Title: The Quiet Elf Fandom: Dragon Age Characters: M!Surana, M!Mahariel Rating: PG Summary: The quiet elven mage turns up without warning and sweeps into Theron's life like a force of nature.
Title: Lost to the Blight Fandom: Dragon Age Characters: Theron Mahariel/Morrigan Summary: When it feels like he's lost everyone, the person he needs the most, is gone too.
Title: Not in Love Author: debb Rating: G warnings: None Word Count: 2114 Pairing: M!Tabris/Zevran Summary: Darrian Tabris is not in love with Zevran, so he likes to tell himself. His actions however, say otherwise.
Title: Survivors Author: debb Rating: PG13 warnings: None Word Count: 7214 Pairing: None so far Summary: The Grey Wardens begin their recruitment at the Circle Tower and find that it is in no state to offer help. Author's Note: Somehow this chapter turned into "The Morrigan and Theron Show". Even I have no idea how. Note this is how I played my game
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Title: Survivors Fandom: Dragon Age Rating: PG Characters: Mahariel, Tabris, Alistair, Morrigan, Dog Summary: Having found the surviving Wardens, Theron now tries to get along with them.
Lenna and I have decided to do these posts once a week so as not to spam the comms. If you want to read chapters as they come out, check out
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