Logpost part 3

Jul 22, 2008 13:34


Jul 22 02:57:02 * Phoenix_Wright looks around. "Mood around here seems to have lightened up, at least."
Jul 22 02:57:28 <`Tak> So where's this sabre-fight you're promising?
Jul 22 02:57:46 There is ... nothing wrong with that--hm?
Jul 22 02:57:56 * Nightcrawler sniffs and takes a very dignified sip of his beer, while reaching one foot up and with great solemnity pushing her chair.
Jul 22 02:58:00 At least some people can ease up. Better than staying caught up in the bad emotions.
Jul 22 02:58:22 "Vas? Oh we don't really have to..." Kurt was being a goober.
Jul 22 02:58:33
Yeah. [Plenty of those to go around lately.]
Jul 22 02:58:44 * Arabelle 's chair wobbles, she flails in a bit of wingbeating before catching herself on a nearby couch. /Ha./
Jul 22 02:59:01 <`Tak> Oh /I/ see. You don't really want to do it. *cackle, sipp*
Jul 22 02:59:01 * Darksong has quit (Exit: )
Jul 22 02:59:07 * Nightcrawler shifts until he is resting his legs on her chair. /Ha indeed./
Jul 22 02:59:20 * Abe_Sapien ... starts laughing again. Oh, good lord, he's reached that state where everything is funny again.*
Jul 22 02:59:25 One has to wait a certain period of time.
Jul 22 02:59:28 It's traditional.
Jul 22 02:59:34 "I hardly know the man! What is your name, sir, or shall we call each other Blue One and Blue Two?"
Jul 22 02:59:44 "I get to be Blue One because I was here first."
Jul 22 02:59:53 Exactly. Tradistion! *SOMEONE STOP HIM BEFORE HE BREAKS INTO SONG.*
Jul 22 03:00:09 "Also, he is drunk. And I am not. This seems unfair."
Jul 22 03:00:25 * Phoenix_Wright chuckles a bit at Kurt.
Jul 22 03:00:31 *That will do nicely.* Hm? Wait, now, You may have gotten here first, but I daresay I've had the name longer.
Jul 22 03:00:34 <`Tak> ...he's not drunk! He hasn't been drinking anything!
Jul 22 03:00:39 * `Tak hiccups.
Jul 22 03:00:44 "Have you been blue all your life?"
Jul 22 03:00:55 Yes. I have.
Jul 22 03:00:58 If he were green he would die.
Jul 22 03:01:01 * Mia_Fey sighs, and leans back in her chair. "...Nothing has changed much."
Jul 22 03:01:15 "He speaks with a British accent and he just mispronounced tradition. He is drunk."
Jul 22 03:01:21 * Arabelle is amused by this conversation, sipping her milkshake. She's needed something lighthearted like this, okay?
Jul 22 03:01:23 <`Tak> Hmn? Oh.
Jul 22 03:01:38 "Well I shan't ask you your age, as that is rude. I am Blue One because I thought of it."
Jul 22 03:01:51
Sometimes a little lack of change is nice.
Jul 22 03:02:18 He's also Blue One because I knew him first.
Jul 22 03:02:20 Perhaps. Or maybe I've changed too much.
Jul 22 03:02:20 So there.
Jul 22 03:02:23 * Arabelle nyeh.
Jul 22 03:02:32 * Arabelle <-mature.
Jul 22 03:02:52 "See? And you would not want to argue with the lady." Stage whisper time again: "She has lasers in her arms."
Jul 22 03:03:20 <`Tak> Ooh, I see why you like her, then.
Jul 22 03:03:25 * Arabelle convienently neglects to mention that the arms don't have lasers. /Yet/.
Jul 22 03:03:58 * Nightcrawler could have sworn there were lasers.
Jul 22 03:04:18 * Phoenix_Wright looks at her a bit. "You okay? You sound a little melancholy."
Jul 22 03:04:22 Pfft. Lazers.
Jul 22 03:04:22 * Abe_Sapien is not drunk, he's ... telepathically drunk.* I've no idea how old I am. I was discovered in 18--*snrrrrkkkk* 1865. And that's why they decided to call me 'Abraham Sapien.' Also, I am not British. Also, also, I do not wish to rhyme.
