Random post of random and one important question (hint: just read #4)

Aug 17, 2010 11:29

Hello lovelies. In no particular order:

1. Are you reading mcshep_match? You should be. I have a story for Team Work. (Has it already been posted? Who knows?) There have been some great stories already. I'm tempted to offer a prize for guessing my story, but I don't have a good track record with that. Still, maybe we can arrange something... At any rate ( Read more... )

life of argosy

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Comments 23

patk August 18 2010, 12:47:59 UTC
>>So I really think we need a friending meme--both to celebrate the fandom, and because I want new friends! Does anyone else think this is a good idea? <<

Yes. :-)


Seriously, YES! *g*

>>but I'm not quite full of myself enough to post the recording I made of "Solitary Man."<<

I'm totally with busaikko on that. Do it or please give permission for somebody else to do it - participation is very welcome over there. :-)


argosy August 22 2010, 02:16:59 UTC

Seriously, YES! *g*

Good! I'm starting to think more and more that it's a good idea, too! \o/ I'll give lots of warning for when I'm going to do it.

Do it or please give permission for somebody else to do it - participation is very welcome over there. :-)

I posted! I have no shame, honestly. *hangs head*


patk August 24 2010, 04:30:07 UTC
*applauds* :-)


gottalovev August 25 2010, 02:34:21 UTC
HI! I was absolutely thrilled that you friended me and I enthusiastically friended you right back \o/

it gives you a hint that I'd love to participate on a friending meme, if that's something you still plan. I have made a couple of friends in the SGA fandom lately, but I want mooooore. :)

so yes. HI.

I'm really glad you shared your song, as you probably deduced from my gushing on the comm post. it reminds me that I had planned to practice tonight. oops. damn procrastination!


argosy August 25 2010, 05:15:47 UTC
Good! Glad to see you around. I definitely want to do a friending meme, but I want to think about how to do it a bit first, and today was way too hot to think! So I'm still planning one, and there will be lots of warning first. :)

Practice your guitar! Not that I practiced mine or anything today for the past two days. But I did get a gig bag for my birthday that I'm very excited about! *g*


gottalovev August 25 2010, 13:23:19 UTC
excellent, I will be participating on your meme for sure =D

I didn't even practice after all *facepalms* but I did speak with my teacher? classes start again september 9th. and SHIT, I just realized I have to call him back because I am out of town for work *sigh*

right i just missed your birthday! happy belated birthday wishes for you! I hope the next year brings you great things (including many gigs!)


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