(FIC) For a very special Halloween... Dark Ride

Nov 01, 2006 00:29

Beware: the follow entry is nothing but me writing self serving fanservice. Shameless, panther-summoning, Jason-filled and cuddle-licious self-fanservice. I am not ashamed.

This is co-written with sasha_anu. She, the wonderful evil queen she is, did the beta and rewrote all of Etrigan's rhymes. Mine sucked, but she did an amazing job. There's also the much discussed issue of whether Bruce could be called a panther or not. In the end, there's no panther references left (I think...), but I will always think of Bruce as a panther in my heart. Thanks a lot, Sasha, for making is suitable (sort of) for public consumption! hope you get a lot of candy (and if not, steal it from you boy :P)

Happy Halloween, you all! A bit late for merfilly Halloween challenge, but here it goes.

Fandom: DCU, D&D
Rating: G?
Pairing: Batman/Superman, Jason Blood
Summary: Bruce turns into a panther (sort of). For justice. Clark really hates magic.
Started on October 7th 2006 at 10:30 pm
Finished on October 15 2006 2:25 am

Dark Ride

Dusk painted the city in a crimson light, the sharp edges of the buildings reflecting it, turning the whole city into a faceted jewel gleaming under the sun. Superman looked down at his city, the clean lines, the daring architecture, the hopeful skyline that reached for the sky like the people living in it reached for the future.

His city needed help. Superman knew that there were layers of darkness in Metropolis, places where the sunlight barely reached; but even on the darkest day, his city still found a way to reflect that light into the most recondite of places. It was what set it apart from the other thriving urban communities. But lately, he felt as if something was lurking in the alleys, something dark and consuming. He couldn’t find anything conclusive, but he had this feeling, like a snake coiling in his stomach…

And you just didn’t shrug off a hunch like that on Halloween.

Clark wasn’t a superstitious man. October the 31st was just like any other day, for the most part. Metropolis had a smaller percentage of crazies running around it in costume, unlike Gotham where Halloween was a very busy night. He hadn’t thought Batman would be able to make it, but he had said he would be there at dusk, and Batman was a man of his word.

Superman was listening for the sound of a grappling line being released and the slow thrum of his friend’s heartbeat approaching. When he finally heard the sound come from behind him, he smiled. When he heard two heartbeats instead of one, he turned around confused.

Batman landed on the rooftop, his cape hugging his frame like a layer of protection from the fading sunlight. Clark noticed the cape wasn’t the only one hugging his partner and he frowned.

Jason Blood disentangled himself from the Bat and nodded towards Superman. The amused smirk on the magician’s face made Clark’s frown deepen.

“Are you ready to go trick or treating, Superman? I heard that you have a monster problem.” Jason’s crimson eyes shone like fire under the dusk light. The mirth in his expression made him appear even stranger than usual.

“Jason Blood. I didn’t know I had a monster problem, but if you’re here, I guess I do,” Superman said and immediately regretted making the barbed comment. There was something about the man that brought out the worst in people. He stared straight ahead at Batman, who was looking at him with his arms crossed and his head tilted to one side. Clark gave him an apologetic look and rubbed his forehead, closing his eyes as he tried to prepare himself for whatever the night had in store for them. “I’m glad you could make it, B. You have any insight on what is going on tonight?”

Batman nodded. “When you said you couldn’t detect whatever it is with your senses, I suspected magic. I remembered something I’d read from a reference file in the JSA database; the Shade’s powers are undetectable through conventional methods-even your powers, they rely on the laws of physics and scientific principles. I thought it didn’t hurt to bring along someone who knew his way around the dark arts.”

“I hate magic,” Clark said with a long suffering tone.

“People always fear what they don’t understand,” Jason said, taking off his jacket and rolling up his sleeves. “Magic, you see, is a force of nature. It’s the exception of the rules, a way to ‘cheat’ logic and physical laws. But it always has a price. Your city,” Jason opened his arms, and gestured to encompass the whole city around him, “it’s unnaturally bright. White magic touched its soil a long time ago, a prayer to Gaia for better crops and fertility. But the city has grown, demanding more and more energy. Whoever did the first blessing was strong and the spell remains. It should be harmless, as all white magic is; the price should not be more than a prayer, a gesture of gratitude to the Earth. Perhaps the gesture has not been given for quite some time, and a balance of energy is now required.”