Jul 22 03:04:27 * Arabelle has a laser /cutter/, but it doesn't really work well as a weapon.
Jul 22 03:04:43 I've got /rose petals/. *And lightning. Lots of lightning.*
Jul 22 03:04:49 ...
Jul 22 03:04:53 <`Tak> ...
Jul 22 03:04:59 * Mia_Fey nods. "Just thinking, that's all. Old memories and such."
Jul 22 03:05:01 *snrrrrrrrrrrrrkkkkkkkkkk....*
Jul 22 03:05:17 Hey now, I've seen plant based powers do some really freaky next level shit.
Jul 22 03:05:19
...I'm just trying not to think of the memories right now myself.
Jul 22 03:05:26 <`Tak> SNNNRRRKBAHhahahaa-- *falls over*
Jul 22 03:05:28 You don't argue with the ecokinetic.
Jul 22 03:05:43 "But you -are- drunk. Either that or you have a headcold."
Jul 22 03:05:45 ..Or whatever they're called.
Jul 22 03:06:13 I've generally just called it 'elemental abilities'.
Jul 22 03:06:21 We're in reversed positions then. You want to move forward, and I want to occasionally look back,
Jul 22 03:06:39 * Abe_Sapien waves a hand at Tak. Well, flaps it, really.* She is ... very drunk. And psychic. And I have been ... trying to--head cold?--trying to fight off picking it up from her ... telepathically....
Jul 22 03:06:55 ...
Jul 22 03:07:00 And failing.
Jul 22 03:07:04 <`Tak> Mmn? -_O
Jul 22 03:07:14 You. Are drunk.
Jul 22 03:07:25 <`Tak> Oh, I know that.
Jul 22 03:07:33
[Looking back reminds me too force me to think of a demon in a field...]
Jul 22 03:07:36 * Abe_Sapien thinks this is the funniest thing on the planet.* And now so am i!
Jul 22 03:07:45
Maybe when I'm in a better frame of mind I'll reminisce.
Jul 22 03:08:00 * Arabelle sips her milkshake.
Jul 22 03:08:00 <`Tak> ...And I know that too! *cackles*
Jul 22 03:08:31 If you wish to, that's your desicion.
Jul 22 03:08:33 * Abe_Sapien laughs and laughs.
Jul 22 03:08:56 * Nightcrawler looks at Ara. MADMEN. Clearly.
Jul 22 03:09:02
Jul 22 03:09:08 * Arabelle glances back and snrks. /Clearly/
Jul 22 03:09:10 <`Tak> So you're psychic, are you? *sips milkshake, turns on her side and tries to look cool. It fails*
Jul 22 03:09:14 * You are now known as AraBRB
Jul 22 03:09:23 Yes.
Jul 22 03:09:35 * Sailor_Jupiter makes the 'crazy' gesture around her ear. Ignore the flower petals trailing her hands now.
Jul 22 03:10:37 ...You got quiet suddenly, Wright.
Jul 22 03:10:47 <`Tak> You're apparantly very strong with them, 'cuz I'mmmmmnnnotthat strong.
Jul 22 03:10:48
Sorry. Guess I can't completely stop thinking of the memories.
Jul 22 03:11:50 <`Tak> For YOU t' pick up on ME, you'd have to be really sensititive.
Jul 22 03:12:13 Mmmm. Sometimes. It's a... connexion thing. Connecting. And yes. I'm ... quite sensitive.
Jul 22 03:12:14 I'm so glad my telepathy's localized.
Jul 22 03:12:23 *TAKE THAT AS YOU WILL, FOLKS.*
Jul 22 03:12:30 Of course not. It's impossible to forget...
Jul 22 03:12:33 * Nightcrawler likes this Abe guy.
Jul 22 03:12:45 <`Tak> Connection?! *blinks* I hhhhhardly know you! *giggles*
Jul 22 03:12:53 "Flower petals and telepathy."
Jul 22 03:12:55
[Not impossible, but possibly not entirely desirable either.]
