[Gurren Lagann] In All Colors

Feb 23, 2010 11:50

Title: In All Colors
Fandom: Gurren Lagann
Characters: Nia, the Anti-Spiral Messenger
Rating: PG
Wordcount: 606
Notes: Written for an old kinkmeme prompt, but sadly lacking in actual porn.
Summary: This time, in the darkness beyond space, it is different for the Anti-Spiral Messenger.

When Spiral beings enter Anti-Spiral space, they bring stars and galaxies with them in all colors. It's simply their regrettable nature to drag light and matter around, cluttering up the place. No doubt it's a sign of their inevitable path toward the Spiral Nemesis. But with only the graves of Spiral races here now, there is no need for light. The place between dimensions is dark, and in it the Messenger waits. No thoughts enter her head. She is simply waiting for the next time she will be needed to drive humanity closer to absolute despair.

No. A thought comes to her, uninvited, piling up in an appallingly analogue fashion in what was once her brain: why is she a she? Surely it would be a better pronoun for the Messenger. She is nothing but a program activated to assist the extermination of humanity and the Spiral threat it poses. She has been activated many times before, and each time, she soon shed these personal terms Spiral beings use for people in favor of the cold ones they use for objects. Somehow, this time is different. She is not an it.

Her gaze goes to the one light in this non-space: a green gem wrapped in a band around her finger. It is an aberration. It is matter passed between Spiral beings.

She closes her hand into a fist to hide it, and full darkness reigns once more.

* * *

In the darkness, a pulse of green:


In the darkness, it's the only thing that speaks her name:


Along with her name, a concept comes back to her: that of the color green. With it, she remembers growing things. The grass that grows in the ground is green; so are the stems of flowers. Flowers are many colors. The earth itself is brown, and the worms and bugs that crawl through it are more shades of black and brown.

In this darkness, Nia needs to remember color. It helps her remember: Simon gave her the ring. The jewel in the ring is green. Simon is bright blue and bright red and bright yellow. She cannot see those colors now, or indeed any colors (she can only feel that pulse of green). But it is important to remember them. Through them, she can remember: Nia is pink and white and pale blue and pale yellow. She is Nia.

The darkness around her has colors of its own, if only it would admit it.

"Who are you?" she asks. There is no response.

"You are red and green and black," she says. "Who are you?"

The darkness stirs for the first time, and it's with something akin to worry.

* * *

Colors are a Spiral concept. The Messenger has never thought to question this. But now she does, as the voice of the false construct she once was speaks to her. She wonders: why is she red and green and black?

Curiosity is a Spiral emotion. The Messenger realizes too late that through it, she has created a crack in the darkness. But no light comes through--only a hand. It closes over her fist, gently pries it open, and curls tight around the fingers bearing the ring.

"You cannot exist," the Messenger says. "You have been erased." She realizes then that saying this was a mistake, too, for in doing so she acknowledged Nia's continued existence. "You never truly existed," she corrects herself.

"I did," Nia says. "I do. You exist as well."

The Messenger barely has time to think, Existing is a Spiral action--

Then Nia's arms are around her, in the dark, and together they exist.

gen, gurren lagann, kinkmeme, nia, shortfic

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