the cats.
Jul 22 05:03:24 * Arabelle is on speaking terms with X and Zero. Hasn't gone out of her way to talk with Cain much. >_>
Jul 22 05:04:01 "It was him, Ara."
Jul 22 05:04:07 Ah, kay.
Jul 22 05:04:12 Great minds and all, apparently.
Jul 22 05:05:03 "Hmm, more like you already knew the answer yourself." Smile. "Though if you want to train yourself up a bit, try to test it out, I am flammable but would happy to be available."
Jul 22 05:05:14 "The little one and the Grey family first, though."
Jul 22 05:05:18 Yeah.
Jul 22 05:05:19 ...
Jul 22 05:05:30 * Nightcrawler is sorry, Jupiter. He doesn't mean to exclude you, but friend-lingo is hard to avoid.
Jul 22 05:05:36 I volunteer to pass out nose-plugs for burnt fuzz.
Jul 22 05:05:54 "Noooo!" Kurt hugs himself, upside-down.
Jul 22 05:06:05 "I will wear a fireman's uniform."
Jul 22 05:06:06 * Sailor_Jupiter gets that. She and Ami have lots of 'private' conversations here that make people wish they were actually villains.
Jul 22 05:07:38 * Arabelle -will- save them, dammit all. She rubs at her face a bit. "I'll keep from tryin' to burn your behind too much, Blue." Littlesnrk, "As it is, I'll start off on drones so I don't actually flambe anyone or somethin'." And lastly, this bit is quiet, tinged with anger and frustration, "...and yeah. We'll save 'em, dammit /all/."
Jul 22 05:09:34 * Nightcrawler just turns and smiles at her. "Always the butt jokes with you."
Jul 22 05:09:50 * Bobo (drocinterm@dm-23945.lns6-c11.dsl.pol.co.uk) has joined #thesanctuary
Jul 22 05:09:52 ...akdfs. Dammit Blue.
Jul 22 05:10:03 * Nightcrawler grins. Yeah this is NEVER going to get old.
Jul 22 05:10:33 * Arabelle shoves him to make him swing.
Jul 22 05:10:44 ((Aw, took my idea))
Jul 22 05:10:53 "Some and I have been systematica- waaauk!"
Jul 22 05:12:31 * Nightcrawler swiiiings...and then swings BACK and it is tickle-time, lady!
Jul 22 05:12:36 ACK
Jul 22 05:12:48 * Arabelle makes interesting noises before she dissolves into giggles
Jul 22 05:14:11 "And so yes, we two mature adults are -" paff with a wing "- thwwp - are very happy to meet another mature and dignified adult in the lifesaving and - oof - daring-do trade."
Jul 22 05:14:33 I can tell.
Jul 22 05:17:13 * Nightcrawler pauses for half a second, gets a -particularly- devilish look on his already devilish face, and uses his tail to fling a pillow at her.
Jul 22 05:17:57 * Arabelle ? Or Jupiter?
Jul 22 05:19:34 Jupiter!
Jul 22 05:19:44 * Arabelle /snorks/ loudly, then!
Jul 22 05:20:36 * Sailor_Jupiter blinks as the pillow is thrown, and flings up her hand to blast the shit out of this sudden attack! There is a *paf*, and the offending pillow thwaps her on the face, leaving her with an outstretched arm and arcs of electricity travelling between her fingers. "..."
Jul 22 05:20:50 ....
Jul 22 05:20:54 * Arabelle justs loses it
Jul 22 05:21:01 * Arabelle and /laughs/, holding her sides.
Jul 22 05:21:26 I swear, I have dignity /somewhere/.
Jul 22 05:22:34 Ohgod
Jul 22 05:23:38 * Nightcrawler is laughing, but he's also hiding behind Ara.
Jul 22 05:24:06 * Sailor_Jupiter flings the pillow /right back/. Fuck collateral. "VENGEANCE IS MINE!"
Jul 22 05:24:08 Oh /god/. The hand and /everything/. Just. Oh... *takes a moment to catch her breath.*
Jul 22 05:24:09 ACK
Jul 22 05:24:12 * Arabelle WHAP.
Jul 22 05:25:13 * Arabelle the pillow slides off of her face, "You, young miss." DRAMATIC POINT, "HAVE DECLARED WAR UPON MY KINGDOM." LEAP into the air, wings spreading and into the rafters. She fires a grapple line, snatching a pillow into her hands.
Jul 22 05:25:14 Hmph. Pass it on.
Jul 22 05:26:01 * Sailor_Jupiter flips off of her couch and lands on a table, pointing at Ara. It's amazing how a skirt that short can flare dramatically. "YOUR KINGDOM IS A HORSE!"
Jul 22 05:26:15 [...That sounded better in my head.]