Jul 22 03:13:33 *sprfls* Terribly sorry to be so forward... *laughs*
Jul 22 03:14:06 And great legs.
Jul 22 03:14:18 * Sailor_Jupiter stretches one leg out, as if to admire it.
Jul 22 03:14:22 <`Tak> 'Sokay. You fishmen are alllalike. *barely pronouced through the giggles*
Jul 22 03:14:29 * Treyu is now known as Treyuzzz
Jul 22 03:15:11 * Mia_Fey stands. "I think I'm only making matters worse for you."
Jul 22 03:15:13 <`Tak> ... *Wow. Thassa lotta leg.*
Jul 22 03:15:31 * Treyuzzz has quit (Exit: DarkMyst WebChat (EOF))
Jul 22 03:15:32 *chortles* Oh so?
Jul 22 03:16:01 * Nightcrawler gives a low whistle. "And you go out fighting crime like that? Terribly unfair of you."
Jul 22 03:16:33 <`Tak> Eh? *to Abe* Oh yes. Not... that I've met any other fishmen but that's how the phrase goes.
Jul 22 03:16:55 Neither have I. But I'll keep it in mind.
Jul 22 03:17:19 <`Tak> ...Wot do you mean by that? You've never seen another offfyer kind before?
Jul 22 03:17:26 * Abe_Sapien shakes his head.
Jul 22 03:17:42 * Phoenix_Wright shakes his head. "Don't worry about it. I've had a lot on my plate since coming back anyway."
Jul 22 03:18:08 I could say the same of /you/. That outfit doesn't leave much to my imagination.
Jul 22 03:18:16 * You are now known as Arabelle
Jul 22 03:18:18 * Sailor_Jupiter pauses, rethinks that, and blushes.
Jul 22 03:18:19 <`Tak> Ugh, thassawful. I've known a FEW people like that...
Jul 22 03:18:40 * Arabelle sips her milkshake.
Jul 22 03:18:45 ....
Jul 22 03:18:49 Mmmm. mhm. So've I.
Jul 22 03:18:54 * Mia_Fey shrugs her shoulders. "But I keep bringing it up. I'm starting to get it now."
Jul 22 03:18:59 * Arabelle heard that, Jupiter. She goes a little red when she realizes it too >__>
Jul 22 03:19:20 * Nightcrawler blinks and belatedly realizes that Jupiter was talking to him.
Jul 22 03:19:24 <`Tak> I'm lucky to only be circumsh... circum... to be exiled from my people because of things that happened!
Jul 22 03:19:51 *nods*
Jul 22 03:19:52 ..."I am completely covered! I've been in the public eye in this since I was a boy in the circus!"
Jul 22 03:20:13
...I'm sorry. It was a long week, is all.
Jul 22 03:20:17 * Abe_Sapien looks back at Kurt. sprfles.*
Jul 22 03:20:27 * Nightcrawler is somewhat dismayed, but only somewhat.
Jul 22 03:20:32 * Arabelle attempt at continuing the subject without blushing, "My costume's got paddin' and stuff, keep th' rest of me protected since I tend to be th' one charging into battle first."
Jul 22 03:21:02 <`Tak> But... inna way, I know what you're going through myself b'cause of jus' that. *leaning towards Abe, drunkenly sympathetic*
Jul 22 03:21:06 It's also a very tight uniform.
Jul 22 03:21:14 ...Don't apologize. I'm the one who's out of place here. Take care of yourself, Wright.
Jul 22 03:21:46 * Abe_Sapien isn't one to talk, usually any time is Shirtless o' Clock, round the BPRD. Not right now, though. The Nexus is lucky it got him to ditch the goggles and the breather.*
Jul 22 03:21:51 "I mean, granted I don't get very close to them. Well I need freedom of movement!" See? He grips the back of the chair and...twists himself into three knots at once it seems.
Jul 22 03:21:53
Jul 22 03:21:57 ....
Jul 22 03:22:14 * Arabelle 's brain has quietly bluescreened, press ctrl+alt+del to restart.
Jul 22 03:22:41 * Sailor_Jupiter coughs and turns very interesting shades of red.
