(FIC) A Dance for Two (S/B, PG-13) co-writen with jen_in_japan

Jan 07, 2008 19:19

In the implausible chance that you have me friended but not jij and you like S/B, yesterday she posted our first co-written story, so it's up in her journal and I say, go see!

Kryptonite bullet, you say? H/C AHOY! I'll see you there!

I'm curious to know if it's easy to tell what we each wrote!

As for some rambling thoughts... it was a joy to co-write with her and do the beta with Dan. Because, if you didn't know, Dan is Beta and he's awesome. I hadn't laughed so much for a long while, it was the most painless betaing session ever. As for the writing itself, it was magic! I got up in the morning, and there was a new page of the story I hadn't worked on, all ready for me to devour! and then I worked a bit myself, and it was like the story wrote itself. Magic! Lot's of fun. Even the conceptual stages were really fun. I talked with Jen about wanting to write a Kryptonite bullet story -h/c whore that I am- and she liked the idea too, so she proposed we do it together... to which I said 'Have you.. uh.. watched Master and Commander?' ...and she and Dan hadn't! for any h/c whore, Master and Commander is an awesome movie, yes it is. So we watched it 'together' (the joys of the internet!) and laughed and cringed and got to work! Soooo much fun.

That's what fandom's all about, I think. Fuuuuun! Co-writing seems less daunting now (and it should, since I just finished a rather meticulous essay about S/B with taro_twist *grins* after that, everything should be a walk in the park!)

So. That's all I have! Still very behind on fb, so if you get really late comments from me... hi! I'm just getting there! :)

fannish, fyi: dan rocks, superman, fic, slash, fyi: jen rocks, batman

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