Happy Birthday!!

Apr 11, 2007 12:46

Happy birthday, quiet__tiger!! I hope you have a great one, full of good things and a promising start to a new year :) I... come bearing no presents, for I suck, but if you have any kind of request, I would love to get you a late present :)

And talking about birthdays, LJ has decided to hide the upcoming birthdays page, and though I have found it (hah! take that, LJ!), I wanted to do what sasha_anu did and ask you, if you so desire, to leave me a note with a birthday prompt for yourself and your birthday! that way, I'll have presents to give, and I won't forget birthdays, and that would make me very happy :)

I also have to apologize for being so quiet lately. I have about two months worth of stuff to catch up! I'm sorry if I have been a crummy ljfriend and feedbacker... I will get around to catching up some day, I know I will! School and work are attempting to destroy me, but Fandom will Prevail. I hope!

In other news, back from San Diego, where I did absolutely nothing aside from visiting my relatives -and well, some shopping, but then, I am only human!- and I wanted to just say that Kevin, the guy from Comics n' Stuff in the Chulavista Mall? Is totally awesome. I just felt like saying it. He recced me some great comics -I got Batman: Snow thanks to him :)- we talked about books and comics and stuff, and when discussing Azzarello, I brought up Lex's mancrush on Bruce and he said 'I definitely have to read that!'. So. He was awesome and made my day really great, and woe, how I wish I had a LCS. I would have no money, that's true, but I would be so happy.

I got some other comics, Lady Constantine for one (aweeeesomeee, if you ask me, but I do have a thing about Constantines, it seems) and JLA Classified by Warren Ellis. Oh, the snark. The Clois. The amazing snark. Babs. Batman saying 'You wish!'. Priceless, I'm telling you.

I also got Daughters of the Dragon from Amazon yesterday. It was fun! Otis and Orka kind of stole the thunder in my book, and Iron Fist was very adorable, and the girls were badass and kicked a lot of ass. Yeah. Fun! I find it peculiar to be turning to Marvel for the fun titles, I was hunting Cable&Deadpool, but I couldn't find it, and She-Hulk looks really cool.

A friend also asked me to lend her some comics. She knows nothing of comics other than what I babble about, which isn't as much as you might think. I'm thinking of lending her I Can't Believe it's not the Justice League, because I think what might interest her is the a)Fun and b)Some smart story telling. So.. what would you rec for a newbie that isn't, ahem, emotionally invested in superheroes? I'm thinking of getting Manhunter and the new Blue Beetle as a TPB, those seem like fun too...

birthday, recs

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