3」 (園田健一): I've been following this series after its renewal (even though Ms. Brown's preferences haven't even been mentioned so far this time) because I like guns. Sonoda is quite an aficionado, as he practices at the range regularly and shows photos of quite a collection, despite the fact that he lives in Japan. In this volume, we have a scene of people coming to a firing range because they like guns in movies, only to be shot down by the heroine (although she does bring up a case in which there is actually an advantage to holding the gun sideways). This debunking of silver-screen portrayals contrasts with superhuman feats performed in the story as usual.
I was also amused by the scene set at a Japanese restaurant. The blonde waitress speaks in fake Kyōto dialect (adding "~ dosu e" to every sentence in a grammatically incorrect fashion), despite the fact that the series is set in Chicago and the people are supposed to be speaking English. Perhaps it's an equivalent of a fake Japanese accent.
What, a storyline? I wasn't paying attention to that part. I do seem to remember something to do with the subject line above, though. . . .