Title: Universal Bias
arliddianRating: G
Fandom: Doctor Who
Characters/Pairing: Amy/Rory
Summary: Sometimes, Rory thinks that the universe might be a little biased.
Word Count: 100 (drabble!)
Author's Note: Prompt -
Warnings: Minor spoiler-ish mention of 6x08.
Disclaimer: Don't own it; don't sue me.
Sometimes, Rory thinks that the universe might be a little biased.
It definitely seems partial to keeping the Doctor alive (though the comments he overheard on the Teselecta about his death being fixed might be a flaw in that theory). It also seems to like killing him. (Of course, it’s never managed to keep him dead.)
But above all, he thinks that the universe must like the idea of him and Amy. No matter what has happened to them across time and space, they’ve always been brought back together.
And if that’s how the universe plays favourites, he’s not complaining.