Sad State of Me

Oct 14, 2010 10:23

I keep dreaming of making posts where I actually say stuff, or update about my life or whatevs, but I'm pretty sure that's not going to happen in the near future. But I miss having outside communication (I'm so busy that's not happening in rl either much), so I decided to just start posting in drips and drabs when I can, like shouting out to the ( Read more... )

life of argosy

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Comments 6

rissabby October 15 2010, 00:00:50 UTC
#4. Either story would be great. I just re-read "No Place Like Home", but "Emo Cat" is a favorite too.


argosy October 15 2010, 18:57:56 UTC
Yeah, I think I'm going to go for No Place like Home, just cuz its longer. :)


almondoil October 15 2010, 04:34:57 UTC
I do. I think it's an awesome show. :D


argosy October 15 2010, 18:58:31 UTC
I've become a little... obsessed lately, ahem.


gottalovev October 16 2010, 20:14:54 UTC
I admire you so much, working in Special Ed. I'm sorry it's so difficult at the moment. *hug*

No Place Like Home is one of my favorite stories about traveling through alternate realities... I don't listen to podfic much but if I was, I'd want that ;)


argosy October 18 2010, 05:10:18 UTC
Thanks. Usually it's nice to have a job that's somewhat meaningful, but it hasn't felt meaningful at all lately, and very difficult. It's definitely time to make some changes, but I hate that.

You should listen to more podfic! :D


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