Fic: Breathe (Draco/Hermione, 2/2)

Jan 31, 2007 08:44

Part One is here. And now, Part Two.

Title: Breathe (2/2)
Rating: PG
Pairing: Draco/Hermione
Warnings: Umm... Post-war, I've killed off a bunch of people before the curtain rises.
Summary: The war is over and everyone wants something from Hermione. But that's nothing new; she can handle it. Really.
Wordcount: About 14,600

Draco had been attempting scrambled eggs, apparently, or perhaps dry cereal, who could tell? )

fic, d/hr, hp

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Comments 23

'Breathe' verdenia February 4 2007, 04:34:00 UTC
This was really cute and fun; I enjoyed it.

I've only read a few HG/DM fics, so it moved a bit fast for me, but I let my fan-fic-imagination fill in some moments we didn't see. ;P

The dynamics of everyone was very interesting. It was nice to see Ron get told, "no, I wasn't waiting for you". ;P

Interesting and trippy about Harry--I wasn't quite sure of his internal processes when he moved from the Leaky to Hogsmeade, but I guess Albus got him sorted.

Remus the burning-himself-out politician was interesting, as was the sentence for Draco to live as a Muggle for a year. And his attempt at opening eggs was hilarious! ;D

Nice stuff!


Re: 'Breathe' argosy February 7 2007, 18:43:50 UTC
Yeah with our favorite pairings we tend to take as a given that their secretly hot for each other so I can see how it might have seemed to move a bit fast. :)

I'm so happy you liked the story. :) I hope you can be persuaded to read more D/Hr!


Re: 'Breathe' verdenia February 8 2007, 02:41:55 UTC
Oh, yes, I'm pretty open, pairings-wise. The first one my mind goes to is pir8fancier's "The Politician's Wife", even though it isn't very many chapters.

I have so many fics that I have been meaning to read, but if there are a few that make you just burst with happiness to read/rec, feel free to let me know. (and / or point me to your memories or favorites here, at OWL, elsewhere.)

We totally do see them as either hot for each other, or just right for each other. Like with Snarry or Patronus, they've both been Marked by LV, and had their lives orchestrated by AD. So that's a shared experience that I really enjoy about them.


kazfeist February 7 2007, 15:34:49 UTC
Upon yet another reading, I find that I have some more favorite lines: 1. "You can't be surprised." 2. "Why? I've got you. And what about, "If you wanted me, you needed to have said something long ago.", instead of what you have? I tremble at even suggesting, but...:D


kazfeist February 7 2007, 15:35:37 UTC
And, I managed to work the italics thingy.....after about four tries.


argosy February 7 2007, 18:47:15 UTC
Good for you. Do you use rich text? For me that's more trouble than it's worth and I just type in all the codes.


argosy February 7 2007, 18:46:15 UTC
Hmm, yeah yours is probably more grammatically correct, but they both seem a bit stilted...

Maybe, "If you wanted me you should have said something a long time ago"?


masayahin April 21 2007, 08:39:18 UTC
awwwww. :D

love it. <3 :D


Breathe argosy April 23 2007, 05:22:56 UTC
Thank you!! ♥


beachlass August 11 2009, 18:49:49 UTC
What a lovely story.


Breathe terrible_tues_4 May 26 2014, 23:27:37 UTC
You did a great job with this.


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