(FIC) Safe haven

Jul 27, 2008 10:31

..hey, flist! If I could be any more behind on fb, I would be.. uhm.. I dunno, a lot more behind? I'm going to try to catch up today, I've been having a couple of hellish weeks -who pulled the Drama tag out in my life??? who did, and what must I do to plug the Drama again???

I promised quirky_circe a couple of ficlets for her birthday, so here is one, pretty ( Read more... )

fic, clark kent, slash, bruce wayne

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Comments 33

bradygirl_12 July 27 2008, 17:02:13 UTC
Mmm, nicely done! Clark has all these ideas, but then realizes Bruce's weariness and how good he's got it, anyway. ;)


arch_schatten July 29 2008, 19:00:34 UTC
Yeah, I think Clark liked the idea of going out more than the reality of going out, and after all, what else do they need to relax than each other and a place to crash? I'm glad you liked, Brady! thanks for reading!


ladybugkay July 27 2008, 17:12:26 UTC
Lovely lazy lads. There is something about Batman and Superman lying around all day doing nothing but cuddling that just...feels good.


bradygirl_12 July 27 2008, 17:19:18 UTC
Very true, Ladybug!

And doesn't it amuse you that even while relaxing, Bruce is 'studying'? ;) Vapid and silly, that's genuine research for him! ;)


arch_schatten July 29 2008, 19:15:13 UTC
Hee! I'm glad it felt good :) I think you're right, the downtime of these powerful men is.. really fuzzy, in my head. Even sweeter due it's rarity, I guess. Thank you for reading!


icarus_chained July 27 2008, 17:56:47 UTC
Agreed. Mmmm. Warm, drowzy, loving. *snuggles them both* Doze away, boys. I think you've probably earned it. So beautiful, hon. It just makes you feel good to read it, you know? Thank you.


arch_schatten July 29 2008, 19:18:03 UTC
Yay! I'm glad it feels good to read. I have a sweet tooth with fic, and downtime is so precious, especially when it's so rare. That, and Bruce is his fuzziest in my head when he's asleep/unconscious. The muse awakes, and hell breaks loose :P he has butt to kick, plans to make! Thank *you* for reading :)


starsandsea July 27 2008, 18:49:54 UTC
Awwww!!! *melts*

*pets Bruce and Clark* They're so adorable! :D

Sleeping!Bruce!!! *hearts him* I've had an itching for sleeping!Bruce since I saw TDK, with him sleeping in the meeting! Eeeee! *glomps him*

“I’m going to be Hugh Hefner when I get old. Wearing pajamas all day and hanging out with my scantily clad Kryptonian.”


Whee, I loved this Mina! :D *hugs* I'm really sorry to hear things have been bad for you, though. :( I hope they get better soon... *more hugs*


arch_schatten July 29 2008, 19:20:22 UTC
LOL, the TDK sleeping was so sweet! I have been having some very un-relaxing days, so writing this made me happy. I'm glad you enjoyed reading it, Star! Bruce so would like to hang around in pajamas in his old age :P stylish, awesome pajamas, but pajamas still!


stalinglim July 27 2008, 19:15:37 UTC
This was so sweet. I loved it! I have a weakness for cuddly warm fic. It's nearly a kink. I love just... the drowsy feel of this, and how content Bruce is, asleep on his boyfriend and with the white noise of the TV.

I'm really sorry you've been having a tough time *hugs* hope it gets better soon. (if you like, you may request of me a fic!)


arch_schatten July 29 2008, 19:24:30 UTC
I'm glad you liked it! I really love warm fic myself :) it helps pass the time in between my bouts of killing the characters, hohoho :P No, really, I do love writing and reading it, so I'm glad you enjoyed it :)

I fell in love with the idea of Bruce (and Tim, Tim is always the one who does crazy stuff with Bruce in my head) loving Girls of the Playboy Mansion. Less painful than watching himself being foppish in TV, but with the same amusement factor :P

Thanks for the offer for fic! I don't know if I should cash it, though, I'm being really bad with keeping up with LJ atm... but hey, if you feel like writing Tim and Bruce doing something crazy, I would love to see it!


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