Fic: Breathe (Draco/Hermione, 2/2)

Jan 31, 2007 08:44

Part One is here. And now, Part Two.

Title: Breathe (2/2)
Rating: PG
Pairing: Draco/Hermione
Warnings: Umm... Post-war, I've killed off a bunch of people before the curtain rises.
Summary: The war is over and everyone wants something from Hermione. But that's nothing new; she can handle it. Really.
Wordcount: About 14,600

Draco had been attempting scrambled eggs, apparently, or perhaps dry cereal, who could tell? )

fic, d/hr, hp

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Comments 23

harmony_bites January 31 2007, 20:26:33 UTC
Can we say awwwwwww?? I love this fic even more on reread, it's definately my favorite of yours.


argosy February 1 2007, 08:05:49 UTC
Aw, thanks. :D *hugs*


vivnow February 1 2007, 03:19:52 UTC
I just love this story!


argosy February 1 2007, 08:06:22 UTC
Thanks, sweetie.


love it! mhopelesslynluv February 1 2007, 09:52:42 UTC
*swoons* i'm envious of hermione. wish i had draco in my life too. he is like sooo sweet. specially the part when he ordered pizza & hermione started to feel woozy, so he supported her & whispered sweet nothings to her. so concerned. ;)


Re: love it! argosy February 1 2007, 18:08:57 UTC
Aw, thanks so much for reading. I'm glad you liked it. That Draco is a charmer.


chanteur_dombre February 1 2007, 13:29:49 UTC
Love love love!


argosy February 1 2007, 18:09:28 UTC
Yay! Thanks! :D


sunflowerkudi February 2 2007, 00:44:36 UTC
When I started to read this, I knew I have read it before.. Myabe CG, or somewhere else. Even though this is my 3rd, 4th, maybe 5th..time reading this, I still enjoy this.. The only thing I was not to crazy about, was how Draco went from not crazy about Hermione, to calling her sweetheart. I found it, I guess, a little fast.. Past that, I enjoyed it once again :)


argosy February 7 2007, 18:40:42 UTC
I'm glad you liked the story. It was really quite an epic undertaking for me to write--so many balls in the air--so some things aren't quite the way I would have liked, but I'm glad it mostly holds up for you on the reread anyway. *hugs*


sunflowerkudi February 7 2007, 21:14:39 UTC
It's always interesting for me to reread a story, and see if I still feel the same baout i.


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