
Jun 26, 2010 09:18

I've been taking feverfew for a few weeks now, because I am Headache Girl, and that's supposed to help with that. Specifically, its supposed to help with migraines, which I get, but I also get other headaches. Many other headaches. All the time. My superpower is also my kryptonite. Woe. Anyway, in addition to the pain, feverfew is supposed to ( Read more... )

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arithil June 28 2010, 07:20:53 UTC
We have a store nearby that sells natural foods and other products, I picked up the feverfew there. If you don't have a similar place in your area, you can also get it from drugstore.com. Just be careful if you have an allergy to ragweed - apparently the plants are related, and people who are allergic to ragweed can get a rash from feverfew.

I'm glad, too! I hope it helps you, too. *crosses fingers and toes*


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