Help me Out, You Smart People With Good Memories

Mar 09, 2008 14:54

Canon SGA question.

Okay, Rodney and his cat and Zelenka and his pigeons (and something about Beckett and turtles?). Is there any other canon for any of the expedition members ever having had pets? Especially Sam and John. Is anybody out there good at canon?

I hate the moment just before the writing of a story so much that I invariably put it off until the last possible moment, and then I'm always coming up against deadlines and making myself insane. I do this in both my fan and RL writing.

It's just that the empty page or computer screen is so frightening. Like right now I have the shape of the story I'm writing in my head, and I know I've been in this position before, many times.

And I've written the story or the script, and it's always worked out. But I can't help feeling--every time--what if this is the time when my writing mojo (or whatever. talent? or lack thereof?) fails me and I can't get the story onto paper or it's crap or doesn't work.

So yeah. Scary every time. Sigh.

Does that make sense? Does it happen to you?

sga, writing

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