Title: "The First, The Last," by sian_shoe. Summary: Lyra Mahariel recalls her time spent with Tamlen as a child, friend and lover. Rating: [T] for mild sex and violence references.
I read this when you linked me to the FFnet version. I couldn't stop crying. I'm still moping. And every time I look up to read more, I start getting sad again!
How do you know my weaknesses so well? Romantic angst, and dwarf porn...you peddler, you! <3 Tamlennnnnnnnnnnnnnn. Gosh, you can just feel her life, so tinged with regret and beauty all at once.
Utterly beautiful, and so very tragic. I have very little brain power this time of day, so understand when I say sio;dfjsgvkldfgjsdkfgwerjfaek it suggests very eloquent expressions of grief, and sadness and how incredibly heart rending that was.
Comments 5
How do you know my weaknesses so well? Romantic angst, and dwarf porn...you peddler, you! <3 Tamlennnnnnnnnnnnnnn. Gosh, you can just feel her life, so tinged with regret and beauty all at once.
I bet their kisses tasted like grass and blood :P
This was beautiful, thank you for writing it. This has to be one of the better pieces of writing I have read so far.
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