Sad State of Me

Oct 14, 2010 10:23

I keep dreaming of making posts where I actually say stuff, or update about my life or whatevs, but I'm pretty sure that's not going to happen in the near future. But I miss having outside communication (I'm so busy that's not happening in rl either much), so I decided to just start posting in drips and drabs when I can, like shouting out to the LJ/DW wilderness. If anyone wants to shout back at me sometime, that would be appreciated like you don't even know.

1. LA heatwave has been blessedly over for a couple of weeks. Rats made it through fairly unscathed by drinking chilled water and eating popsicles.

2. Saw the closing show of the Eels tour on Tuesday night. Awesome. Any Eels fans out there besides me?

3. I've had to switch workplaces. (I work in Special Ed, for those that don't know. I consider it a day job, while I'm trying to write professionally). New school sucks enough that I'm planning to ask for a transfer. But this has been really depressing me. :(

4. Waaay back in the dark ages, I won such_heights podficcing services in help_pakistan for a story up to 10,000 words. I'm thinking of asking her to record No Place Like Home. What do you guys think? Would you listen? Would you rather hear Rodney's Emo Cat?

Okay, gotta run. Hope to be in communication later. Maybe even about fun and fannish stuff. Argosy out. Peace. (Does anyone over 12 watch Phineas and Ferb besides me?)

life of argosy

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