“What does that mean? What kind of balance?”

“White magic gave your city light, and nothing was given back to Earth in return. Earth is demanding light back, and as a result a breech to the Shadow realm has opened.” The magician’s skin glowed crimson, and a series of red markings appeared on his arms as he moved around the rooftop, feeling energy fields that they couldn’t see. “Batman guessed right. This Shade fellow is a shadow magic caster, a wielder of the darkness that is naturally seeping into the city. Shadow magic is not black magic, though. It isn’t trying to destroy your city, it’s only trying to find balance.”

“What will it do to achieve it?” Batman asked, leaning back on a low wall. Jason turned to him, tilting his head and smiling. A shiver went down Clark’s spine. He didn’t know who was creepier, the magician or the demon he hosted.

“Basically, it will steal energy. Depending on how overdue the payment is, it could make people tired for a couple of weeks, make the city look gray and downcast, or it could drain everyone to the point of death, accelerating the processes of decay and destruction. In the worst case scenario, it could bring the city to ruins.”

The sun had set, and the air was cooling down around them. The city lights were already on, and the night was filled with the sounds of people going back to their homes, heading to restaurants and cafes, people walking around, cars running in every direction. Metropolis’ night was full of life. Superman fought away a wave of unease.

“Okay, so the shadows might try to smother out the city. What do we do to prevent it?”

“Remember to give thanks to Gaia for your blessings next year.”

Clark gritted his teeth. “Next year? How is that going to prevent it from happening this year?”

“There is no preventing it this year. You have already felt it happening, the snake coiling to attack. It’s been over a week since it started.”

Clark wasn’t sure if it was the accent. Maybe it was the attitude, the absolute disregard for people’s safety that seemed to ooze from the man. But maybe, just maybe, it was the damn accent that made it seem like the destruction of his city was of no more consequence than a chipped piece of china.

Batman seemed to notice the way Superman’s muscles tensed, and interceded. “Jason. Tonight is a big night for magic. Is there any way to restitute Gaia to prevent the worst of the consequences?” Clark had no idea how Bruce dealt with Jason. He didn’t know if his natural dislike for the magician was mutual or if Jason went through the extra effort to bother him. The magician surely didn’t seem to skirt around the Dark Knight’s question like he had with Clark’s.

“There might be a way, but…” Jason looked sideways at Superman, then back at Batman. “Well, you two are the World’s Finest, after all. I’m sure you can handle this with a little help.” Jason walked towards Batman, tugging at the cowl and unmasking him. Bruce didn’t put up any resistance and that was one of the things that made Clark’s skin crawl. Bruce was always so complacent around Jason, it made Clark wonder if the magician hadn’t put some kind of charm on him. But no, the Big Bad Bat just stood there, unflinching. It was unnerving.

With his hand still tucked around Bruce’s neck, Jason turned around to look at Superman. “You’re a sun battery. You might be able to feed the shadow realm its quota, but it’s a dangerous bargain. It could consume you entirely and still hunger for more.”

“I’ll do it,” Clark said, his voice unwavering.

“Of course you’ll do it.” Jason smiled and turned back to Bruce.

“You’ll need a vessel, a shadow creature to lead your way.” Bruce’s eyes narrowed and Clark realized that Jason was still addressing him. A soft glow settled over Bruce’s form, holding him still. Clark lurched forward.

“Jason, don’t you dare…” Bruce growled through gritted teeth. Immobilized, his eyes were shooting daggers in the magician’s direction.

“You will be fine, Dark Knight. It’s in your nature,” Jason said softly as he stepped back.

Clark grabbed Jason’s arm forcibly. “Stop it. Whatever you’re doing, stop it.”

“You said you would go to the shadow realm. You’ll need a guide.”

“He didn’t agree to this,” Clark growled. If he thought it would do any good, he would knock the magician out, but the field around Bruce was glowing brighter with every passing second.

“But he did, Superman,” Jason said with a wry smile on his lips. “On our way here, I asked him how far he would go to help you. Do you want to know what he said?”

