The Howell Legacy: Gen 1.2

Aug 21, 2013 18:56

Previous updates: 1.0 | 1.1

In posting this update, I have officially "defeated my twin demons" and written further than any of my previous legacies! Woo! Rah! Celebratory cheering!

In order to mark this oh-so-special occasion, Paisley has decided to give birth right here and now to her second child. Aren't ya'll lucky?

But wait! We haven't done a recap of the previous update!

Previously, in The Howell Legacy...

Paisley and Robin got married on their rooftop, then had a baby girl called Addison who grew into a child and now Paisley is pregnant with a second.

And here she is! Another girl (sigh) named Rory.

Robin looks so happy.

Then it's straight back to work for Paisley it seems. You can't keep this girl away from her garden.

...unless of course it's to go to work. For someone near the top of her dream job, she doesn't look very happy to be leaving.

I wonder if it has anything to do with Robin being left alone with the kids...?

Luckily he doesn't have to worry about Addison. She is quite content with her obligatory lemonade stand that all children wish for. So innocent though.

I don't know why, but were-Robin seems to be able to handle parenting a lot better than his human form.

Even if he does carry his children in a very wobbly manner.

Rory is unfortunately black-haired like her sister (double sigh), but has her mother's brown eyes. At least they're not complete clones.

Babies are boring, but they do have cute buttony faces.

That leaves just 2 promotions to go!

Again, to remind everyone, the challenge I set myself for this generation is to complete the LTWs of both the Founder and their spouse before they die.

Paisley certainly is efficient; she's straight back to work just hours after giving birth, and now newly promoted and already working towards her next promotion. You go, girl!

What did you expect Addison? It was only your first day.

3 promotions to go for Robin.

I love this cute little interaction! I don't love it when children drop everything in order to do it.

Like her mother, Addison is a keen and efficient learner. I just wish she didn't leave her homework until the last minute.

It's somebody's birthday!

Little Rory! She looks more like Paisley than Robin, so I gave her his wee cheek mole for added cuteness. I can't wait to see if those ears turn out pointy - I'd like a werewolf heir please, the more the merrier!

I really do love these animal onesies!

Addison, looking much happier with her report this time.

Proud mum! Another child interaction I adore. Kids are too cute.

Looks like Rory wanted some attention of her own.

She's such a happy child...

Oops. I guess she really did need the attention.

Paisley was a bit preoccupied. That's right, baby number 3 is en route!

Everyone can't get enough of the gosh-darnit orchard tree! I'm going to have to make that indoor orchard sometime. I just have to.

Also, spot the ghost.

This means Robin has once again caught up to Paisley, and has 2 promotions left to go.

Rory was thrilled with the news.

Rory: "You're buying me what now?!"

Paisley popped, and spent the day teaching Rory to talk.

I think she really loves being a mummy. Can't get enough of this interaction people!

With all this maternity/paternity/parentalness going around, someone else was starting to feel a bit broody...

Addison? Yes, Addison! So she adopted a Womrat and was forced to name her gladly named her Matilda.

Enjoy these adorable sister bonding pics, because it's Rory's birthday again! (I know, right? Again?)

And I love her! Such a great mix of her parents. Choosing heir is going to be really tough, I might have to rely on a poll at this rate.

Also, the bear ate her feet.

The girls get on better than ever. I love how unrealistic relationships are in The Sims.

In preparation for the next baby, I built a smaller nursery (which I then couldn't get a decent enough picture of) and converted the old one into a nice room for Addison and Rory.

And they got a new fish. Called Klaus.

Who they ignore.

Just because he's a floating inanimate object...

Hug it fondly if you must Paisley, but you can't stop it from coming out.

Stop acting like you were the one to give birth to her, Robin.

That's right - another girl (le sigh x 3), and she's actually using the Danglemaster I bought when Addison was born (but was never used until right now). Her name is Laurel, and she's the first to have Paisley's brown hair!

With five under one roof and one of which being a newborn baby, some help was desperately needed.

What was Paisley up to you ask, that she couldn't care for her own family?

Gardening. Duh.

And she grew another mouth watering batch of something! Peppers this time. Yummy yum yum yum.

Wait, this idiot got another promotion? Oh whatever. That leaves just 1 to go! Getting exciting!

While on the topic of exciting stuff... another birthday! And no, not Rory this time.

Nope, this time it was Addison's turn! I can't help but feel like she's inherited the beady-eye syndrome all of my in-game-born Sims possess. Still pretty though.

And useful now. Addison teaches Rory what it means to be a big sister.

Somehow I don't think she cares much.

I see Rory takes after her father a lot too.

A bit too much maybe?

Don't you have your own bed to do that on?

Oh for heaven's sake! Look what you've started, Robin!

Also, penguin.

Thanks for reading folks! Hope you enjoyed and as always, stay tuned for the possibility of more! More! More!

howell legacy, thorndeep, the sims 2

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