So, I've been sitting on Dichotomy for the last few weeks, feeling nothing but guilt about not working on it but being unable to muster the enthusiasm to do so.
Which got me thinking about my writing, fanfic, and fandom in general.
Cut for wordiness. Explanations and apologies this way. )
Comments 14
Fingers crossed on the publishing part! I firmly believe that anyone is capable of writing and selling a novel if they just keep at it. Might come sooner for some than for others, but writing is a skill that can be honed through practice like any other. So it might be a while, but as long as I work hard I'll get there eventually.
On that note, I'm planning to start making the submission rounds this coming summer, either with The Roughest Draft That Ever Was, or the one I'm going to be starting here in a few days, depending on what looks more likely in the end. Expect gratuitous flailing as the the rejections come in. ;)
For my part, I can give you a heartfelt "thank you!" for the great fic you shared with us, and look forward to seeing your writing for years to come. I'm really glad we met (so to speak XD)!
Good luck!
Here's hoping in a few years I'll have awesome books to share instead. :)
Totally understand the reasons why, even if a slightly selfish part of me is whining about no more "Best I Ever Had". I keep telling it to shut up and to go find where my muse is hiding...
Thanks for sharing the fanfic you wrote, and I'm looking forward to what's coming!
Hopefully though, I'll have books to share instead of fic a few years down the line! *fingers crossed*
Secondly, I want you to know that while I found your writing through FMA, I don't enjoy it as much as I do because it's from that preexisting universe, but because it it is your writing. I agree that you have talent and skill, and I would very much like to see where that is going to go. So, thank you for the ( ... )
Man, I had some really neat ideas for Best I Ever Had, too. Neat enough that I'm wondering if I can work them into something original down the road. Not the whole thing; I don't think it's good enough to pass muster on its own merits, but that underground city had some really cool stuff that I'd still like to play with if I can. XD
Also, it's really nice to hear that. I'm always spending so much time worrying about not writing enough that it never even occurred to me that in that grand scheme of things, I've actually written quite a bit. So thanks for that!
And I can always use another set of eyes! So don't be surprised if I take you up on that. The tentative plan is to have something ready for submission come July, so I'd like to have the first draft done within the next three or four months or so to give me plenty of time for revisions. :)
Would that I were one of the amazing super-productive types that could juggle both no prob, but no such luck. XD
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