Clark turned towards Bruce, who was avoiding his gaze. The bright aura around him made him look like a magnificent creature of the night, his eyes blazing with flames of blue.

Jason chuckled. “He would do anything. Anything. He didn’t say so in so many words, but if you could see the things I see…” Jason turned to look at the unmasked vigilante, an appreciative look in his eyes. “Perhaps it’s a good thing you can’t.”

“You’re going to pay for this, Jason,” Bruce muttered.

Jason unbuttoned his shirt, and discarded it carefully next to his jacket, ignoring Bruce’s threat. “It wouldn’t do to ruin a perfectly good suit over a spell,” the magician said in answer to Clark’s questioning look. The redhead stood facing Bruce, a look of deep concentration overtaking his features. The red markings on his skin glowed and Clark could feel the waves of heat coming from him.

Timeless and still,
A shadow’s thrill.
The Darkness’ keeper,
Wakes acolyte sleeper.

Transmogrify this mortal man
To beast with claw and paw for hand.

Bruce’s body jerked and stretched taut, his eyes flooded with light. Clark’s heartbeat rushed madly as he saw his partner shake with the waves of energy running through him. Clark could hear Jason’s labored breathing perfectly, but Bruce’s voice was completely muted, like he wasn’t really there. The light grew unbearably bright for a second, blurring Bruce’s silhouette entirely, and Clark felt his heart stop. Bruce was gone.

The light was quickly funneled inside out, a strange phenomenon bending reality into something else, and the bright blue light was replaced by what Clark could only describe as bright blue darkness. It was strange, and it made the Kryptonian’s head hurt, but it was soon over as a reverse shock wave coalesced in the spot where Bruce had been.

The night fell unnaturally still, and Clark swallowed and opened his jaw wide to get rid of the pressure on his ears. Slowly, sound crept back in around them, first the cars down below, then the sound of the night breeze, Jason’s ragged breathing and quick heartbeat and then… an absence of sound that was like a negative heartbeat. It made Clark’s skin crawl. A deep rumble that resonated inside his chest made him snap out of the shock.

“What… what did you do to him?” Clark’s throat was dry and it tasted like electricity. There was magic in the air.

“He will lead us to the shadow realm. I will serve as a counter weight for your positive energy, but you’re going to need protection. He will do.”

Clark looked into the shadows, narrowing his eyes. The more he tried to see the creature -Bruce, not a creature, Bruce- the more he couldn’t see anything but shimmering shadows. He took a step forward, but Jason’s hand in his chest stayed him. “Wait for him.”

Clark noticed that if he looked at the spot sideways, he could see a huge coiled mass sitting there. He couldn’t make out the details -it didn’t show up in any spectrum of his vision, but he could almost see it, like a shift of density in the darkness.

Fixated as he was on the spot of darkness, he was surprised by the huge cat rubbing against his midsection. Clark swallowed, looking at the bluish black feline -it was at least 10 feet long and 4 feet tall, its head level with Clark’s chest. He looked towards the patch of darkness he had been staring at, and saw the silhouette slowly dissipating. Tentatively, he petted the cat’s head, reveling in the silky, almost liquid nature of its mane. He scratched the beast behind the ears and down the shoulders to the place where a pair of furred tentacles started. The loud purr -more of a growl, really, a friendly growl- reverberated all through his body. “…Bruce?”

“He can’t understand you. This vessel is a native to the shadow realm, but it will respond to Bruce’s most basic instincts. All his higher brain functions remain asleep while his primal nature gives will to the beast.” Jason walked towards the beast and stroked the powerful flank. Clark noticed the cat had six legs, and that the tentacles ended in spiked club-like appendages, but it failed to surprise him. It was simply too bizarre.

Bruce walked around Jason. Clark could still see him standing next to him like a mirage while the big feline nuzzled Jason, growling softly. He felt a sudden pang of anger at the evidence that Bruce trusted Jason on the most basic of levels, even though he had just been charmed against his will.

“What is he supposed to do?” Clark asked, trying to keep his voice level despite the muted quality of the air around them.

Jason stroked the powerful throat, bringing the beast’s face up towards him. The growl subsided, and bright blue eyes seemed to stare right into the magician’s soul. “He will open a passage to the shadow realm and carry you to the point of the fracture.” He smiled derisively at Clark. “He’s also a nine hundred pound feline, which is dangerous enough.”

