Post of Fun!

Aug 12, 2008 16:23

Or more fun than it's been around my LJ lately, anyway. It's been a tough summer for me, and I haven't been posting much, so I wanted to make a post that doesn't involve me whining and involves things my flist may actually be interested in. *waves to new friends*

1. Let's start off with a rec. quasar273 asked me to beta a story a little before the SGA ( Read more... )

life of argosy, recs

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Comments 29

innerslytherin August 13 2008, 00:47:04 UTC
I LOVE Jill Sobule's song, but I lost my tape of it ages ago. Thank you! :D I hate the new song as well, but of course it has a catchy sound so it still gets stuck in my brain if I hear it. Ugh.


argosy August 13 2008, 05:23:55 UTC
Yay. I'm glad you can get some use out of the Jill Sobule song. Play it to banish the other one from your head. Yuck. :DD


equusentric August 13 2008, 00:53:12 UTC
This summer has been rather crapstastic, hasn't it? {{{{SNUGZ}}}} And you're always free to whine at me if you need to. Lawdy knows I do enough of it myself. It'd be a change of pace. ;)


argosy August 13 2008, 05:26:25 UTC
Aw, thanks for the snugz, hun. Hey did you ever read my last story, No Place Like Home? I put in a literally one sentence mention of a horse, but I thought about you when I did it. :)


equusentric August 17 2008, 16:33:15 UTC
I did read the story! But I was veryveryvery bad about leaving feedback for any of the Match stories. *hangs head* I've felt very disconnected the past few months and I'm having a hard time reengaging myself. But your story was great...and yes, I noted the horse! :D

And anthropologist!Rodney LOL! ♥


kimberlyfdr August 13 2008, 00:55:02 UTC
But oh--the scene with John, Ronon and Rodney in Rodney's quarters from Miller's Crossing! They're going with him! The manly arm pat! My shipper heart has grown three sizes today. Plus there are wee baby turtles!

I love that scene more than I can properly explain. John took his bag to carry, Rodney has Carson's turtles, it's all about team togetherness \o/


argosy August 13 2008, 05:27:33 UTC
John took his bag! I forgot about that! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥


winkingstar August 13 2008, 01:15:52 UTC
Hi! *waves* I didn't even have to tear myself away from the Olympics 'cause I don't have a TV anymore. *g* I could in theory watch some events online, but I haven't got round to actually doing that. Mostly because I like to do other stuff while watching sporting events, but if I'm watching it on my computer then I can't do anything else on the computer. I did watch some of the opening ceremony vids, though. That was cool.

But when Ronon said it came from the military museum on Sateda, all I could think was that the military museum must suck.

Ah, but it's a military museum, not an art museum. Not every military person can be as artistically talented as Lorne. So, you know, maybe that hideous monstrosity was painted by some war hero who thought he had talent. I'm sure they had lots of cool swords and guns and such there, though. Alternatively, it could be a museum along the lines of the Museum of Bad Art. (Also, I totally loved the earlier deleted scene from Reunion where Ronon's friends mentioned that he was a poet and a ( ... )


argosy August 15 2008, 01:23:26 UTC
You're getting like ten email alerts from me tonight, sorry. :)

I hadn't thought of the painting as being by a veteran--I'd thought it was in the museum as being an artist's representation of the battle. I like your version much better. Perhaps the vet was blinded in action or something--or like the only color he can see now is red.


(The comment has been removed)

argosy August 15 2008, 01:23:47 UTC


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