Title: The 10 Myths of Matsumoto Jun
Rating: G to PG-13
Pairings: Jun-centric (Some Aibajun and Matsumiya)
Genre: Fluff
Disclaimer: Johnny's owns my wallet, my life and Arashi.
Beta: The awesome
resolute_reader who even in her sickness beta'd this for me! You dork! ♥ ♥ And no matter what she says, she's super awesome!
Notes: Prompt no. 3 from
Matsu-thon at resolute_reader's LJ. Please do read and comment and all criticism is welcomed!
(1) Jun is OCD
A piece of tape in the corner of the studio will bug him throughout the entire thirty minutes of filming. A tiny smudge on the glass table will eat at him until he can reach over and casually wipe it off. Round objects being placed with square objects will throw off his entire routine.
That's why it is of no surprise to anybody that enters his apartment for the first time to find it immaculate and systematic. But secretly, Jun liked nothing better than coming home and finding Aiba in his messy kitchen, grinning and holding up what seems to be dinner.
(2) DoS Bancho
Jun had heard himself being described that way on numerous occasions. He was so used to it by now that he didn't bother correcting them. After all, if the public knew that in actuality he was the "M" to Nino's "S", they'd just freak out.
(3) Children
Anyone who has seen an episode of Mago Mago Arashi knows that Jun's irresistibility has no effect on children. And it is widely known that he as a slight disdain for children; they pooped, they yelled, they smacked him, and he isn't even allowed to retaliate.
So when Nino decided it would be a hilarious prank to announce to his lover that he wanted to adopt children, he was floored to find Jun agreeing. He was even more dismayed when he found himself being dragged to go baby furniture shopping.
(4) Contact
Everyone thought that Jun abhorred the idea of physical contact. But he didn't. It was the idea of being touched in public that he disliked. Private touching, however, was a different matter all together.
(5) In Control
Jun never lost control of things and he never placed himself in compromising situations. But that was before he found himself naked and withering on the floor of the staffroom, Nino pressing urgently against him. With barely enough time to calculate the amount of germs festering in the carpet, he found himself mid-orgasm and spilling over the edge.
No, Jun never lost control of things. Never.
(6) Herbal Tea and Other Remedies
There are only a few staples inside Jun's bag and Chinese medicinal herbs are certainly one of them. He keeps them in a clear plastic box, each contained properly in their own separate compartments. He claims they are good for your health and that they will cure your ailment.
What he doesn't tell you is that they taste like rough tree bark soaked in lukewarm water that's been left out for days. Which is also the reason why, when he's the one with the cold, it takes all of the other members of Arashi to force it down his throat.
(7) Jun Cares the Most About Arashi
His dedication and passion towards them was unrivaled and widely spoken of. He enjoys singing, acting and performing. Honestly, he loves his job. But every now and then Jun dreams of being a normal person.
Someone with a regular 9 to 5 job. Someone who has a monthly rail pass. A nobody, simply blending into the multitudes of raven haired Japanese men.
And sometimes he finds himself wishing it wasn't just a dream.
(8) Clothes
Yes, Jun is a fashionista. He doesn't wear the same shirt twice if he can help it. But being fashionable didn't mean that he only had the most trendy and up to date clothes sitting in his apartment.
In the bottom-most drawer of his wardrobe sat a pile of carefully folded clothes. A see-through rain jacket outfit with a pair of white hot pants, a large yellow smock-like vest with "Matsumoto Jun" written across it in bold black letters, even the red cowboy outfit lined with yellow glitter complete with the sparkling hat.
Jun outgrew those clothes years ago, and he hadn't worn them since he was sixteen or so. But, still, he kept each and every outfit from the year of Arashi's debut. And sometimes, late at night after a long day of work, he'll sift through them and smile; remembering just how far they had come since then.
(9) Elite
It is a wide known fact that there are three elites in Johnny's Entertainment, Matsumoto Jun being one of them. What Jun doesn't understand is why it's such a big deal.
He's not the best singer of the group that's Ohno; who is, in his opinion, one of the best in all of JE. He's not the best dancer, that's Ohno again. He's also not the best actor; that's got to be Nino, with the big Hollywood movie. He's not the smartest; especially when Sho is a Keio graduate and he barely finished high school. And he's not even the most likable; Aiba exudes happiness and spreads joy everywhere he goes. Matsumoto Jun is just pretty.
So each time someone mentions the word elite, like it's the best compliment possible, Jun can only force himself to smile while he is reminded of all his faults once more.
(10) Touch
If there had to be a signature "MatsuJun" move, it would be his head slap. A quick raise of his right arm followed sharply with his hand. Hard and fast, it happens, connecting loudly with its target.
His fans argue that it's a sign of his love and affection for his bandmates. His bandmates argue that it is in his nature as a sadistic bastard.
And if you ask the sadistic bastard, he'll tell you he does it because sometimes he just gets an urge to touch. For, while Nino gropes, Ohno kisses, Aiba hugs and Sho leans. This is the closest he'll ever get to physical contact with them. So a slap on the head doesn't mean "I love you" nor does it mean "You're an idiot" it simply means "Thank you for being here."