Fanart: Star Trek (various)

Sep 16, 2009 19:58

Some Star Trek fanart, I've done over the last month (or two) - with warnings for some crack  ;]


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startrek, drawings, fanart

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Comments 14

elektra_lyte September 17 2009, 19:19:22 UTC
Love the crack! Ha! Poor Kirk. I would love to see Uhura kick Spock's ass first, then fool around with him. That would be so hot!

I like your style, it's fun!


aretria September 18 2009, 17:09:57 UTC
Thank you! :)


julorean September 17 2009, 20:19:26 UTC
These are great! That first one of female!mirror!Kirk especially. It has a really great stylized look to it, really fits the sexy dangerous vibe she has. :D


aretria September 18 2009, 17:12:58 UTC
Thanks! I was trying out a new brush and ended drawing her. And girl!Kirk would have to be sexy & dangerous, wouldn't she? ;)


fairhearing September 17 2009, 20:35:15 UTC
I love all of these! Especially the random Vulcan chick, oddly enough -- her look is so clean and 1920's-stylized. You have an awesome style in general and I'd love to see more.


aretria September 18 2009, 17:13:33 UTC
Thank you! Hopefully the bunnies will bite.^^


kilala10 September 18 2009, 00:45:43 UTC
Luv em all!! XD your Meme is Cute! mirror Kirk makes a pretty lady ;)


aretria September 18 2009, 17:15:22 UTC
My meme is cranky. ^__^ (And cute too, apparently). :P Glad you like them. Thanks for the comment.


secretsolitaire September 18 2009, 01:26:09 UTC
Wonderful art!


latenightarting September 18 2009, 02:11:46 UTC
<333333333 for the meme from start to finish. My favorites are the 1st and the last and the 7th with the epic Enterprise smackdown. XD

Also, gorgeous and sexy Trek girls! Bonus irritable preggers Kirk.


aretria September 18 2009, 17:18:26 UTC
And thanks, too. :) The last one, hmmm? Where I die horribly, with only stars for company... ;D


aretria September 18 2009, 17:15:49 UTC
Thank you! :)


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