Jul 22 03:22:55 * Mia_Fey gives Nick a light pat on the shoulder, before heading towards the door.
Jul 22 03:22:55 * Arabelle , too, really.
Jul 22 03:23:04 * `Tak can't say anything either. That vacsuit is like a second skin. It leaves little to the imagination, but unfortunately that flight of fancy is rather... short.
Jul 22 03:23:10 * Abe_Sapien sees Kurt do that. Has a vague 'I could do that but I don't wanna' look that wanders away after a moment. He's drunk...ish.*
Jul 22 03:23:22
Jul 22 03:23:47 * Arabelle isn't really dressed flatteringly, herself, alas. Sweatpants and sleeveless shirt, and all.
Jul 22 03:23:53
[Mia... if I wasn't burdened with this terrible memory...]
Jul 22 03:23:57 * `Tak sees Kurt do that too. Suddenly the fuzz doesn't bother her quite as much.
Jul 22 03:24:41 That's ... rather good. *points waveringly.*
Jul 22 03:24:48 I... Can't do that.
Jul 22 03:25:01 <`Tak> It IS rather good.
Jul 22 03:25:02 I could curl Ara over there like a set of weights, but not that.
Jul 22 03:25:02 "..." Kurt flips around until he is crouching all knee-covered on the back of his chair. That this makes the front legs lift off the ground doesn't seem to bother him.
Jul 22 03:25:57 ..uhm. Please don't. I don't really have any, uh. Flexability skills. Although I can hit stuff really hard with m'arms.
Jul 22 03:25:58 Mmmmmmaybe when I'm sober. *icthyo-meh at Tak.*
Jul 22 03:26:02 "Well, as I said. Circus. ...Also a mutant, so. Bendy spine and teleportation, but you have to take the blue fur and tail as well. The tail is actually the best part, though."
Jul 22 03:26:22 * Abe_Sapien flimberts.
Jul 22 03:26:23 <`Tak> ...
Jul 22 03:26:33 * Abe_Sapien has heard plenty about tails, thank you.
Jul 22 03:26:41 <`Tak> ((XD!!))
Jul 22 03:26:43 * Arabelle ...oh god her mind just went -there-.
Jul 22 03:26:46 So I'm told.
Jul 22 03:26:53 * Mia_Fey heads out, not saying anything else.
Jul 22 03:27:01 ...I've seen similar things set in animation.
Jul 22 03:27:03 * Mia_Fey is now known as Sati[zzz]
Jul 22 03:27:05 * Nightcrawler raises an eyebrow. "You know my alternate?"
Jul 22 03:27:13 Oh God, I said that out loud.
Jul 22 03:27:27 ...Oh god. I remember when I got power swapped with him.
Jul 22 03:27:34 * Phoenix_Wright slumps in his seat a bit.
Jul 22 03:27:36 Ah, no. Another individual with a tail, though.
Jul 22 03:27:38 Controlling the teleporting was -goddamn hard-.
Jul 22 03:27:57 "Ah. It is not so hard! You just...think about it or you do not think about it."
Jul 22 03:28:10 Mhm.
Jul 22 03:28:14 Tell that to my brain, dude. It just goes off on its own tangent.
Jul 22 03:28:19 "...But yes there was a period of time when I was twelve when I am not sure how my mother did not smother me."
Jul 22 03:28:22 * `Tak turns back to Abe. "When you're sober, you're going to have to show him up then, fish-man. Since you said you could..."
Jul 22 03:28:25 ((XD))
Jul 22 03:28:27 * Arabelle snorks
Jul 22 03:28:40 Surprisingly ... what? *double-blinks at Tak*
Jul 22 03:28:41 "...Of course if she got through having a toddler who could crawl up the wall, I suppose teleporting at inopportune times was not so bad." ^__^
Jul 22 03:28:54 I could... probably give myself a tail. I'm not sure how that'd work out.
Jul 22 03:29:15 * Nightcrawler does not often meet people who are more flexible than him, due to the whole mutant thing, so he'd like to see what Abe can do!
