Cast: Lady Elice and Prince Marth of Altea
Duration: October 05
Synopsis: Per Marth's request to see his sister, she offers to him her apartment number, even though she likely does not know what an apartment number actually is. It seems it will be a simple discussion over tea that Marth is bringing.
Additional: Not applicable.
Two years have passed. What discoveries shall be made? )
Clutching a box of tea in his hands, the prince knocked on his sister's door. He had donned a blue tunic before he left his apartment. The outfit was one of his favorites and managed to survive the war reasonably well.
Then her expression became kind, "However, you have grown. Perhaps you do not need me to take your hand and lead you anywhere."
"Nonsense," she replied sternly. "We shall find a way. I may not know entirely how, and yet there is a sense of burning in my heart that tells me otherwise. Have faith in me, Marth. If you and I work together, along with Lady Sheeda and Maric, then we will all be able to return home. Until then, please be strong. I will address your wounds as necessary, however..." Surely he understood. She worried of him terribly.
He smiled. "We'll simply need to keep hope and search for a way home."
Leaning forward, she stroked Marth's cheek tenderly with a smile. "Do not look so hopeless. I am here now. I will not let anything more happen to you."
There would be, however, times where he had to do something out of his control. Spells did run rampant and threats of termination flew around every so often. They'd just confront that when it came to them.
"...Are you sure that is permissible? It is rather late, Marth. Have you become accustomed to late nights out?" How uncouth, and yet... There was something darling she found about him.
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