Clark crouched down and opened his arms to beckon Bruce, intent on proving Jason’s last statement wrong. He approached Clark gracefully and rubbed his flanks against the Kryptonian, growling loudly. He finally settled in front of Clark’s crouch, his head next to the S symbol while Clark threw an arm possessively around his massive neck. “What now?”

Jason arched an eyebrow at the duo, clearly amused by Clark’s antics. “Now, you ask him to take us there. But first,” he paused, unbuckling his belt as he began to shamelessly undress, “we have to call upon your balance.”

Clark made an effort to look away so his gaze wouldn’t wander to the planes of marked flesh, pale under the moonlight. Bruce’s tail was sweeping around lazily, and he seemed to have no qualms about staring at the naked magician. Clark wondered if the nudity was truly necessary, and decided to ask Bruce about that later.

“The shadow realms are about balance, a midpoint between positive and negative, light and darkness. Bruce shall be your guide, you will be the positive and the demon will be the negative. Do not get on his bad side, for he has no reason to help you.”

With a grim look, Jason waited for Clark to nod in agreement. If there was no love lost between Clark and Jason, there was definitely even less between Clark and Etrigan. Both entities were usually handled by Bruce, who was presently attempting to lick Clark’s fingers.

“Gone, gone, the form of man
and rise the demon, Etrigan.”

Jason turned into the demon in an explosion of fumes, filling the night air with the smell of sulfur. Bruce remained still until the smoke dissipated, then extricated himself from Clark’s hold, walking towards the demon.

Etrigan looked at him intently before roaring in laughter.

“Your Dark Knight, it would seem,
Ranks quite high in Blood’s esteem.
Changed he his cape and cowl and leather
For feline’s grace in downcast weather?

Clark took a deep breath. “Yes, Jason said I would need him to guide me through the shadow realm. We should get going.”

Clark stared in horror as Etrigan mounted Bruce as if he were nothing more than a horse. He rushed to their side, pushing the demon off. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Clark stood next to the prone figure of the demon, staring down at him with fire in his eyes. He took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down, and looked around for Bruce. He had run away from Clark’s sudden movements, and was now prowling within a safe distance.

The beast be your guide
Through shadow and dark,
if ye not be astride
how else meet your mark?

Clark glared at the demon, and reluctantly offered him a hand up. “We’re not going to ride Bruce. We’re just not.”

If the beast ye will not ride,
Damned be the city for yer pride.
I care not if we stay here,
The screams of man will bring me cheer.

Clark walked slowly towards the feline, beckoning. Bruce sat down on his hind legs, waiting for Clark. His bright blue eyes shone like stars in the dark, and Clark tripped twice trying to reach him. The third time, his hand didn’t go through the illusion -much to Etrigan’s amusement- but found a handful of fur. He petted Bruce and sighed. “Does he have to rhyme all the time?” The empty eyes looking at him didn’t offer much solace, but Clark was pretty sure he preferred the elusive cat to the rhyming demon. Bruce licked his nose with a bright pink tongue, absently cleaning his muzzle. “Come on, Bruce, take us to the shadow planes.”

The feline stood up and circled Clark, like he expected him to get on for the ride. “No, no. Just lead the way. We’ll walk,” Clark said, refusing to think about mounting the beast that was his best friend to ride to another dimension. It was simply… no.

Bruce walked in circles around them, and then started a quick trot. Etrigan walked to stand closer to Clark.

I think ye be in for quite a surprise,
So grab on tightly for that might be wise.

Clark glanced at the demon, wondering what was he talking about, when he was slammed into by nine hundred pounds of magical creature as Bruce forced him onto his back. Clark grabbed on to the fur tightly, feeling Etrigan’s claws dig at his waist. Bruce ran directly into the darkest corners of the rooftop, and Clark couldn’t help closing his eyes as he jumped into the void.

When he opened his eyes, Clark felt sick. The sounds of the city below them had disappeared; there was nothing but an eerie silence surrounding them. His skin prickled and he felt like his eyes were trying to roll back into his skull.