Jul 22 05:26:24 FLAMING JUSTICE. *Fling Pillow at Jupiter.*
Jul 22 05:26:36 * Nightcrawler is now exposed! But now the women are fighting! Somehow he still wins?
Jul 22 05:26:39 * Arabelle <- has no idea what she's on. Is just running with it at this point.
Jul 22 05:27:22 * Sailor_Jupiter kicks the pillow up, then punches it straight towards Kurt. "LOVELY PUNCH!"
Jul 22 05:27:59 * Arabelle is, meanwhile, grapple snatching another pillow into her hands. Cybernetics are -awesome-.
Jul 22 05:28:36 * Nightcrawler would try to duck, but why? PAFF!
Jul 22 05:28:39 ...
Jul 22 05:28:41 >:3
Jul 22 05:28:52 *bamf* Two pillows and a Kurt disappear.
Jul 22 05:29:03 Uh-oh.
Jul 22 05:29:05 DEATH FROM ABOVE. *is diving for Kurt and--MISS!* ...Huh. Okay then.
Jul 22 05:29:24 "Ba-dum." Wait, where is his voice coming from?
Jul 22 05:29:28 ...
Jul 22 05:29:32 * Sailor_Jupiter snags another pillow and turns around, searching. "Is he invisible?"
Jul 22 05:29:37 * Arabelle holds her pillow -defensively-.
Jul 22 05:29:39 "Ba-dum." He MIGHT BE!
Jul 22 05:29:43 * Arabelle (yes, this is possible)
Jul 22 05:29:56 "Bad-dum ba-dum ba-dumbadumba*BAMF!*
Jul 22 05:30:00 --!
Jul 22 05:30:25 *Bamf pillow from above on Ara Bamf!*
Jul 22 05:30:35 * Arabelle [!]
Jul 22 05:30:37 *Bamf pillow from BELOW on Jupiter Bamf!*
Jul 22 05:30:41 * Arabelle PILLOWED.
Jul 22 05:30:46 * Sailor_Jupiter PILLOWED!
Jul 22 05:30:53 *Bamf and he is in the rafters* Vengeance!!!! is mine.
Jul 22 05:30:57 + ""
Jul 22 05:31:16 OR IS IT! *-LEAPS-, and is gonna smack him with hers if he's not gonna run/teleport away*
Jul 22 05:32:01 * Sailor_Jupiter flings hers after Ara. With luck, it'll ricochet off her skull and peg Kurt.*
Jul 22 05:32:26 * Arabelle *PING!*
Jul 22 05:32:36 * Arabelle (it hit -her- at any rate)
Jul 22 05:32:49 * Nightcrawler bamfs yes!
Jul 22 05:33:08 * Arabelle MISSES, "Dammit!" Throws the pillow at Jupiter.
Jul 22 05:33:26 * Nightcrawler reappears right behind Ara, grabs her around the waist, grabs the rafter with his tail and...it is an Ara-Kurt pinata?
Jul 22 05:33:35 "...Ha-HA!"
Jul 22 05:33:37 Crap. *She leaps up towards the rafters, neatly avoiding the pillow.* You'll have to do better!
Jul 22 05:33:40 ...:3
Jul 22 05:33:44 * Nightcrawler does not yet realize his danger.
Jul 22 05:33:59 YEEP *Jerks a bit, wings beating a bit in a sort of surprised flail. Dry.* Oh no. I am caught.
Jul 22 05:33:59 * Sailor_Jupiter hops down again, snagging a pair of pillows, and /charges/. Time to go /wild/.
Jul 22 05:34:29 * Arabelle waaaits for it.
Jul 22 05:34:42 * Arabelle waaaaaaaits for it.
Jul 22 05:35:02 * Sailor_Jupiter is going to beat both of them pillow-less if she waits too long.
Jul 22 05:35:04 "Yes you a- ...Wait why are you smiling?"
Jul 22 05:35:35 Because. SURPRISE. *Click. PING! Arabelle vanishes in the flash of a PINportal, leaving Kurt to be struck by Jupiter.*
Jul 22 05:35:51 * Sailor_Jupiter bafs! and bafs!
Jul 22 05:36:50 * Arabelle is up on the rafter above him, grinning like a fool
Jul 22 05:36:56 "Aaaaaaaaugghnoooowhyhaveyou -ptth ptth! - betrayedmeeeee!"
Jul 22 05:37:28 * Arabelle makes a silly face at Kurt, "Neeener neener. I'm the Goldenwing and you can't caaaatch me~"
Jul 22 05:37:42 * Sailor_Jupiter halts the pillow apocalypse just long enough to slip in a kiss to his cheek before running off to the other side of the room, tossing them at Ara.
