Title: Two First Kisses
arliddianRating: PG
Fandom: X-Men movieverse
Characters/Pairing: Bobby/Rogue
Summary: There are first kisses, and there are first kisses.
Word Count: 287
Author's Note: Prompt -
Disclaimer: Don't own it; don't sue me.
He never forgets their first kiss.
It's the thrill of something dangerous and forbidden, something they'd both longed for but had never been brave enough to seek. It's quick and soft and gentle and he's kissed girls before, but it's never been like this, leaving him electrified and breathless and dizzy, and he's not sure if it's her powers or just the fact of her lips against his.
They try again, and this time it's deeper and hungrier and everything they'd been denied. She pulls him close and then closer, but then it turns to something more than lightheadedness, and it hurts, and he's kissed girls before but it's never been like this.
He pulls away and she apologises with regretful eyes. They don't try again. And he's glad they don't, not because it hurt, but because he's afraid that maybe he liked the taste of mortality more than the taste of her lips: the brush with death, the strangely exhilarating mix of long-denied pleasure and unasked-for pain.
He never forgets their other first kiss.
It's slow and tentative and cautious, even more so than before, as if neither of them can really believe that the Cure actually worked, as if he's afraid that he will miss the thrill of her dangerous skin. It's long and soft and gentle, and he's kissed her before, but it's never been like this.
She presses closer and puts her hands on his neck and the kiss becomes deeper and passionate and he can feel it everywhere. When it ends, he feels electrified and dizzy, and he knows that it's just her that's left him feeling breathless: the simple fact of her lips against his, an affirmation of life.