Etrigan dismounted Bruce, looking around.

Return again I to this mystical plane,
and go just as quickly if I have my way.
Here it be filled with things nasty and vile
and can not compare to Metropolis’ bay.

Clark felt too nauseous to dismount yet. He burrowed his face in Bruce’s mane, trying to get his bearings. “I might have to agree with you on the quality of the surroundings,” Clark muttered.

Come here little pretty, hold onto my hand
To close magic’s circuit and not fade beforehand.

Etrigan smiled mockingly at him, and laughed when Clark extended a shaky hand to grab the offered claw. The second he touched the demon a circuit closed, and he immediately felt better. He climbed down, keeping a hand on the Bruce’s back.

Keep an eye on the beast
Don’t let him far stray,
Or here on this plane
We might have to stay.

“I know, I know. Kitty on one hand, demon on the other. Which way to Oz now?”

Bruce started walking, startling Clark. He seemed to know his way through the gray landscape, and skirted through the shadow formations and side paths with graceful confidence. The silence wasn’t what Clark would call comfortable, but as the minutes passed, he began to relax.

They had been walking for over half an hour and he felt like the silence wasn’t really very polite. The demon was helping them, after all, and Jason had told him to stay on his good side. Clark wasn’t sure what qualified as polite small talk with a Prince of Hell, but there were things he could ask Etrigan. He cleared his throat and tried to sound casual. “You have been here before?”

The demon nodded.

The blame for that I will impart
on Jason Blood, love’s bitch indeed.
Soft heart drew him to dame in peril,
And stranded us both, for lack of steed.

“Ah,” Clark bit his lip. “I thought you needed a guide to come to the shadow realm.”

If ye wish a swift reprieve,
Then a guide have you of need.
But if here ye choose to linger,
Let him go and life ye’ll cede.

“Did this place make you sick? Or did you and Jason balance each other out?”

The demon laughed.

Jason. I. Achieving balance?
Are ye dense or just deranged?
In truth the cause was not dramatic,
Weak was he, and so we changed.

Clark snorted, and Etrigan smiled a toothy smile at him. Clark had to admit that at least Etrigan was less gloomy than Jason. Maybe it was because you expected a demon to be spooky, so you were ready to put up with the creepy rhyming. With Jason you could only see a regular man, when in truth Jason wasn’t a regular man at all.

“I’ve always wondered why you get along with Batman. I thought you and Jason didn’t agree on anything.”

For Jason Blood I will not speak,
Our reasons are like light and dark.
But darkness dwells within his soul,
And though not much it leaves a mark.
Appeal that taint does it to me,
To see what evil it will spark.

Clark frowned. “You keep your attentions away from him.”. Etrigan shrugged, noncommittal. He didn’t seem willing to share any of his plans for Bruce, and Clark was grateful for that. The way Jason looked at Bruce sometimes… Clark didn’t want to know what amounted to demonic lust.

Bruce suddenly stopped in his tracks, adopting a posture of attack. Two pairs of hind legs tensed, ready to jump, and the friendly almost-purring growl grew dangerous. A group of shadowy dogs came from the bleak surroundings, cutting off their path.

Clark turned to Etrigan. “What now?”

Together must we launch attack,
At demon beasts just out of reach.
If not as one we bring them down,
Then energy from us they’ll leech.

Clark’s hold on the demon’s claw tightened as he saw Bruce spring forward. He growled loudly and shimmered in the gray light, his powerful paws landing hard blows on the black dogs. The dogs blinked in an out of view, trying to close their unnatural jaws on the feline’s throat.

Worry ye not, for he’ll take them down.
Soldier that he is, this fight will be fast.
The prey is most weak and he is quite strong,
So loosen thy grip, before I need a cast.

Even though Etrigan wasn’t the most reassuring creature in the world, Clark found himself trusting the demon. The battle was fierce, but it was obvious that even though Bruce was outnumbered, he was in no way overpowered. The deadly grace of the man was mirrored by feline form: the massive body turned, feinted, lurched and attacked seamlessly, each movement flowing after the other without hesitation. When Jason had said that Bruce had it in his nature, Clark hadn’t thought it was true.

