Fandom Man Candy, etc.

May 22, 2008 17:16

So we've seen OK Magazine's Top 50 Man Candy list, yes? It has been pointed out that it--to put it charitably--lacks a certain something. And also has Simon Cowell taking up valuable top-50 space. (Seriously, Simon Cowell?)

The lovely mortari has rectified that with her awesome list, Top Fifty Man Candy, Fandom-Style. Go. Stare at the pretty. Share the love. Sigh. mortari hasn't been in every fandom ever, so a few of your favorites may have been left out, but it is a truly... um, inspiring post. Yum.

And hey, I won something. Yay, me. :D

I wanted to make the award graphic into a link, but I give up. Here's a regular link-----> Breathe. I'm tickled that they had a "flatmate" category.

My 5-year-old nephew and I have been watching season two of SGA together. When I'm not so tired remind me to give you his thoughts (He's scared of the Wraith. But not the "kid Wraith" from um... Conversion or Instinct).

Also, I have somehow been sucked into em-cee-ing the concert I'm in next week at the local city college. Dear Lord.

picspam, award, d/hr, hp

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