Fandom Man Candy, etc.

May 22, 2008 17:16

So we've seen OK Magazine's Top 50 Man Candy list, yes? It has been pointed out that it--to put it charitably--lacks a certain something. And also has Simon Cowell taking up valuable top-50 space. (Seriously, Simon Cowell?)

The lovely mortari has rectified that with her awesome list, Top Fifty Man Candy, Fandom-Style. Go. Stare at the pretty. Share the ( Read more... )

picspam, award, d/hr, hp

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Comments 24

elspethsheir May 23 2008, 01:41:13 UTC
Go. Stare at the pretty.

I'm stuck on her #1 right now, but eventually I'll scroll down!

And go you for the award! (Love the category. Hee!)


argosy May 23 2008, 02:10:45 UTC
Oh, keep scrolling, there is much lovliness!

And thanks for your congrats. :DD

Also I keep reading/skimming all your interesting posts lately w/out commenting because I'm so stressed/hurried this month. But they've been good. I'll try to comment more. ♥


elspethsheir May 23 2008, 18:34:40 UTC
I have been Posty McPost this week - after so long an absence, I am clearly feeling better. Huzzah!

There was so much pretty in that post. I may have to do my own version. In keeping with my renewed posting, you know.

And I know what it's like to be hurried/stressed/stretched to the limit, so I'm just glad to see you posting and about! ♥


darsynia May 23 2008, 02:03:50 UTC




(yay David beat Joe, for some reason that makes me irrationally happy in a cute scientist vs. suicidal flyboy kind of way. Not that I don't find them both ridiculously hot)

Can I link to your post linking to that post? For credit for finding the awesome? Yes? :D

edit: fuck! That picture of Kavan. *stares*


argosy May 23 2008, 02:12:52 UTC

You may link however you want. ♥ But mortari wouldn't mind you linking directly either.

I agree with you about David, and I was also really excited to see J. August Richards. I was like, Gunn!!!! :D


darsynia May 23 2008, 02:15:25 UTC
Linking both, actually.

I am seriously just... The list... Seriously. Even Billy Petersen who I love like burning. This list couldn't be more awesome.


argosy May 23 2008, 02:24:06 UTC
It's not exactly my list of course, but it is very, very nice. :D William Peterson doesn't do anything for me, but--oh! Eric Szamanda, or um, whatever his last name is. I love him even if I'm confused!) :D


zoombinilover May 23 2008, 02:43:35 UTC
I'd forgotten what a good writer you are.

Well, not forgotten. I was merely reminded.


argosy May 28 2008, 03:49:54 UTC
Aw, thanks. ♥ ♥


terribilita May 23 2008, 02:56:04 UTC
Mmmmm, that new list is full of yummies. Only thing is, I wish there was a better picture of Joe; he looks slightly crazy in that one and the fandom is definately not short on amazingly-hot!Joe pics (I know, shallow!).

And congrats on the award!


argosy May 28 2008, 03:51:12 UTC
Fandom has the prettiest men. *nods*

And thanks for the congrats. I feel like I haven't 'seen' you around much lately. How are you doing?


terribilita June 5 2008, 04:35:50 UTC
You're welcome! And you're absolutely right, I haven't been around much lately. Fannishly, I kinda got wiped out after finishing my assignments for paintedspires so I haven't been online much. As you can probably tell from this horribly late reply! And personally, I've been great! School's out and I'm enjoying my summer. I'll probably get a chance to go through my flist this week so I can catch up with what's going on with you. I miss you guys. :>

And thanks so much for asking. *grins*


harmony_bites May 23 2008, 03:58:00 UTC
Congrats--you know how I adore that story. Much deserved!


argosy May 28 2008, 03:52:16 UTC
Thank you. my dear. Yeah, I figure if ever there's an award one of my stories is perfect for, this was it. :D


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