Help me Out, You Smart People With Good Memories

Mar 09, 2008 14:54

Canon SGA question.

Okay, Rodney and his cat and Zelenka and his pigeons (and something about Beckett and turtles?). Is there any other canon for any of the expedition members ever having had pets? Especially Sam and John. Is anybody out there good at canon?

I hate the moment just before the writing of a story so much that I invariably put it off ( Read more... )

sga, writing

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Comments 18

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argosy March 9 2008, 23:50:35 UTC
I know. I really kind of hate writing. Why do I do it again?


the_cephalopod March 9 2008, 22:10:09 UTC
I'm not help with the pet question I'm afraid... although Outcast would suggest John probably had a horse.

As for writing, I totally agree - there's nothing more scary than a blank screen and blinking cursor! You've just gotta type something or else you never get started!

cep xxx


argosy March 9 2008, 23:51:34 UTC
I guess. Okay. Typing something...


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argosy March 9 2008, 23:52:07 UTC
Elizabeth--dog. Good to know, thanks!


paraka March 9 2008, 22:25:49 UTC
Weir had a dog, and Sam used to have a cat named Schroedinger, but she gave it to one of her many (now dead, I think) boyfriends.
John had horses.


argosy March 9 2008, 23:53:02 UTC
Okay! Sam had a cat. Thanks! I feel pretty sure John will have had a dog as a kid even if it never gets mentioned. That's my story anyway, and I'm sticking to it. :)


paraka March 10 2008, 16:48:56 UTC
Sounds good to me :)


alexajohnson March 9 2008, 22:43:04 UTC
oh yeah, that always happens to me--and is part of the reason why i have a hard time sitting down to write unless i know i have a deadline approaching. there is just almost nothing more intimidating than a blank Word document!


argosy March 9 2008, 23:53:32 UTC
Oh lord I hate the blank word document. :(


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