Title: "Cherish"
Focus: Regina, Belle
Prompt: Regina/Belle - Treasure
Medium: Poetry
Summary: n/a
It was never intentional
Well, yes, I suppose it was
Let's be honest, dear
His downfall was my gain
And you were the ultimate weapon
You with your darling accent
And your sweet good looks
Your sickening devotion to your jailor
And your beloved chipped cup
Your fervent wish for his true love
Too bad your honesty screwed you over
I'll take good care of you, dear
Treat you with more kindness than he did
He'd rather cherish your memory
One day you'll take down the beast for good
Title: "Predilections"
Focus: Regina/OFC, Regina/Emma
Prompt: Coming out of the...
Medium: Poetry
Summary: n/a
Mama never found it advantageous
She always beat me when she caught me
But I didn't care
I followed my heart, my truth
Once I became a queen, it was harder
But it was never impossible
When Leopold died, it was easier
There were always servant girls who disappeared
When I enacted the curse, it was difficult
But they didn't remember from one year to the next
I could assuage my needs as I chose
And no one would ever be the wiser
Until she came to Storybrooke
And destroyed my beloved curse
In the process of stealing my heart
Until Henry's two mommies were inseparable
Title: "Seeing Double"
Focus: Regina/Daniel
Prompt: Doppelganger
Medium: Poetry
Summary: n/a
Spoilers: up through ep 02x05 "The Doctor"
"Seeing Double"
The first time I saw him
I knew I was grieving
He appeared in Leopold's court
Some minor lord's son
Not my beloved
The last time I saw him
I relearned grief
He appeared in Storybrooke
My beloved twisted into a monster
"Goodbye Daniel"
Title: "Vows"
Focus: Regina/Emma
Prompt: Regina/Emma - Wedding
Medium: Poetry
Summary: n/a
This is one of the hardest things I've ever done
Please forgive me if I stumble or repeat myself
All my life, I've searched for somewhere to belong
Someone to call my family, to claim me as theirs
Every time I thought I had it, it was snatched away
I began to think I just wasn't destined for any love
And then Henry happened
That little baby boy needed his best chance
And that meant giving him up for adoption
Hoping that he found what I never could
When he found me on my twenty-eighth birthday
My birthday wish came true in more ways than one
I brought him home to his family
Little did I knew them that he brought me home to mine
We fought like cats and dogs for so long
It took two incidents, just weeks apart, to make me see
Nearly losing him and you both opened my eyes
Even with all the odds stacked against us
Even with the curse and all of that Evil Queen vs. White Knight crap
It didn't matter because my heart was already given
It's taken us so long to get here, entire lifetimes it seems
But we're where we're supposed to be
And I've never been happier to proclaim my love for you
So let's join hands and hearts and make it official
The task is always easier with two -- or three
I love you and I am thrilled to make you my wife
For now and for always
Original post @ Dreamwidth with
comments. Commenting is welcome on either post.