OSBP: Set Phasers to Phail

Apr 23, 2008 04:20

If you haven't heard about the Open Source Boob Project, you might want to check it out. (I don't usually care, but it's potentially triggeringIn general, I'm fairly oblivious to sexist and/or patriarchal over- and undertones in a very Aspergerian sort of way, but the OSBP starts out with male entitlement and objectification of female bodies on the ( Read more... )

feminism, flying vagina of rage, fandom

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aristaea April 23 2008, 15:06:10 UTC
I think there is a huge, giant line between "you are beautiful" and "you are beautiful, will you let me touch you?". I feel warm and fuzzy inside when a stranger compliments me, and I enjoy looking at people I think are attractive. I don't think there is anything wrong with looking, or with telling someone they are attractive.

Touching, on the other hand, is an invasion of personal space. It is intimate; the participants acknowledge that, and they admit that there is a sexual component. Essentially, they are deriving sexual gratification from these women's bodies. Regardless of whether they are asking, they are still engaging in objectification; the fact that the women allow and/or encourage just says that those women are okay with being objectified and used for this purpose ( ... )


phaedrus101 April 23 2008, 13:59:55 UTC
I call bullshit. "Are they good enough to be touched?" What woman would ask that? Of course they are! The only time you might have a doubt is if you were 13 and extremely insecure at which point you probably aren't going to be comfortable being groped in public.

If this had been sent to Savage Love, he would proclaim this a fantasy letter. Notice that there are no pictures or proof?


aristaea April 23 2008, 15:11:43 UTC
What woman would ask that?

An incredibly insecure one at a sci-fi con?

I dunno. Fake/embellished or not (and apparently the OP has a habit of generating controversy to increase his readership), it's still squicky, and all the sockpuppets friends saying how great it is/was creep me the fuck out.


phaedrus101 April 23 2008, 15:55:52 UTC
Oh no doubt. I didn't actually read the post because I didn't want to become horrifically angry. I just scanned it for photos. I agree with the diagnosis of "misogynistic asshat" 100% and if I'd been there and they'd asked me... well things would not have been pretty. Hell, I got into an argument with a Brazilian friend at one point because he tried to tell me that women should dress up and wear mini skirts at the workplace so that men fantasize about their legs less. Because they don't have to when they see them. That made the party we were at quite uncomfortable. (The Brazilian part is important in accounting for cultural differences)


alchemy April 23 2008, 16:29:11 UTC
I hate to give this idiocy more than, oh, five minutes of my time, so I skimmed and this sums up my feelings on the matter.

Instant sexual gratification is (IMHO) a pretty normal fantasy, but it should be obvious that it's inappropriate to act on it, or in this case, build an infrastructure to more easily exploit women.

Trufax: Women are liberated by abandoning the social constructs which prevent them from sexually servicing me whenever I want.

(FWIW, this makes a lot of sense to young post-pubescent males, so I'll cut the guy some slack if he's 16 and doesn't know any better yet.)


sisterwolf April 26 2008, 17:30:50 UTC
(FWIW, this makes a lot of sense to young post-pubescent males, so I'll cut the guy some slack if he's 16 and doesn't know any better yet.)
he's not, and he does.


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