Jul 22 05:38:39 Whupsie, gotta run! *LEAPS again, wings cracking, and pillows sailing neatly under her. It's a vaguely matrix-esque moment when she does the following:* COUNTERSTRIKE. *She /SMACKS/ a pillow, sending it careening back at Jupiter.*
Jul 22 05:39:05 * Sailor_Jupiter isn't /used/ to people countering her attacks! PAF! Face'd.
Jul 22 05:39:47 * Arabelle leaps across rafters, already on the move!
Jul 22 05:40:43 * Nightcrawler , momentarily stunned by Jupiter fighting dirty, regains his senses and...ah! Grabs a pillow and leaps up to intercept Ara.
Jul 22 05:41:32 * Bobo is now known as mornibobo
Jul 22 05:41:38 * Arabelle is merely bounding across them, not actually flying, so she's easily caught up to, /and/ she's unarmed, no pillows!
Jul 22 05:41:55 ((Except her dirty ones.))
Jul 22 05:42:07 ((*spittake*))
Jul 22 05:43:17 * Nightcrawler doesn't even hit her with them. He just stands there and holds one out and lets her run into it. Because he is a total bastard like that.
Jul 22 05:43:52 * Arabelle , like a Wile-E-Coyete cartoon, goes -straight into it-, flailing a bit when she does.
Jul 22 05:44:30 "Ahh," Kurt says with tender fondness as she goes by. Now, where's that Jupiter?
Jul 22 05:44:52 * Sailor_Jupiter is making a pillow fort to hide in! It would help if she were smaller...
Jul 22 05:45:07 ((*can just picture that. Kurt sitting there with the :3-expression as Ara's coming towards him.*))
Jul 22 05:45:40 * Arabelle grabs the pillow, as Kurt has presumably released it, and whirls around, grabbing a rafter to do a hairpin turn and stop.
Jul 22 05:47:03 I am invincible.
Jul 22 05:47:17 * Sailor_Jupiter ...crouches.
Jul 22 05:47:27 * Nightcrawler is COMPLETELY distracted by how CUTE Jupiter is being down there. LOOKIT! Ohgod!
Jul 22 05:48:34 * Arabelle LEAPS FOR KURT. To WHAP HIM WITH A PILLOW. And after half a second of consideration (really, working up the balls do to it), she smooches him on the nose, and RUNS. Proverbially, since it mostly involves flying.
Jul 22 05:51:31 ((hee hee goldeneye))
Jul 22 05:51:43 * Sailor_Jupiter tugs a pillow over her head for /protection/.
Jul 22 05:55:10 * Nightcrawler laughs and falls out of the rafters. Onto a couch.
Jul 22 05:55:48 * Arabelle is also blushing a bit, but she's way up here and they can't see it. Or maybe they can. "HA." She grins.
Jul 22 05:56:20 * Sailor_Jupiter directs Anime Puppy Eyes towards them. Die for her? Please?
Jul 22 05:56:33 * Sailor_Jupiter Or at least admit defeat.
Jul 22 06:00:03 * Nightcrawler skitters over the back of the couch and -approaches the fort- like a...kitty-squirrel.
Jul 22 06:02:08 * Arabelle drops down and approaches it as well
Jul 22 06:02:15 * Mattybee has quit (Exit: If there's one thing America does right, it's eating out.)
Jul 22 06:02:24 * Sailor_Jupiter ...can't see them. This is bad, isn't it?
Jul 22 06:04:08 * Nightcrawler signals to Ara. On three, okay?
Jul 22 06:04:18 * Arabelle ooooone. She raises the pillow
Jul 22 06:06:00 Twoooo. He's got his.
Jul 22 06:06:09 * Arabelle THREE. WHAPPIFICATION
Jul 22 06:07:40 * Nightcrawler POUNCELEAPS baff baff baff
Jul 22 06:07:41 aughno! EEEEEEEEEEEEK! *Faker.*
Jul 22 06:07:50 * Arabelle BAFF BAFF BAFF
Jul 22 06:08:00 "Death to the nonbelievers!"
Jul 22 06:08:05 * Sailor_Jupiter FLAIL FLAIL FLAIL!
Jul 22 06:11:33 "Well. I think this one is done for, Pickering."
Jul 22 06:11:41 * Nightcrawler is suddenly British?
Jul 22 06:11:47 Indeed!
Jul 22 06:13:09 augh
Jul 22 06:13:18 Mercy!
Jul 22 06:13:50 "Cor, I say. She'll be magnificent once we get her stuffed and in the drawing room."
Jul 22 06:14:23 "Old Lord Dobbs doesn't have one of THESE in his collection, I'll tell you that, wot?"
Jul 22 06:14:27 * Nightcrawler is possibly insane.
Jul 22 06:14:31 I think my girlfriend would object to you stuffing me with /anything/, good sir.
Jul 22 06:15:14 * Arabelle snorks, "Pfff."