Jul 22 03:29:25 Havin' a tail as neat, though. Made my center of balance all weird, though
Jul 22 03:29:38 <`Tak> Isn't that wot you said? Well, you'll have to... ohwhatstheword... 'own up' to it.
Jul 22 03:29:44 Since I'm used to most of my weight in my upper body.
Jul 22 03:29:54 ... I did, didn't I?
Jul 22 03:29:59 Did I?
Jul 22 03:30:01 "How did he do with the wings?"
Jul 22 03:30:03 Did you keep your arms?
Jul 22 03:30:07 <`Tak> You DID.
Jul 22 03:30:10 I did.
Jul 22 03:30:14 Yeah, it just switched the mutations, not my cybernetics
Jul 22 03:30:25 And from what I heard, he loved every minute of it
Jul 22 03:30:46 "I'll bet. I admit I have always wondered what it was like."
Jul 22 03:30:49 <`Tak> You look like you could fold yourself in half a few times pretty easily, so I don't think you were LYING...
Jul 22 03:31:05 I oughta take you flyin' one day just to show ya. It's awesome.
Jul 22 03:31:09 * Abe_Sapien nods.
Jul 22 03:31:27 *It's the nodnod of a happydrunkfishie.*
Jul 22 03:31:33 "Heh. I have been flying, and ja it is wonderful, but I have not flown under my own power. Well, the X-Wing doesn't count."
Jul 22 03:31:48 * Arabelle is realizing she's missing Lil!Kurt and regretting leaving him behind. She looks down for a moment, not meeting anyone's eyes when it occurs to her.
Jul 22 03:31:50 * Phoenix_Wright gets up, sighing. "I'm sorry. I'm going to call it a night. You guy seem to be chatting fine without me anyway."
Jul 22 03:32:00 I used to be able to fly.
Jul 22 03:32:03 * Nightcrawler only calls it the Blackbird when Scott is around. They are X-Men, their plane is the X-Wing, it is only sense! (and geekdom)
Jul 22 03:32:06 *distracted* ..night phoenix
Jul 22 03:32:13 Night.
Jul 22 03:32:33 * Nightcrawler looks at Phoenix in dismay. "I am sorry, I did not mean to exclude you, Phoenix!"
Jul 22 03:32:44 * `Tak finishes off her milkshake. Yumm.
Jul 22 03:32:59 * Phoenix_Wright shakes his head. "It's okay. My mind just started thinking about some things... I don't think I'd be good company right now anyway."
Jul 22 03:33:04 I ... cannot remember the last time I've flown.
Jul 22 03:33:30 I ... cannot remember a great deal of things at the moment.
Jul 22 03:35:55 * Abe_Sapien lies down on the sofa he's sitting on. Much better.*
Jul 22 03:36:02 <`Tak> As for me... that was when we were running from the Khonshu. My partner got exploded by the moon that contained It...
Jul 22 03:36:02 * Nightcrawler nods, still a little worried. "Alright. Well, I hope you feel better. Sleep well."
Jul 22 03:36:19 * `Tak tosses her milkshake cup to the side.
Jul 22 03:36:23 * Phoenix_Wright smiles slightly. "Thanks." [But I suspect another nightmare is on the plate tonight...]
Jul 22 03:36:27 * Phoenix_Wright heads into the side rooms.
Jul 22 03:36:30 * Phoenix_Wright is now known as Badge
Jul 22 03:36:35 Wait... running from the what?
Jul 22 03:36:35 * Arabelle has finished hers and is staring at the cup.
Jul 22 03:36:43 ...The Egyptian moon god?
Jul 22 03:37:20 <`Tak> In a way, yes. The Khonshu. He'd settled on Earth--ONE earth, anyway--to rule at that time.
Jul 22 03:38:16 * twin (twintastic@dm-14570.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net) has joined #thesanctuary
Jul 22 03:38:18 Extra...dimensional? *sigh* It's always ex...tradimensional.
Jul 22 03:39:24 <`Tak> Yeah, I know howyyyah feel. This thing was horrible. I detonated my SUIT to blow a hole in that moon long enough for us to get in!
Jul 22 03:39:43 Or occasionally a hoax ... cooked up by power-hungry mystics. But usually extradimensional.
