Happy Birthday!!

Apr 11, 2007 12:46

Happy birthday, quiet__tiger!! I hope you have a great one, full of good things and a promising start to a new year :) I... come bearing no presents, for I suck, but if you have any kind of request, I would love to get you a late present ( Read more... )

birthday, recs

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Comments 18

vespa331 April 11 2007, 20:28:52 UTC
Young Justice! That's the comic I started with, and it obviously stuck. I think, though, that you might want to start with a character. I think a lot of people were brought into comicdom because they fell for a particular character, and everything else kind of grew around that. Like, for me and Snyper it was Tim Drake. It seems like people latch onto characters that they both identify with and would want to be friends with/date. So try and think of a few characters like that for her, and go from there. Good luck!
Oh yeah, and be careful about the art. Some art kinda has to grow on you, and girls in particular are turned off of comics with 'bad' art, you have to be a comic fan for awhile to get into other styles.


jij April 12 2007, 02:43:22 UTC
Some art kinda has to grow on you, and girls in particular are turned off of comics with 'bad' art

You know, I feel in my gut that's true, that guys have a much higher tolerance for "ugly" art...interesting. Very true with me--although I have to admit it's almost more true for DaMo, he'll get really angry when he sees Bruce drawn "ugly" sometimes.

*snuggles Mina* Maybe Batman: Black and White, if you think she'd like Batman? They're all so short that she'll find something she likes, and she can start developing a sort of personal Canon for the Deluded (I had a lot of fun with those books, saying, "I liked this story and this art and hated these...I see, that means I like Paul Dini and Jim Lee and don't like Brian Azzarello (sorry Mina! I just didn't really like his story in there) and John Paul Leon..." It helped me develop my tastes ( ... )


arch_schatten April 12 2007, 04:40:55 UTC
I hadn't thought about the art issue either, but it's true! I have problems with ugly Kals and Bruces, and some art is not exactly ugly, but it takes a while to warm up to. Paul Pope's art isn't my thing, for example, but when reading a story by him, I stop noticing... eventually. Lol. Oh, I'm so shallow ( ... )


arch_schatten April 12 2007, 04:24:18 UTC
Starting with a character is a really good idea! An accesible team might give her choice to chose her favorite one and give her an idea of what she might life to read more of.. and the art. Yeah! Important! Maybe I can just.. lay some comics around and let her pick the ones that visually atract her. Thanks for the advice!


schala_kid April 11 2007, 21:40:42 UTC
and I wanted to just say that Kevin, the guy from Comics n' Stuff in the Chulavista Mall? Is totally awesome.

That's one of the comic stores I go to (the other being Plaza Bonita's Comics n' Stuff), and yes the people there usually rock and they're nothing like your stereotypical rude comic book guy.

got some other comics, Lady Constantine for one (aweeeesomeee, if you ask me, but I do have a thing about Constantines, it seems)

She has a comic? I know her from the Sandman series where Morpheus asks her to help him retrieve his son's head but I didn't know she had a comic!

A friend also asked me to lend her some comics. She knows nothing of comics other than what I babble about, which isn't as much as you might think. I'm thinking of lending her I Can't Believe it's not the Justice League, because I think what might interest her is the a)Fun and b)Some smart story telling. So.. what would you rec for a newbie that isn't, ahem, emotionally invested in superheroes?Well from my experiences with my non-comic book but manga obsessed ( ... )


arch_schatten April 12 2007, 23:04:53 UTC
When I'm over there, that's the two comic stores I visit. Though I like the Chulavista Mall one better, is easier to browse... and yeah, the people there have always been really nice to me :)

She has a comic? I know her from the Sandman series where Morpheus asks her to help him retrieve his son's head but I didn't know she had a comic!

Ah! I haven't seen her in Sandman! Her comic is really cool, I got it in the Borders of Chulavista Mall, too. I really enjoyed her story, a Swamp Thing makes a cameo and stuff. Pretty cool nod to Moore's Swamp Thing run :)

But yeah look at your friend's personality and the type of stuff she likes and that might give you a clue as to what book she'll enjoy, if you can lend her a TPB instead of a single comic that would be better since she'll get a whole story.I'm at loss because she doesn't read manga or comics at all! So, she's a total comics virgin. I don't want to ruin them for her with a crappy comic, lol, but yeah, giving her a TPB and a fairly self contained story would really help, I think :) ( ... )


vigilante_wake April 12 2007, 03:06:38 UTC
I think both Manhunter and Blue Beetle are great choices for a comic newbie. Neither one requires a lot of background information and the awesomeness of the characters is what really drives those books.