Jul 22 06:17:11 "Not even pudding?"
Jul 22 06:17:24 ...Depends.
Jul 22 06:17:28 Is it chocolate?
Jul 22 06:18:20 "Do we have chocolate?" He looks at Ara for confirmation.
Jul 22 06:18:26 I think so.
Jul 22 06:18:33 Hm.
Jul 22 06:18:38 "We -definitely- have chocolate."
Jul 22 06:19:05 Then again, this is the Sanctuary. I wouldn't be surprised if we had enough to wrestle in.
Jul 22 06:19:24 o_o
Jul 22 06:19:48 "Not. Saying. A word."
Jul 22 06:20:39 Like you've never felt the temptation.
Jul 22 06:20:47 >_>
Jul 22 06:21:35 "Well, I haven't. Fur, you know."
Jul 22 06:21:51 ...Ara?
Jul 22 06:22:09 Have -you- ever tried to clean anything out of feathers?
Jul 22 06:22:33 "I am afraid we are united in being very boring when it comes to wrestling in things."
Jul 22 06:23:00 Alas and woe.
Jul 22 06:23:29 ...Yeah, I find myself wondering how either of you stand the rain. Or bathe. Kurt, I can see using a lot of shampoo...
Jul 22 06:23:46 I try to stay -out- of the rain
Jul 22 06:23:56 I can't fly in it, th' water weighs me down too much.
Jul 22 06:23:58 I love the rain.
Jul 22 06:24:10 As for bathing, uh. I shower. >_>
Jul 22 06:24:13 "It is not my favorite. I tend to smell like wet fur after it rains. Wet fur and sulfur, not so fun. And ja. Pert Plus is a -lifesaver-."
Jul 22 06:24:22 Hee.
Jul 22 06:24:29 You must be their spokesman or somethin, Blue
Jul 22 06:24:40 "I should be! Then maybe I'd get comped."
Jul 22 06:25:13 * Arabelle wince, "Oh, you gotta pay out of th' pocket too?"
Jul 22 06:26:44 "Well it's that or steal." ^_^;
Jul 22 06:27:01 "Which I do -not- do." |:|
Jul 22 06:27:08 That's been temptin', sometimes, though. >_>
Jul 22 06:28:48 * Arabelle stretches lazily.
Jul 22 06:28:49 "Does shampoo even work on feathers?"
Jul 22 06:29:05 Well, they don't stink, so, apparently it does.
Jul 22 06:29:52 "Huh."
Jul 22 06:29:56 Is it some kind of specialtything?
Jul 22 06:30:34 Not.. really? I just use the pretty standard stuff.
Jul 22 06:32:13 ...*blink* when'd it get to be this late, anyway?
Jul 22 06:33:27 When time flew?
Jul 22 06:33:32 Apparently.
Jul 22 06:33:42 "A while now. But yes, I will regret it in a few hours when it's my turn to go on duty." Kurt stretches, streeeetches -krik!- aaah.
Jul 22 06:34:01 And I should prolly get to bed myself.
Jul 22 06:34:06 Do you two need to go?
Jul 22 06:34:19 Yeah, I probably should
Jul 22 06:34:20 Hm. Now I'm glad I don't need to sleep that much.
Jul 22 06:34:38 ((Read: Her mun is starting to go blort, despite how fun this was. I'ma post the log after I've slept :3))
Jul 22 06:35:30 * Nightcrawler stands. Want a hand up, Ara?
Jul 22 06:35:54 * Arabelle takes the hand up, standing and stretching in a process that, once again, involves those wings of hers, "Oooh, there we go."
Jul 22 06:36:19 And. uh. Thanks, you two. I needed sommat like this. *She still looks like she's been through a wringer, but her mood's a lot better off.*
Jul 22 06:36:33 No problem.
Jul 22 06:36:51 Wish I had people like you to fall back on when I had to deal with that kind of thing.
Jul 22 06:37:20 * Sailor_Jupiter ...spent a lot of time crying, cuddling with Ami, and then unleashing incredible amounts of violence on criminals and youma alike.
Jul 22 06:37:44 "Us too, really. It has...well the Nexus can be quite stressful, but this has been a lot of things all on top of one another."
Jul 22 06:38:27 Tell me about it. *Rubs at her face a bit* Anyway. I'm gonna go to bed before I crash out here. Night, you two. *A wave, and she'll start to head off unless stopped or anything.*
Jul 22 06:39:24 "Sleep well, Ara. And Jupiterprinzessen, it has been a pleasure indeed." He gives a flourishy bow and *BAMF!*
Jul 22 06:39:26 Night.
Jul 22 06:42:23 * Sailor_Jupiter ...Walks out.

pc: makoto kino (notinuniform), logposts, kurt

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