The pack of dogs blinked out a last time and retreated. The beast walked back towards his companions, and Clark laid a hand over his head gently. There were scratches on his flanks and neck, dark blood slowly dampening the mane, but nothing serious. Clark touched the blood carefully, spreading it on his fingertips, thinking of the many battle wounds the man had survived. Bruce nudged his hand, reaching out to lick the blood out off of Clark’s fingers. The raspy tongue tickled him, and he smiled. “Let’s get this over with, B. You’re starting to worry me.”

Bruce trotted off, and Clark and Etrigan hurried behind him. On either side of them, the big formations of rock that had populated their path began to deteriorate, crumbling into the path. Running hand in hand, the debris was making their advance very difficult, and Bruce disappeared from their field of view.

“Where did he go?”

“There.” Etrigan pointed towards a bright crack in the otherwise gray sky.

They walked towards the light, noting the change in the landscape. The closer they got to the fracture, the more real everything seemed to get, faint shades of color brightening the dull surroundings.

In the middle of the clearing, Bruce was waiting for them. “We have to close the rupture, right? How?” Clark asked the demon.

Up, up, and away ye must go,
Into the center of yonder hole.
Suck as it will yer energy pure,
once it is sated, yer city be whole.

Clark nodded. A mild wind swept through the clearing, breaking the stillness of the landscape, his cape flapped slowly behind him, a flag of crimson, sharp and bright in the middle of nowhere. He let go of Etrigan’s hand and felt a wave of nausea overcome him. He took a couple of steps towards the light and his vision blurred. He felt heavy and staggered, unable to take off to the sky. Clark fought the incapacitating weakness, and reached out to maintain his balance. His hands found purchase on cool silk, and he grabbed on tightly.

“I hate magic, I really do,” he croaked, hunching over Bruce.

Bruce took his weight and crouched, all his muscles tight in a moment of stillness.

“Oh god, don’t jump, Bruce, don’t jump…”

Bruce jumped, throwing Clark into the air. Clark let go of him, taking to the sky with the momentum of the jump, flying straight into the light. As he got closer, he started feeling better, less sick, less heavy, until he was floating in a warm, golden light. Everything below him faded away, and with the euphoria that overtook him came a sense of calm and peace he remembered experiencing before.

He had been vessel to Gaia’s will once before and it had felt exactly like this, like a cradle made with the softest feathers, a lazy afternoon in the farm, laying in the tall grass, looking at the sky…

Clark hadn’t realized how tired he was, but now he couldn’t keep his eyes open. He felt so good, the shadow dimension was no longer affecting him -he didn’t feel sick anymore. He fell asleep.


Clark opened his eyes, his vision hazy. He felt depleted, even though he felt as if he had slept for a whole week. He shivered and closed his eyes again, huddling closer to the source of heat behind him.

“You’re awake, good. I really didn’t want to stay here all night. Places to go, people to see, I’m sure you understand.”

Clark tried to keep his eyes open long enough to locate the source of the voice. He spotted the magician as he finished buttoning the cuffs of his shirt. Clark swallowed, his throat dry.

“How long,” he cleared his throat. “How long was I out?”

“Not very long. Fifteen minutes, perhaps.”

Clark felt a sudden pang of worry. “Where’s Bruce?” He asked, sitting up.

“Right behind you,” Jason said, raising an eyebrow.

Clark turned, meeting feline bright blue eyes. “Why is he still a cat?” Clark asked. “I have had enough of magic for the night.”

“Well, I didn’t want to wake you up, and you were nestled beside him. I couldn’t very well bring him back with you in the way.” Jason was smiling to himself, looking smug.

“You keep smiling; he’s going to be majorly pissed off at you when you change him back,” Clark grumbled.

“Maybe. But I won’t be here when he comes to himself, and contrary to common belief, Bruce is not a vengeful man. At least not where I am concerned.” Jason offered Clark a hand, helping him stand up. As Clark was lifted from the floor, the low rumble of a growl filled the air again.

“What do you mean you won’t be here? Aren’t you going to bring him back?”

“Of course I will. But it’s been a tiring night for all involved. You just might have an unexpected guest tonight.”

