(FIC) A Star on Earth (Superman/Batman) G

Oct 26, 2007 23:57

Title: A Star on Earth
Fandom: DCU
Characters/Pairing: Superman/Batman
Rating: G
Word count: 720+
Requested by: rai_daydreamer 'Bruce/Clark h/c or Clark wondering why Bruce loves him'. Originally here.

A Star on Earth )

superman, fic, batman, pre-slash

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Comments 21

Loved it!! x_pixilated_x October 30 2007, 15:36:29 UTC
This is just made of awesome!

"Don't ever burn out." Best. Line. Ever. It made me melt X)

I kinda feel sorry for Hal though, poor man is gonna have to deal with Bats when they get out.


Re: Loved it!! arch_schatten November 2 2007, 03:17:10 UTC
Thank you! I'm very glad you liked it! Bruce was being very woobie here, despite Clark being the one hurt. They always do that :P Bruce is very concerned that something might happen to Clark and take him away...

And Hal, Hal's got what he deserves for being cocky! :P Poor Hal indeed, lol. I'll make it up to him somehow...


taro_twist November 2 2007, 02:48:52 UTC
Eeeee, so awesome! More h/c! Have I told you how much I love your h/c? *gobbles the delicious h/c*

Ack, poor Clark! Atrophied by bacteria that feed off his metabolic byproducts noooees! (wow, that was a weird sentence =P) You come up with the best h/c scenarios, sis--they just suck me right in! And this one is so brilliant, although I feel bad saying that when Clark is lying there and can't move. How can he remain positive when he can't even move enough to smile, how?? Your Clark is just so ... Clark. *grin*

And I loved Bruce's worrying, staring at Clark through the window between their cells and threatening to beat up Hal and Clark, too, if he doesn't pull through. *hugs the protective Bat*

And I think this line was my favorite:

Bruce never took Clark's injuries well, though Clark tried not to feel too special, since he also freaked out when Diana or J'onn were badly injured.One, because it shows how much Clark really wants to be special to Bruce. And two, because it does such a good job of capturing that uncertainty that ( ... )


arch_schatten November 2 2007, 03:09:44 UTC
Hey sis! I'm glad you liked the h/c, I really enjoyed writing it and coming with ways to put the boys in trouble :P Clark was being very positive here indeed, he just thought the sickness was an annoyance. He was going to be fine, anyway... but Bruce doesn't like it anyway ( ... )


taro_twist November 2 2007, 03:22:53 UTC
our yearly 'kill the character' Day of the Death post, so I don't think you have missed much!

Yay for the annual Day of the Dead death-fic! Time for the muses to be reborn. :) I'm looking forward to bawling my eyes out. ^-^

Jen and Dan say they can be around on Friday starting your 8 to your 10 pm, and on Sunday from 9 pm onwards.

Sunday works best for me! I am available then from whenever to whenever, lol, so 9pm mine, 7pm yours is excellent. Whee! Thanks for the rescheduling--I'm glad it was possible! Else I would have felt bad AND gone through withdrawal all at once. :(

Anyway, good night, sis! I shall dream of how Clark makes things up to the worried Bat. *grin*


svgurl November 13 2007, 07:30:15 UTC
Oh, poor Bruce! He was so scared for Clark. And I really feel sorry for Hal. He better hope that Superman gets better soon enough to protect him from the irate Batman. ;)

I really enjoyed this piece! Vulnerable!Bruce is my favorite.

Thanks for sharing!


arch_schatten November 16 2007, 21:18:52 UTC
Thank you! I'm really glad you liked this, especially vulnerable!Bruce. He's so much fun so write, and he was soooo going to hit Hal in the mouth. That solves all his problems!


loqia November 13 2007, 09:05:37 UTC
"Don't ever burn out."
<3 this line so much. Brilliant.

And, ahaha, silly Clark. Teach you to photosynthesise! :P


arch_schatten November 16 2007, 21:20:34 UTC
LOL, this is all Clark's fault for doing photosynthesis, obviously! Poor Hal had nothing to do with it, and he's still going to get a mouth full of fist. I'm glad you liked! :)


carolandtom November 13 2007, 15:33:09 UTC
Great fic! I always enjoy h/c fics where Bruce takes care of Clark or is concerned about him. This one is excellent! Great job!


arch_schatten November 16 2007, 21:21:29 UTC
Thank you! I loooove h/c, and I really enjoy writing it, so I'm really happy you liked this :) Bruce is always concerned about Clark, he just doesn't show it much :)


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