Random post of random and one important question (hint: just read #4)

Aug 17, 2010 11:29

Hello lovelies. In no particular order:

1. Are you reading mcshep_match? You should be. I have a story for Team Work. (Has it already been posted? Who knows?) There have been some great stories already. I'm tempted to offer a prize for guessing my story, but I don't have a good track record with that. Still, maybe we can arrange something... At any rate go read and vote Team Work!

2. My brother is in the hospital, which I am less worried about now, but I really hope I can bring him home today. One of the worst things is that he was at camp when he got sick, so the hospital is an hour away from us. I've still been visiting because I am a good (and worried) sister.

3. Which more or less brings us to point 3. I could definitely do with some cheering up. (Of course, so could my brother, but I'm trying to take care of that.) My thread in that meme where you tell me you like my fanfic is here. I'm not above a little shameless begging. Obviously.

4. Which kinda brings me to the IMPORTANT QUESTION, in my mind anyway. So there's been some unpleasantness in the SGA fandom lately, from more than one source. I've been doing probably way too much thinking about this. Two things Three things that have occurred to me are a) I'd love to have even more friends that share in the love and joy I have for SGA fandom, b) there seem to be quite a few people around who are new(ish) to the fandom, and c) there hasn't been an SGA friending meme in quite a while. So I really think we need a friending meme--both to celebrate the fandom, and because I want new friends! Does anyone else think this is a good idea?

So I said to myself, argosy, maybe *you* could host a friending meme! And maybe I could! But I feel like such a fandom nonentity and I am painfully nervous/shy--if I host a meme, will people come? And how does one go about running a friending meme in the age of LJ and DW? Does anyone have any suggestions/ideas? Can anyone (please, please, please)link me to some recent friending memes so I can get an idea what one should look like? And seriously, DOES ANYONE THINK THIS IS A GOOD IDEA?

5. It's my birthday on Sunday! I am old, but I'm still cute! I'm going to see a Star Trek musical to celebrate. :D If anyone felt like writing me some John and Rodney meet preshow in Antarctica fic, now would be the time. Just sayin'...

6. daily_mcshep has been lots of fun lately. This week is "Vegas" week. I am full of myself at the best of times (and yet--painfully shy!), but I'm not quite full of myself enough to post the recording I made of "Solitary Man." But omg, you guys, it is *still* up on the file-sharing site because people still download it every once in a while even *checks* four months later. I can't tell you how much this thrills me. Thank you! I spent a really long time learning and recording it-- here is the original post about that if you're interested. And here is the song if you'd like to download. Let me know what you think, if you do. :)

Whew! Okay, that about covers it, I think. Off to the hospital!

life of argosy

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