Clark mouth was a thin line, his jaw set. He hoped that Jason wasn’t referring to himself as the night’s unexpected guest because there was only so much of the man Clark could take in a night, and his tolerance for him had been worn down by having to walk around hand in hand with Etrigan.

Bruce sat up, looking at both of them with eyes filled with curiosity, burning like flames of blue in the night. Jason took a step forward, and chanted.

Fleeting and moving,
with shadow’s removing.
The Darkness’ keeper,
Sleep acolyte deeper.

Transmogrify from fang and fur,
Let flesh and bone do you defer.

The body of the beast shone brightly for a couple of seconds, silence once again filling the night. A dazzling shock wave tore through the roof, blinding them both.

The silence dissipated gradually. Clark could taste the magic in his mouth as he reached out to stabilize the redhead.

“A long night indeed, and it’s not even midnight,” Jason whispered.

Clark smiled at him. “Magic kind of sucks, doesn’t it?”

“You have no idea,” Jason answered, a wry smile on his lips.

They both approached the Dark Knight’s naked prone form. Clark crouched next to him, detaching his own cape from his shoulders and wrapping his friend up in it

“He’s going to be pissed, Jason. Majorly pissed.”

“I would suggest you use a toga-style wrap instead of simply wrapping the cape around him. A toga is much more dignified,” Jason pointed out, rearranging the red cape.

“Toga or wrap, that’s not going to help you when he wakes up.”

“I’ll make a point to apologize later.”

“I’m too tired to fly. We’re going to have to carry him to my apartment wrapped in a red toga. I don’t think you can apologize enough.” Clark had never felt quite so comfortable with the magician. It could be the prospect of Bruce lashing out at the ever-so composed man the way he lashed at everyone else…

“I might be avoiding Gotham for a while.”

…or it could be that Jason seemed just as tired and mortified and pleased as Clark would have expected anyone to be in their current situation. It was a bizarre, definitely not commonplace situation, but the bizarre and the magician seemed to go hand in hand.

Clark gave the toga a few last minute touches, and threw one of Bruce’s arms around his shoulders, leaving the redhead to take the other one. They managed to get themselves down to the alley of the building they had been on top of, and started walking towards Clark’s building.

Clark was happy he lived so close by. His eyelids felt heavy, and he craved nothing more than his bed. He was also happy that it was Halloween. As cosmopolitan as Metropolis was, there was no way that a man in a suit, a man in a red toga and a cape-less Superman could walk around unnoticed on any other night. As it was, they walked past a couple of Supermen on their way to Clark’s apartment.

Besides, no one expected Superman to walk on the sidewalks; who would choose walking when they could fly?

“Jason, I need to ask you something,” Clark said as they got closer to his building.

“Go ahead.”

“Is the nudity really necessary?”

Jason chuckled, shaking his head. He had a nice laugh, Clark noticed. Slightly psychotic, but nice. “I’m sure you’ll find a way to deal with it.”

They reached his building’s door, and Clark picked up Bruce’s sleeping form up. “Would you like to come in?” The Kryptonian surprised himself by not feeling obligated. At some point between the rooftop and his apartment, he had found that Jason Blood’s company wasn’t all that taxing. Or perhaps he was so tired he was beyond being taxed.

“No, thank you. I’m knackered, but the night is still young. As I said, places to go, people to see.”

Clark nodded. “Have a good night, then. Eh… happy hunting.”

Jason raised an eyebrow, his smile suggestive. “Likewise.”

Clark watched his figure walk into night, sighing to himself. Jason freaked him out, there was no way around that. He walked towards the elevator, and got them into his apartment.

He didn’t bother to turn the lights on. He checked the kitchen’s clock in passing, giving it an appalled look when he noticed it wasn’t even eleven. He shuffled his feet along the apartment’s wooden floors, heading towards his bedroom.

He laid his partner on one side of the bed, and sat down next to him. He turned the tableside lamp on to check on the ragged cuts that Bruce sported on his neck and sides. “I hope you won’t remember anything. I really didn’t mean to ride you,” Clark whispered, then started to blush madly as he noticed his choice of words. “You know what, let’s just never speak of this ever again, okay?” he said as he got up and headed for the bathroom.


