Title: Separate Worlds
arliddianRating: K+
Fandom: X-Men movieverse
Characters/Pairing: Bobby/Rogue
Summary: Rogue thinks about her world. Pre-X3.
Word Count: 373
Author's Note: Prompt -
Warnings: None.
Disclaimer: Don't own it; don't sue me.
Now and then, I can see the advantages of the powers of I was cursed with. They're the perfect excuse to use to get out of basketball or a dip in the lake, when the truth is that I hate sports and I can't swim very well. Nobody crowds me when I walk through the halls, so I'm never accidentally jostled or tripped or stepped on. And when Jubilee came home one night, shaken because her date had tried to force himself on her, I felt relieved because I knew nobody would ever get that far with me. My skin keeps me enclosed in my own world, safe and inviolable.
But the thing is, it's like living in a plastic bubble. I watch people experience life carelessly, carefree, while I can never experience it the same way. I can test the limits, stretch out as far as I can, but I can never get rid of the barrier that closes me off.
I'd accepted this, resigned myself to being aloof, untouchable. And then Bobby came along. Bobby, with his crooked smile and warm eyes. Bobby, with his patience and unconscious charm.
He tells me he doesn't care that he can't touch me, that the only kisses we can steal are ones that are all too brief and leave him feeling weak. He holds me gently, tenderly, as if I'm something precious he's afraid to break, and not as if one wrong move could have me leeching the life from his body.
But no matter how close he gets, he's never close enough. With me, he has to be so careful, enclosed as I am in this inescapable bubble. I watch him interact with the others, and every casual high five, every friendly punch on the arm, every formal handshake is like someone coming up and banging on a window, just reminding me that I'm here and they're all there.
He tells me he wants me for who I am, the girl inside my skin. He looks into my eyes and takes my hand, skin against glove. And I look at him through the walls of my world, and wish more than anything that I could break out and escape into the real world.