Happy new year and belated birthdays!

Jan 02, 2008 12:00


Happy new year, everyone! I hope 2008 is full of great things for everyone, success and joy and health. May these days to come be spend with those we love, so we never despair.

Also, happy belated birthday, paxwolf and taro_twist. Sis, I have fic for you, but it has turned into a MONSTER and I can't seem to finish it! *sighs* I wanted to post it yesterday but it just kept going on...

I have another two WFGE that I have yet to finish. If your claimed prompt hasn't been posted, there's a small change I have it, and I'm sorry, but I will finish! soon! I know I will!!

Oh! Pax! thank you so much for my v-gift fireworks, btw! so pretty! wee!

God, I'm freezing. I hope all of you are more sensible and aren't hanging out in skirt and short sleeves, and are starting your year with the right foot. Things here are good. I'm behind on EVERYTHING, but you know.. what else is new!

I'm just cheery and wanted to send a collective hug to all. You know. To balance my emo posts through the year :P

As for new year resolutions... Just to survive, I guess! ...but okay, I'll make some.

1. Start doing yoga.
2. If yoga doesn't help, go to a chiropractic to fix my back.
3. Go to therapy and get better!
4. Be happier and let go of things I can't change.
5. Graduate without having a break down.
6. Meet the in_japans! Somehow! somewhere!
7. Aim closer to looking the way I want to look. Smashing quirky corporate shark, I will get you yet!
8. Get a stable job.
10. Read more!


flesh-life, birthday

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