Jul 22 03:40:07 Oh... dear.
Jul 22 03:40:38 * Arabelle blinks out of her thoughts and shakes her head. She'll get 'em out. She -knows- she will
Jul 22 03:41:36 <`Tak> ...Well. *trying to pull herself out of the intoxicated slippery slope she's on* It wasn't fun. I haven't flown since.
Jul 22 03:41:44 * Abe_Sapien rubs his face and tries to clear his thoughts.* Mmm.
Jul 22 03:41:58 <`Tak> D...ya want me to leave?
Jul 22 03:42:22 It's all right.
Jul 22 03:42:27 <`Tak> Or maybe if YOU leave, th'effect'll wear off...
Jul 22 03:43:12 You'd have to enter hostage negotiations with the sofa.
Jul 22 03:43:49 <`Tak> I dun' wanna argue with a sofa. It'sh humiliating when I lose. *she flops onto the floor*
Jul 22 03:43:56 ...
Jul 22 03:44:08 *amused sound.*
Jul 22 03:44:19 * Sailor_Jupiter stands, moves over to Tak, and offers her a hand. "...You need help?"
Jul 22 03:44:42 <`Tak> M' fine. I meant to do this. *she was lying on her side to begin with. It wasn't a far fall at all*
Jul 22 03:45:19 * Mattybee (kingmitten@ has joined #thesanctuary
Jul 22 03:45:41 Uh-huh.
Jul 22 03:45:51 <`Tak> ...I diiiid!
Jul 22 03:46:34 Why don't I get you to a couch? Or a side-room, if you need it?
Jul 22 03:47:18 <`Tak> ...Sure. Couch is good. *takes her hand. Watch out, Makoto. She's lighter than she should be.*
Jul 22 03:47:50 * Abe_Sapien gillflutters. This is clearly the piscene equivalent of yawning. The advantage of which being that you don't have to see what fish-tonsils look like.*
Jul 22 03:47:57 * Sailor_Jupiter lifts her /easily/. She blinks in surprise, slips another arm around her just to be safe, and moves Tak to the chouch. "You good here?"
Jul 22 03:47:58 "And you, Blue Two?" Kurt has no compunctions against rhyming.
Jul 22 03:48:13 "Are you staying here?"
Jul 22 03:48:27 <`Tak> Ssssshure.
Jul 22 03:48:57 I'm resigned to rhyming, aren't I? I shouldn't. Stay, that is.
Jul 22 03:49:37 * Sailor_Jupiter pats her on the head, and moves back to her own seat. Leg crossing!
Jul 22 03:50:02 *He's managed to clear his head a bit and leaves said sofa.*
Jul 22 03:50:22 <`Tak> I'll move when 'M feeling... *leg-crossing?* ...more stable.
Jul 22 03:50:59 * Sailor_Jupiter ...shouldn't do this. She uncrosses her legs, then recrosses them.
Jul 22 03:51:16 ..*blinks*
Jul 22 03:51:31 "I would quote something in iambic here, but I'm drawing a- ...." Yes, quite. MEAN, WOMAN!
Jul 22 03:51:49 "You, madam, are dangerous." >:3
Jul 22 03:51:56 * Abe_Sapien double-blinks slowly.
Jul 22 03:52:11 <`Tak> Are you leaving, fish-man?
Jul 22 03:52:22 At least I'm not shattering illusions by wearing a bikini.
Jul 22 03:52:48 Though, I could probably use the disguise pen to hide the scars...
Jul 22 03:53:32 nnf.
Jul 22 03:53:35 Hm? I should leave. Too much time out of water.... *vague gesture*
Jul 22 03:53:56 See you.
Jul 22 03:54:17 * twin (twintastic@dm-14570.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net) has left #thesanctuary
Jul 22 03:54:19 <`Tak> Alright. Goodbye, then...
Jul 22 03:54:30 night then.
Jul 22 03:54:31 * `Tak waves.
Jul 22 03:54:51 "Aufweidersehen. And, er, what -is- your name, actually?"
Jul 22 03:55:22 * Sailor_Jupiter points at herself. You missed her introductions?