Clark walked out of the bathroom and stared at the prone form on his bed. The warm light of the lamp made Bruce look a little less pale. That, and the red cape. Surely the red cape had something to do with that. “You’re awake.”


“You are.”

“I’m dead.”

Clark smiled, and retrieved a bottle of alcohol and a bag of cotton balls from the first aid kit. He walked back to the bedside and sat down, dabbing a cotton ball in alcohol. “Stay still.”

Bruce opened a tired eye. “Is that alcohol? You… you don’t actually have a first aid kit.”

Clark shifted his weight uncomfortably. “I don’t usually get hurt.”

Bruce reached out to his belt to retrieve something, his hands lingering on the sleek material of his make-shift toga. “…why am I naked?”

“I didn’t dare to ask Jason.”

Bruce took a deep breath. “So…you rode me. And I’m naked. I think this needs further explanation.”

“You agreed to never talk about it again,” Clark said, cleaning a set of wounds on his partner’s neck.


The Kryptonian sighed. “Do you want the long explanation, or the short one?”

“The long one.”

“You got turned into a… large cat with tentacles and you carried us to another dimension, leading us to a dimensional flaw while I held Etrigan’s hand. I had to fly into the light, and had a lot of energy sucked from my soul, and you brought us back. Then reversed the spell on you, and for some reason you were naked. So I turned my cape into a Superman toga to cover you up with and we carried you to my place.”

Bruce stared at him in disbelief. “…what’s the short one?”

“We hate magic.”


Clark finished cleaning the wounds, and put away the supplies. He smiled at his friend. “You look terrible.”

“Red doesn’t suit me,” Bruce joked, fingering the red cape. “But I’m not getting up, you realize.”

Clark chuckled. “I know. Thanks for coming.”

Bruce shrugged.

“I mean it. I wouldn’t have made it without you. This way, it was just… a very bizarre night, but no apocalypse tearing Metropolis down.”

Bruce gave him a small smile in return. “Anytime.”

Clark squeezed his shoulder and got up, heading back to the bathroom. He came back a bit cleaner -he hadn’t been exactly dirty, but the feel and taste of magic had lingered on him- and wearing a flannel shirt and slacks. Bruce looked like he’d gone back asleep. Clark walked to the other side of the bed and sat down.

“You have pants. That’s not fair.”

Clark laughed. “Stop pretending to be asleep, you ass.”

Clark opened one of the dresser drawers and handed Bruce a clean pair of slacks.

Bruce grabbed the slacks and sat up, staring at the yellows S on his chest and the way the cape draped around his body. “I’m going to kill Jason,” he murmured as he headed to the bathroom, more to himself than to Clark, but Clark couldn’t help to snicker.

By the time Bruce returned to the bed wearing the slacks, Clark was drifting off to sleep. Bruce turned off the light and pulled back the covers, sliding into the bed.

Clark was swimming in light, staring at the summer sky, lying down on the tall grass. By all accounts, he should have been content. He shivered. He woke up as he was rocked slightly. “Mmwhat?”

“You’re cold,” Bruce whispered, alarmed.

“I know.”

“You’re never cold.”

Clark opened his eyes. Bruce was staring at him intently, winter blue eyes reflecting the city lights. “I’m tired.”

Bruce nodded, and maneuvered him under the bed sheets. He stood up and left the room. Clark shivered again, slowly drifting back to sleep. He didn’t feel cold often, and it made him very uncomfortable, but he was tired enough to not care. Bruce returned and laid extra covers over him, tucking him in.

“Stop fussing,” Clark muttered.

Bruce stayed by his side for a moment, then slid back into bed next to him. Bruce was warm. He grabbed Clark’s hands and held them between his own. “You’re shivering.”

Clark wondered just how worried Bruce was about him that he was repeating himself. Another shiver tore through him. “You’re warm.”

Bruce pulled Clark closer, nestling the shivering Kryptonian in his arms and tucking the covers tightly around them. “I really hate magic,” he whispered.

Clark didn’t bother to answer him, his flannel clad back against the warm chest of his friend. He shivered again, and huddled towards the warm body behind his. He was back on the field of tall grass, staring at the clear sky. The golden light was gone, it had been replaced by a warm summer night.

Clark slept.

superman, jason blood, fic, batman, pre-slash

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