(FIC) Fractals on a breaking wall (Superman/Batman, PG-13)

Feb 03, 2010 23:37

Also for the music meme, but this one went out of control! What can I say, I *love* reunion fic. Beta by mithen, also for her! XD ( Read more... )

meme, superman, fic, clark kent, bruce wayne, pre-slash

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Comments 28

gogglehead84 February 4 2010, 14:27:50 UTC
Aww, I can't wait for Bruce's return!


arch_schatten February 11 2010, 20:59:09 UTC
I knowww!! I'm full of anxious anticipation, lol. Come back, Bruce, come baaaackkkk! :D :D :D


ilovetobefree February 4 2010, 19:32:32 UTC
Captured. Again.
That sounded ominously.

He couldn't hear them, but he could read their lips. "Superman!" "It's him!" "He's betrayed us!" "Not him!" "They all want to kill us!". He forced himself to keep looking.
Poor Clark! *sigh*

This story was so wonderfully written! True, my heart was aching and I was so sorry for all the torture Kal had been through. There was such a wide range of emotions in this story and you captured them all so well!

The frantic light in the young man's eyes, and his words... "Wait for us!".
That was an amazing moment!

The fourth night, Bruce was waiting for him. He expected him to plan, to talk about strategy, to interrogate him so he could find him, so they could stop the war, so they could stop the madness.
Instead, he held him in his arms and stroked his hair through the night.
Which is how Clark knew it was only a dream.
Oh my! That was so touching.

:Pity? For you, Kal-El? Never, my friend. Only joy ( ... )


arch_schatten February 11 2010, 22:27:52 UTC
Thank you! I am really happy with this story, it was very fun to write, and I feel bad for Clark because he's been through a lot here -and has had quite a year in New Krypton- but he's a champ! he's very dignified and selfless and he does whatnever needs to be done. I love him :3

I enjoyed writing dead characters into this, if just as cameos. I am hoping Blackest Night will bring back several of them! I miss them!

Clark in his uniform in a room full of undercover JLers made me very happy too X) he's just.. he should look silly, but instead he's imposing and full of hope and energy. <3 <3

Bruce and Clark's reunion has been running around my head a lot lately, lol, dozens of possible scenarios! I can't waittt for Bruce to be back! :D :D I'm glad you enjoyed this! :D thank you for reading!


starsandsea February 4 2010, 19:50:13 UTC
Mina, how do you write such awesome fic???? *flails* This was so awesome good. :D

He had been too naive. He had thought there was hope for New Krypton, hope for a new beginning. A world without war. Peace for Earth and New Krypton alike, and maybe one day...

*huggles Clark*

It felt like it was the first time it had beaten in a year.


Instead, he held him in his arms and stroked his hair through the night.

Which is how Clark knew it was only a dream.

*sniffles a lot*

Clark's eyes snapped open, the whisper in his head completely unexpected. He didn't know the soldier, but he knew his voice. ::J'onn?::

J'ONN!!!!!!!!! *flails*

When the night shift started and the guards in front of his cells changed, he recognized one of the new guards. The proud stance, the set of her shoulders. Dark hair pulled back, her skin like alabaster.

*flails again* OMG, I loved how everyone showed up. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! :D

The tests became more invasive, different light frequencies being tested, some of them healing, some of them ( ... )


arch_schatten February 11 2010, 22:31:35 UTC
Yay!! So glad you liked this, Star! how are you doing? feeling a bit more energetic, I hope? +hugs+ I had lots of fun writing this, Clark was so brave and strong! he's wonderful, selfless and dignified and gorgeous :3 And then he's too tireddd and hurt and Bruce really wants him to understand! but I'm sure as soon as Clark feels a bit better he's going to be thinking back to this and he's going to be all 'I see! dang! missed smooching opportunities!' :P

I loved writing cameos for a lot of the dead heroes. I hope Blackest Night or Brightest Day brings them back! I miss them!

I am so happy you enjoyed this!! thank you so much for reading :D your drabble is up next in my list to write, I think! I only have 3 more left to write! +runs to post the others+


quiltdiva February 5 2010, 05:36:36 UTC
Pain! Pain! and more Pain! AHHH, I always wondered what the military would do if they got their hands on Clark. OH, no! Loved this. Bruce is perfect and wonderful as always. Love it at the end when he says--Clark do you know what I'm telling you? (yes! yes! I know!) But of course he dosen't! Augh, Clark!!!


arch_schatten February 11 2010, 21:24:37 UTC
General Lane is a SOB so of course he decided to investigate what makes Kal tick. Bah! eeevil. But.. I had fun writing the dream h/c, and the cuddles X) And I'm sure Clark isn't sure what Bruce is going on about right then, but he'll figure it out once he's feeling better :D Thank you so much for reading, I'm glad you enjoyed this!


mithen February 5 2010, 11:31:21 UTC
Gah, I just don't even know where to begin with this. I just keep reading and re-reading it and it makes me so, so happy.

Instead, he held him in his arms and stroked his hair through the night.

Which is how Clark knew it was only a dream.

This line just breaks my heart over and over again, it's so sweet and longing and sad. I want to shake Bruce for being the kind of person that means Clark can think that of him, and I want to shake Clark for not seeing how Bruce really feels, and yet I love them both for exactly those things, which makes my head explode. I am hoping for a sequel with much smooching once Clark is healed and wakes up enough to be able to articulate what he already knows!


arch_schatten February 11 2010, 21:29:35 UTC
:D :D I'm very glad you liked this story, Kitten, I am!! I had such a blast writing it and figuring out who was doing what and what to do with Zod, etc. I have been plotting Bruce vs Batseid all morning, lol. CLARK IS NOT HAPPY NOT HAPPY AT ALL! Thank you for helping me with this (and everything else) and for reading over my shoulder and giggling with me and.. you know, making everything so much fun X ( ... )


mithen February 20 2010, 08:04:21 UTC
alas, with so many fake Bruces running around, I can see how Clark might not believe it's him at first.

D: D: D: That's a very sad fic idea! But...it could be fun to write as well! Oh, ohhhh, Clark is going to be so so so mad if that's Darkseid possessing a cloned Bruce body, he is going to be SO MAD. YOU DON'T COME BACK FROM THE DEAD BY USING BRUCE, YOU BASTARD.


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