Help Pakistan!

Aug 22, 2010 10:20

It's my birthday today, so I'm celebrating by offering something for help_pakistan (and going to see a Star Trek musical later, but that's another story.)

My offering is Here

and reads, in part:

I am offering: An SGA fic of at least 2000 words, probably more. Gen, McShep, McKay/Anyone--het or slash. Other pairings definitely a possibility--just ask.

Fandoms (if appropriate): SGA

Additional Info: I write a lot of humor, some angst. I'm game for anything--any rating, though you're not likely to get a PWP from me.

Starting Bid: $10 U.S.

Have you ever wanted to tell me what to write? It's my first time offering anything like this, and I'm really nervous, so let's make this a good birthday and raise a little money, hmm?

charity, writing

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