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Jun 26, 2010 09:18

I've been taking feverfew for a few weeks now, because I am Headache Girl, and that's supposed to help with that. Specifically, its supposed to help with migraines, which I get, but I also get other headaches. Many other headaches. All the time. My superpower is also my kryptonite. Woe. Anyway, in addition to the pain, feverfew is supposed to help with the nausea and sensitivity to light, as well as help open up the blood vessels, which is good for your brainmeats. Nausea I really only get with the bad headaches, but the light sensitivity is a constant thing for me, and I had the thought that the improved blood flow might even help with the steel vise that is sometimes my neck. And I have to say -- I totally love this stuff. Don't get me wrong, I am not pain-free, but...its just better. Last week I had one of my bad headaches (which were becoming way too regular in recent months and part of got me to finally seek herbal help) and...it wasn't as bad. Normally, I'd have taken one of the 500mg monster-Motrin, and gone back to bed after only a few hours awake. I did still take the monster, but I never felt bad enough to seek bed, and was actually able to go out for a little while. IT WAS SO AWESOME, I CAN'T EVEN TELL YOU.

I've also started taking some St. John's Wort for my depression, because apparently 2010 is the summer I go after my dream of Things Sucking Less, and so far, that's looking promising, too. Its only been about two weeks, and I haven't had a major down swing to really test it against, but I just feel...better. My okay is well below other people's okay, but lately, I feel like its clicked up a notch. Maybe its the SJW, maybe its just general hopefulness, but its already better than any medication anyone ever tried to put me on. Fingers crossed, y'all. This could be a good summer.
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