Happy new year and belated birthdays!

Jan 02, 2008 12:00


Happy new year, everyone! I hope 2008 is full of great things for everyone, success and joy and health. May these days to come be spend with those we love, so we never despair.

Also, happy belated birthday, paxwolf and taro_twist. Sis, I have fic for you, but it has turned into a MONSTER and I can't seem to finish it! *sighs* I wanted to post it yesterday ( Read more... )

flesh-life, birthday

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Comments 14

starsandsea January 2 2008, 20:03:41 UTC
*glomps* Happy New Year, Mina! :D

I hope the yoga works for your back! I started doing a little, but... um... ahem. I seem, somehow, to have forgotten to do it! I can't imagine how I could have forgotten something like that... LOL And the hope the therapy works too! *glomps again*


arch_schatten January 4 2008, 19:19:41 UTC
*glomps back and dances* I hope this year is great for both of us, Star! I'm so glad we got to share the last one :)

Lol, I have to go to the yoga place, and uh... I haven't :P I can't seem to figure out how I keep forgetting either, lol! I hope we can both get back on track with that, I know it will do us good!

I need to call the therapist and make an appointment. Scary... *sighs*


vigilante_wake January 2 2008, 22:54:43 UTC
Happy New Year! *hugs*

Smashing quirky corporate shark, I will get you yet!

I want to see pictures of this outfit.


arch_schatten January 4 2008, 19:06:29 UTC
*hugs back* Happy newwww yeaaar!

I am working towards that outfit. I have to integrate years of being kind of a sporty tomboy and years of being a metalhead/relaxed goth kid into something that looks like *me* and still says 'I'm so badass you totally want to give me your money now and save yourself the trouble', lol. I'm.. not very good at that! Also, I need someone to teach me how to style my stupid hair. Blow driers are to me as kitchens are to Bruce Wayne. DISASTER. But other than that.. baby steps towards sharkness!


(The comment has been removed)

arch_schatten January 4 2008, 18:46:30 UTC
...I obviously wasn't really thinking when I got dressed in the morning. My reason was, you see, that I was going to get together that night with two friends to play Guitar Hero, so I had to be all rockstar.... I didn't factor in the cold..

I won't die of pneumonia! Not this week, at least!

And as for the in_japans, probably this March, if all goes well. I'll know more about my circumstances by next monday -see where my school's trip will be, as there's a chance it might be to Japan, which would be cool and a pain at the same time. We'll see...


cosmicastaway January 3 2008, 20:24:40 UTC
Good luck on your resolutions!


arch_schatten January 4 2008, 18:38:06 UTC
Thanks! I hope you have a year that surpasses last one in every good way possible :)


jij January 4 2008, 06:32:29 UTC
We can work on #4 together, we can! And #6! Whee! And #9 would make me very happy (well, all of these would make me happy, but you know me and the fic!)

I've been reading a whole book about letting go of things I can't change. When I can remember that advice (and it's such simple advice!) things are so much better! Why can't I just remember it and not get all coiled up and unhappy? Hurrr. *wanders off, pondering*


arch_schatten January 4 2008, 18:29:58 UTC
Working on #4 is probably the biggest of those, along with the not-breakdown of graduation! I just.. don't really have a back up plan if the Internship falls through, other than the very vague 'get a job'. Which is very vague.. but we can let the things we can't change not bother us, right? we must!

#6 will be awesome! I am confident of it! ...sort of! :P

The problem about letting go of things you can change is, for me, that there's always this nagging voice in the back of my head that tells me of *course* I can change them, if I just better/smarter/braver, no matter what the situation is. Is the goddamn voice that ruins me, I'm telling you!
*huuugs* But as long as you and Dan can slap that voice into place, everything will be aaaaall right :)


jij January 5 2008, 07:00:31 UTC
The problem about letting go of things you can change is, for me, that there's always this nagging voice in the back of my head that tells me of *course* I can change them, if I just better/smarter/braver, no matter what the situation is. Is the goddamn voice that ruins me, I'm telling you!

There are, for me, too many examples of times I seemed to change someone with my behavior that I can look back on and point to and say, "See! It worked this one time! I can do it again!" That and I do feel like other people have the power to change me...although I guess of course they don't, that's me making the choice to change...

*kitten head hurt*

*puts on warm kitten-cap*


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