I think my first superhero comic was Kevin Smiths Quiver, although some parts confused me. I was like "Who is this yellow monster in booties who speaks in rhyme? What is up with that Parallax guy?" Even so, I enjoyed it a lot and went out bought the next few Green Arrow trades. I read Devin Grayson's Arsenal mini shortly thereafter and fell in love with Roy Harper.

I would also try giving your friend Sandman, Hellblazer, Watchmen, V for Vendetta.

Independent graphic novels such as Ghost World, Bone, or any Harvey Pekar are good too.

And, now that I've rambled on long enough, I'll just say that's it is good to see you again!


arch_schatten April 12 2007, 23:29:49 UTC
I'm really looking forward to buying the Manhunter and Blue Beetle TPBs! All I've seen about them looks pretty cool... and I think she could really enjoy some less clutered titles :)

LOL, Quiver was one of my first comics too :) My brother always lends me his TPBs -I'm his geekest friend, so we talk comics a lot- and it was very curious, because all of the comics I bought on my first comic-shop trip had Etrigan in one form or another, and I have to admit, I fell in love with him. I'm so weird, I know!

Thanks so much for the recs, I'm going to get some of the ones I don't have for myself, lol, and venture into lending my comic books to her, see what she likes.

And I'm not back for good yet, but I'm trying to not miss absolutely everything as I've doing lately! hopefully I'll sort of succeed! woo! I hope you're doing okay :)


quiet__tiger April 12 2007, 03:37:54 UTC
THANK YOU!!!! Actually my day has sucked pretty hard, only exacerbated by the complete and utter suckfest that was yesterday. Unable to celebrate in any way, between the medical study diet and working tonight.

...it's been a rough couple of weeks, hence the next to zero posts.

Thanks. :)


arch_schatten April 12 2007, 23:49:13 UTC
Augh!! I'm sorry that it sucked, and that the damn medical study diet and work got in your way of celebrating.. but the diet thing will be over very soon, no? I hope it is, at least. Urg at eating weird food. Urg.

I hope things improve soon! I was wondering what were you up to lately... but I'm one to talk, being absent so much lately. Soon! soon it will be over! right? You finish your master project this may, don't you?

Anyway. If there's anything fandom-y that might cheer you up that I can come up with, drop me a line! In the meantime...

... )


quiet__tiger April 13 2007, 16:40:18 UTC
The diet and school will both be over April 30th. It's just going to be a long two and a half weeks. My professors were just such dicks about my project (I have been meaning to post on all that, I just havent- I've lost most of my enthusiasm for anything lately).

Seriously, on that day there will be a massive food orgy of all the good stuff I haven't been able to eat.

And thank you SO MUCH for the icon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Totally adorable!!!!!!!!!! *pets the kitty* Really pretty font, too.

Thanks, dude, for the icon and the encouragement- I really need it right now!


jij April 12 2007, 13:33:06 UTC
Oh, oh, and I forgot to answer the question about my birthday prezzie ideas!

You know what I'd really, really love to see? I would so love to see the "Bruce goes to hell" story finished up. Either that or "Birthright Clark cleans up the European brothel," but I know the former is sooo close to done....it makes me itch knowing it's out there!


arch_schatten April 13 2007, 00:00:25 UTC
Lol, ahhh, damn the Madness! It was supposed to be Christine's birthday present way back in december. Waaaaay back. I will get to it, then! and it's not close to done! at least not in my head. It could.. go places. Lalala, I might spring for the brother one, lol. Thanks for the requests! it will make things easier for me once your birthday comes around, bwahaha! or not. Who knows :P


jij April 14 2007, 13:12:31 UTC
I will, of course, be delighted with whatever wonderful yumminess you give me, even if it is brain-melting Brex! :)


taro_twist April 20 2007, 19:18:15 UTC
Eeee the Bruce goes to hell story! It also makes me itch to know that it exists ... just ... out ... of reach ... *thrashes with joy, frustrated joy!* Oh, the death that it promises--the angst!! Yes, I second that as a birthday request for Jen, lol, and then I guess it can become my ... half-year birthday present? *thinks* Yep, Jen's birthday is almost exactly 6 months after mine, hee. ^-^

Clark cleaning up a European brothel sounds damn good, too, though ... oh, how you tease us with such yummy fic possibilities sister!


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