Fanart: Star Trek (various)

Sep 16, 2009 19:58

Some Star Trek fanart, I've done over the last month (or two) - with warnings for some crack  ;]


Mirror!Kirk (female)
Similarities to the Saavik art I saw today on are purely accidental. *facepalm*

Random Vulcan Chick
That one wasn't even suppose to have anything to do with trek. Well...

And here's some art I did for the st_fanart_meme (anonymously)
In Alladin's slave!Jasmine getup (the prompt is here)

and the one below was done for this prompt here

Comments welcome?... Despite what poor Jim is threatening you with? ^^

# done in Corel Painter 11

Next on this lj: Elizabeth Weir. Finally. <.< And (the original) Number One.
(I am unable to draw something male, apparently. ;p )

ETA: Forgot about the reboot meme, in which I cheat and redraw some things from screencaps. ;)
It's permanently unfinished. Call it an experiment in drawing. With warnings for language. -.-


(click on pic - opens in new window - this thing is big)

startrek, drawings, fanart

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