OUaT POEMS :: "Romantic", "Believer", "Hubris", "BFFs", "He Never Knew..."

Nov 04, 2012 00:08

Title: "Romantic"
Focus: Cora/Henry Sr.
Prompt: Cora/Henry Sr. - love
Medium: Poetry
Summary: n/a


She did love him
In her own way
Not like he wanted
She wasn't a romantic

He was so safe
He never refused her
He'd never hurt her
He was a romantic

Title: "Believer"
Focus: Emma
Prompt: True Love's Kiss
Medium: Poetry
Summary: n/a


True Love was the stuff of fairytales
The plot behind so many rom-coms
Nothing that would ever be worth my time
More like a silly waste of time

And then I met him
Well, met him again
Got to know him
Fell in love with him

Magic and True Love are the stuff of fairytales
But when True Love's kiss broke Magic's curse
And brought him back to me
It was time to start believing

Title: "Hubris"
Focus: Regina/Daniel
Prompt: Regina/Daniel - Storybrooke
Medium: Poetry
Summary: n/a
Spoilers: ep 02x05 "The Doctor"


It was never supposed to be like this
I brought him with me in stasis
Spent time with him every Wednesday
Those lilies weren't for my father, of course

Finding out that Whale brought him back
Monster or no, I had to see him
He would never hurt me, he loved me
He was my True Love and I was his

But Whale's hubris was in using the wrong heart
There was no way to survive that pain
The rage overwhelmed the love
And so I lost my True Love forever

"Goodbye, Daniel"

Title: "BFFs"
Focus: Ruby/Ashley
Prompt: Ruby/Ashley - pre-series
Medium: Poetry
Summary: n/a


Ladies Night is a given
Best friends relieving stress
No boyfriends, no overbearing family
Just hot guys buying them drinks

They were there for each other
Through thick and thin
Always close by with a smile
And a half gallon of chocolate ice cream

Title: "He Never Knew..."
Focus: Henry, Regina
Prompt: The untold story
Medium: Poetry
Summary: n/a

"He Never Knew…"

He never read her story
He knew her involvement in other stories
Knew about the Dark Curse
The regicide and Snow White's poisoned apple
But he never knew about the abuse
The mother that twisted her daughter's love
The exacting standards she never achieved
The descent into madness that loss wrought
Nobody felt her story was worth telling…

Original post @ Dreamwidth with
comments. Commenting is welcome on either post.

fandom :: ouat, fanfic :: once upon a time, ficathons & challenges, poems

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