The Howell Legacy: Gen 1.1

Aug 17, 2013 01:35

Previous updates: 1.0

Welcome back to The Howell Legacy!

I've managed to keep this update roughly the same length as the first, but some pictures are a little jumbled due to nothing really happening in between events. So, sorry about that! Otherwise, enjoy.

Previously, in The Howell Legacy...

Paisley Howell met her dreamboat, Robin at the local sports park, then he turned into a werewolf in the middle of a date but Paisley didn't seem to care so she asked him to move in the next morning and he accepted.

In short: Paisley. Hooked. Up.

Meet the Founder spouse, Robin. Here's a lowdown of his personality:

Sloppy (0)
Outgoing (10)
Active (10)
Playful (10)
Grouchy (0)
+Brown Hair, Great Cook

As you can see, his LTW is no more interesting than Paisley's as he wants to become a/the city planner. Luckily, he is already about 3 or 4 promotions into the Architect career as it is.

After Robin moved in, Paisley spent the rest of the morning in her cutesie indoor garden before heading out to work.

...where she was promoted!

And so was Robin! That leaves 5 promotions to go for Paisley, and 5 for Robin. I'm half way to completing the challenge I set myself for this generation.

Which was, for those who have forgotten, to complete the LTWs of both the Founder and their spouse before they die.

That night, Robin set about asking his true love the most important question of their life...

Aww, I do love surprise engagements! The expressions are just too cute for words. Paisley of course eagerly accepted.

And they married almost immediately afterwards, on the rooftop of their underground house which I love so much and wish I had.

Yeah, boi! The next morning Robin is promoted again, leaving 4 to go for him.

...and 4 for Paisley too! What a pair of worker bees.

Then she ran for the toilet straight after work for some (seriously) delayed morning sickness. You know what that means!

Why, it means it's firefly-catching time of course!

Or not.

Paisley popped first thing in the morning and Robin couldn't have been happier.

Being the architect, Robin is naturally the best painter of the two, so he'll be making any Founder/family portraits that I command him to. Mwuh ha ha.

He's also the gardener now, apparently? Because Paisley is so fat I guess, Robin had to step up and tend the orchard tree she so desperately wanted. Irony.

But here comes the baby!

It's a girl! Her name is Addison and she has her parent's shared skintone and both her father's hair and eye colour. I hope the next baby has some Paisley in them, I'd like variety in this family please.

Cutest. Interaction. Ever.

The house was extended further for the arrival of baby Addison, and a nursery was built onto the side of the house.

This was connected by a small glass corridor. I plan on building a nice wee bridge over it later, but Robin the architect has yet to perfect his house blueprints.

Speaking of...

Feeling rather cocky after my last successful Chance Card, I made the fatal mistake of going with what my gut told me...

And Robin was demoted as a result. I'm afraid that puts us back up to 5 promotions, buddy.

Does he look bovverd? NO.

The first chance she gets, Paisley is out tending to her new orchard tree. After an awesome idea from the comments of the previous update, I'm planning on an indoor orchard of some kind once the family becomes a bit less poor.

Oh really? Why, what delicious concoction could you be making at this hour, Paisley? The last I saw you were still in--

...bed. Huh.


There isn't really much for a werewolf to do at night (after eating the entire contents of the fridge), so Robin mostly spends his time skilling.

And yelling at showers, it would seem. I love how angry were-Robin gets when he's trying to fix something. Really, he should just leave it to Paisley. She's the one with the Tinkering OTH.

Alright! We are now back on track with promotions and Robin once again has 4 to go.

Um... I'm not sure but, I mean, I could be wrong but, doesn't that defeat the purpose Robin?!

While on the topic of weirdos...

For those of you who don't remember, this is Posh Alfred from the previous update.

Now I don't know why, but sometimes friends of my Sims think they can just waltz into their home without being greeted and almost always go straight for the TV. Just make yourself comfortable, why don't you Alfred!

Okay. Too comfortable.

Moving on. Swiftly.

Guess who celebrated a birthday?

Here is toddler Addison in all her adorable cutesie glory! I can't really tell yet, but I think she is mostly Robin. We'll have to see if those ears turn out pointy - I've decided that pointy-eared children will inherit the werewolf gene from their father.

Why? I don't know, because pointy-eared children will make cool werewolves?

Robin and Paisley immediately get to work on their second child.

It seems Addison is nocturnal (nearly solidifying her chances of becoming a werewolf), and so most of her attention comes from Robin. They are already best friends.

I also noticed Paisley got fat. Not in my master plan, so I had her doing jump rope in the garden but to no avail.

Oh no Chance Card, you're not getting me this time!


Well, the joke's on you, Chance Card. Robin didn't even have any Charisma skill points.

Woo! 3 to go...

And look who's expecting again! She popped right after work.

I didn't actually know this interaction was in The Sims 2, but it's so cute! She looked like she had back ache afterwards... it was straight to bed! There's something so adorable about that nightie when she's pregnant.

Addison was starting to smell, so I had to build her a bathroom with a tub.

Huh. And it seems Robin's human temper is almost as bad as his were side's.

I should really buy them a new shower too...

Paisley finally grew a perfect crop of mouthwatering red tomatoes.

She was undecided about the tomato juice it produced though.

Thanks to a genius idea suggested to me in the previous update's comments, I kitted out the rooftop with several sprinklers. Hopefully this will deter Robin from watering the grass during rain showers.


I completely forgot about Addison's birthday by the way (actually, I thought it was the next day), so she never got to have a birthday party...

She did turn out great though! Like a mini-Robin, her ears are pointy, which means she will indeed inherit the werewolf gene.


Thanks for reading everybody!

howell legacy, thorndeep, the sims 2

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