Jul 22 03:57:02 * Abe_Sapien blinks. Who, him?
Jul 22 03:57:10 * Nightcrawler did! But he was talking to Abe. BOTH OF YOU OWN UP.
Jul 22 03:57:54 Sailor Jupiter. I hope you'll forgive me for skipping the whole 'pretty suited soldier of love' bit.
Jul 22 03:57:54 *headtilt* Abe Sapien.
Jul 22 03:58:30 <`Tak> 'Soldier of LOVE?' I understand why you skipped it.
Jul 22 03:58:47 "Kurt Wagner, a pleasure." Handshake, he'll get to you in just a sec there, Little Miss Little Skirt.
Jul 22 03:59:02 <`Tak> makes no sense...
Jul 22 03:59:25 * Arabelle fiddles with a joint at her hand.
Jul 22 03:59:27 Makes perfect sense.
Jul 22 03:59:44 <`Tak> Oh, nngh, by the way I'm Tak.
Jul 22 03:59:50 Ara.
Jul 22 03:59:55 * Abe_Sapien is just that tired and fighting off the residual drunk that he... actually does shake Kurt's hand. Whups. At least he has the gloves on?*
Jul 22 04:01:18 There are worse hands to shake. There's a haze of worry and Things to Do around Kurt, but under it all he really is just one of the nicest people a guy could meet. And he thinks Abe is cool.
Jul 22 04:02:45 "And...Soldier of Love? Frau Jupiter, I begin to see that you are one who will always have a man at a disadvantage. And yet I cannot think of any reason to complain!" ^__^
Jul 22 04:03:47 * Abe_Sapien is lucky that Kurt is the way he is. And that he isn't a telepath. But his mun is crashing.*
Jul 22 04:03:51 You're flattering me, Kurt-crawler!
Jul 22 04:03:55 * `Tak raises her head to look at Kurt. Oh, /brother/.
Jul 22 04:04:36 Goodnight, then. *gathers his things and heads out. Mun go crashy now.*
Jul 22 04:04:54 "I am incorrigible, you must forgive me. And you too, Tak, though perhaps I will not be so incorrigible to you just now." Glaring choco-drunk is glaring!
Jul 22 04:05:06 "Goodnight, Herr Sapien."
Jul 22 04:05:14 See you.
Jul 22 04:05:33 * Arabelle snrks a bit
Jul 22 04:05:54 * Abe_Sapien is now known as YumeFhtagn
Jul 22 04:06:14 <`Tak> Think nothing of it, Kurt-crawler. *she rather likes that name for him.* I am intoxiccc... Intoxi...
Jul 22 04:06:42 <`Tak> YyyyknowwhatImean.
Jul 22 04:07:48 * `Tak wasn't truly glaring... if that were possible from an Irken. More of a... 9_9 face directed at someone. Yeah.
Jul 22 04:09:31 <`Tak> However! *dramatic point from couch!* Because I am in... because I'm like this I should be leaving as well!
Jul 22 04:09:44 Heh. Night then.
Jul 22 04:10:10 * Nightcrawler 's mun has seen the Zim. She knows the power of an Irken glare. "Well, sleep the sleep of the righteous. And maybe have a glass of water first."
Jul 22 04:10:48 Try not to fall!
Jul 22 04:10:55 * Badge has quit (Exit: )
Jul 22 04:10:55 <`Tak> Goodnight, Arabelle-humanoid. And maybe I will, Kurt-crawler. Maaaaybe I will. *spoken almost ominously.*
Jul 22 04:11:09 ....o.O
Jul 22 04:11:32 'Arabelle-humanoid'? *turns to Kurt with a sort of '...uh' expression on her face.*
Jul 22 04:12:13 <`Tak> Hm? On the contrary. *she extends something from her pak and shoots it at the floor right next to the couch, forming a portal. The keen-eyed might notice it's a bedchamber-ish room on the other side* That's exactly what I plan to do!
Jul 22 04:13:01 <`Tak> Goodnight, Jupiter-soldier! *rollSHOOMPand she's gone!*


pc: makoto kino (notinuniform), pc: abe sapien (icthysapien), logposts, kurt

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